Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1677

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3018 INDEX. Measurea,Internat·ional Bureau. of Weuyhts and, Page Medical Department, Army—Continued. P¤S¢· Mappropriation for annual contributionu 341, 1031 officers lo9dM¢;dic2% 1`{eserve Corp? to have eats, · c it or a rmy service or retireduty on, extracts of, not specially provided 38 Med I §ent . 580 , 1348 for . ,.. wa useum rmy, fresh ,,,,.. - ..,,... 38 appropriation ’for preserving, etc., specifresh game, not birds- . 38 mens .. 259, 1054 prepargdfg preserved, not specially pro- 38 M iorlrpgpaus . 6 ... 1407 vi e or ..,_. . eserve orps, rmy, Meats in the Home, Eoouormbal Use of, retirement of officers at 70, after 40 years’ printing ordered of Farmers’ Bulletin No. 880 Hlgolilgnteer or regular, etc., service. . . 580 39] , on- .,,.__..,. as theutenant .. 580 Meehamlxzl Efguipment for Public Buildmga,08 B85 retiremerat at 70, and_af::;§r 40 years of total 1348 a ro nation or ..,.. . . ac IVO Service In 6 y . >~ dldldcignc appropriation for . , 1293 tohave rank, pay, etc., of iirstlieutenant- 1348~· f heaging gp tus 219 808 813 1320 Medwal Supply Depot Arm Or * ' ' I I 1 1 I 7 I Mechambal M product·iorw, ‘ deficiency alppropriation Zn replacing supproclapniation inéluding, incopyright priv~ 2761 Med_ _ pges estroyed by tire at ... . . . . 790 ' es to ermany , wma reparations Mecharuicaggr Ground Wood Pulp, drawback allowed ,0n domestic alcohol duty on . ... 60 used in manufacture of, exported... 90 additional from country imposing export duty on, contaming alcohol, not specially freduilygéetgé on printing paper; .. 61 provideddor . .. on e , m coimtry imposing no mércuflit . : charges on exportation, etc . 60 not sgemagy provided for . . . . .. 16 _ Mechling, Henry G., ‘ Medicine ow atioraal Forest, Wyo., pension increased ... . 2047 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1249 Mecum, Charles W, Mproclamation modifying boundaries of 2726 nsion increased ,.. . . ... 1967 edicines, Adultcrated, etc., Mgleglg, appropriation for expenses, preventing on free listzgiestowed as prizes, etc 77 Medi saga, etc., of ... . ..,. 432, 1255 Med ria W o J. roger, eter Mptfgsioh irilcreased ... . 1580 Mp(ZnSi01;)hcré}¤;ed ... . 1825 gd d, Omg., am, scar ., aggiiopriation fordpublic building - . . . 1376_ pension increased . . .. 1617 acquiring site an erecting public building Medley, Mary A. (widow), at, authorized . Mpécnsionk: . . - if . 1600 te f court at- .. . Gmac wer, e., ]{cd?}?a_, Mpreliminary examination of, to be made. . 671 appropriation for public building . . . - 1376 eece, _William H., acquiring sitgi for public bmlding at, au- 691 Mpcelngsigp mcrgased . . .. 2004 th riz ... e , cnry ., Medical Chgritm, D. C., Mpension increased ...,..., 1952 gpprgprigtion for. . -,- ... - .. 407, 999 88k€f, Colo., acceptance of voluntary medical at- granted lands for public park . 460 tendauce for, authorized ... 409 Mears, _J0}m H., Mcnhbal Dgpégrtvmpt, Arggéd H hl Mpensizn . . .. 1810 ro na ion or en men, ospi eersc um, app pGorps; lo evity ... 246, 1040 on free list, crude and unmanufactured .. 77 , service scbd1•$ detachment ... . 1040 Meglmgire,_ John E. ' for y of omcers; longevity . 248, 1041 pension increased ... . 1643 for Kaospital matrons . 249, 1042 Megraw, Sarah J. (widow), for Superintendent Nurse Corps . 249, 1042 Mpensnon increased .,.,. _ _,_,,_ 1630 for nurses (female) .. Z ... 249, 1042 eLster_, Kane B. (willow), {or veteriparians; longevity . . gig, Mgergion . . . . ,1. . , 2120 f d tasurgeons .. 4, e, aymaster mry e ., aw, fg; cgiiltract surgeons . .. 249, 1042 reimbursement in accounts .. 1874 for supplies ... . . 258,.1053 Melada, foypreventing,etc.,epidemicdiseases. 258, 1054 duty on . , .. - _..,,__ 34 for employees, nurses, etc ... 258, 1054 Meleruly, Hiram B., for Hot Spring? hospital, Ark . . . 258, 1054 pension increased 2093 for museum; brary . 259, 1004 Mellmger, David H., for care of insane Filipinos . 259 Mpenmon increased ,.,,,,,, 1721 for artificial limbs, etc .. 731, 1407 ellinger, William G., for appliances for disabled soldiers. . . 731, 1407 pension increased ,,,,,__,,,_, 2062 for trusses for disabled soldiers ... 731, 1407 Meloan, Willuzm A., go; repairs Medical Mtnjezg (llmilding- . . Mpliisgion increased .,..,,___,,_ 2045 orProvidenceH i . ..731 7 e ,

or Garfidellél 1%} .6 appropriation foiil investigating methods of 22

or Chi! n ; ospi . .. . , growing, s ippmg, etc ...,_, 4 deticiency apprgpriation ior _. - - 1321 for experimental exports, etc ,..,_,,,,, , 422 for suppxgesa estroyed by fire, medical 790 _ Mclugtyt, rimos 497 y epot ... . . Z . . . . sion increase . ... 1 Dentalmgorps established; appointments, Mgxlle, John, rank, etc . . . .. 1054 pension increased 1?11·