Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1709

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3050 mnnx. Northern, Adam R., P¤¤¤· Noxubee River, Pagepension increased 1967 bridge authorized across, in Noxubee ‘ Northern and Northwestern Lakes, Count , Miss ... . ...,, 178 appropriation for surveys, etc .. 730, 1407 Noyes, George W, _ . Nortlhem Indians in California, pension increased ...,..,...__ 1643 balances of appropriations for, available to Noyes, Henry C'., purchase lands for landless Indians. 273 pension increased ____,_,,,_______________ 1960 Northern Nigeria, Protectorate of, Noyes, Nelson P., articles from, admitted at minimum tariff- 2611 pension increased ____,_,,,,__,___________ 2080 Northern Pacific Railroad Land Grant, Nqqes, lwlliam, appropriation for examination and classi- pension increased _________ _ ______________ 2013 iication of lands within . 739, 1307 Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, fol‘ 9?€¤B€8 of hwrings . . .. 739 bridge authorized across Rio Grande, be- ` Northern colic Ruilwug Company, tween Laredo, Tex., and . . 188 may bridge Colum ia River, between Nugm Silas R j,. GISDY2 Bind K1tt1t8B C0l111t1BS, W3Sh- . 600 pehsgon incrééseg 1715 Yellggvstone River, Dawson County, Nun J-0;,,,, M ```````````'`````````` ont ...,__,,,,,__,,,,,,,,_... 600 ’ · · " Nvr¢hino¢on_ _ , new 0., N,£’;’,§‘,$}°_}{,1,?§§,’3{‘f°d ···‘‘·‘‘·····‘·········· 1513 P¢¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¢¤¤·¤¤<1 -------------·--------- - 1921 pension increased ...__._, 1708 Northport, Wash., O A may bridge Columbia River . ..., 1351 Nurse °rP8>. my (fem“ie)» NNWOP Edwin appropriation for superintendent ... 249, 1042 - ’ · ’ for nurses . . ... 249, 1042 Pcylflon mcmimed '````````````'`' 1745 pay increased 249 NOT mp' yam/n' V` Bo extra rate for duty outside of the States 249 pension increased 1476 . Nonhmp William H_, cumulative leaves of absence allowed. 249 Peusim; increased ______________ _ _________ 1689 allowances to superintendent . - . . 249 Norton, De Have, Nurse Corps, Navy (female), N.m”°““°“ ‘“2,,,°"?“°", ·········· · ············· 152** $£?2%’i%‘?§?i‘3£` ifi ‘€5;&¥$$ $£‘»`%2'ii”22$°°’ "“° p€uSfo?i$1creaS`@__t__: __________________ 1691 I ments heretofore made allowed 606 Norton, George W., Michigan Volunteers, Nut Oil, or Oil of Nuts, pension increased 1666 on free list . . . 77 Norton, George W, Wisconsin Volunteers, 580 Niétgalls, · pension increased . . . - 1 uty on . . .. 13 l Norton, Henry C., aqueous extract of .. . .. 13 pension increased . ... 1820 on free list, crude, drugs not specially pro- Norum, John W, vided for ... ... 7.5 Npensnon increased .. . . 1940 Nutmegs, orton, Martin, 2120 Non free l}st, unground . . ...,...,..,,, 79 pension inc ... . utrition rwesti ations, . Norton, Mary Jane (widow), 1925 appropriation an expenses of ...,.., 438, 1262 PGIISIOII 1l]Cl'88B8d.. .. - ... Nuts N<7*’¢¢m, MW'! J¤'*¢W (widow), duiy on edible not specially provided for 38 1>¢¤m<>¤ incrwod -·--··- - -------·---·---- 1673 not edibie _ ,’ 13 Norm, Sevau P-· pickled ```````````-`````````` ` ` as v¢¤¤1<>¤ 1¤¢¤¤¤¤=¤1 --··--- - ---------------- 1787 wmghé-iisiéé é.iéé1`.l1l§ I I I Z I I Z I I I ° ° 28 N•>¤·*¤”=» CWM--, . t Hmbo 33 on free ust, Brazil .. ; .,_ _ ,,,_,,___ vv N:1?uE’¢:y°P““t‘°“ °’ lmpmvcmen ° ’· · 6 cocoanuts in the shell and copra ..,. 77 r . . . . cream ,,,_ 77 °p,l::;_°g'(;‘°;:°° fz? ¥u°§2;f t° ‘‘‘‘·•‘· · · · gg; crude, not edible drugs, not specially mms 2m.i2?.d...l?,‘.2.." i;.;.;;.;;;.;i2f_ ,2512 ggrgggor —---—-·--~—~-—--·---~-- 33 proclamation extending copyright privi- mm volgicau '''''''''‘‘'‘' ‘ ‘‘ 7., 1%% m sublecm °f ‘’‘‘‘*‘·‘‘‘‘‘··· 2685 palm and palm-nut kernels ,,___,______ 77 Norwood, harles W., . . pension increased ..., 1664 Nu", L- (”"*d”'”)> Notes, Postal, Pemwu- : ·. ···-·-·-··--··--·- - -·····-—-- 1821 issue of . 1340 Nuttalt Wham, NO", Julius Hq pension increased . . ...,...,_. 2049 pension increased ... . 1955 Num"?. Th9’”““ S -» Nottingham Lace—C'urtain Machines, PQQSIOD Increased ·-·----·---···----·-·-·- 2046 duty on window curtains, etc., of cotton, Nu“’·’*9» John D-, · etc., made on .. so 1>¢r1¤w¤ 1¤¤r¤¤¤¢<1 ----------------------·- 1707 Nottingham Warp Machines, Num'19, Sflmuely duty on lace curtains, etc., of cotton, etc., P°¤S*°¤_m€1`°¤S°d ·····----~-—-···--- - ·—-- 2028 made on .. . .. so NM 77 Nourse, Hilton, 011 t- ·-·-·--------··-·---··-··-···· pension increased 1564 Nyack, N. K, · Novinger, William, appropriation for public building .. 1378 pension increased - .. 1931 acquiring site for public building at, au- Nowubee County, Misa., thorized ... 691 bridge authorized across Noxubee River Nyaaalondém in .. . . 178 articles m, admitted at minimum tarii. 2613