Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1775

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3 1 I 6 INDEX. Pen.s#ian.s—Continucd. Pen.s~i¢rn.s—C0utinued. i11creaeed—co11tinued. P¤g€· increased—coutinued. Page. Reid, William . . . . 2087 Richwine, Andrew T .. 1896 Rcill , Alice M .. . 1855 Rickards, Francis M ... 1743 Reingardt, William ... 1489 Rickard, Chaney W . 2013 Reixmld, Louis ... 1826 Ricketts, Benjamin R .. 1533 Reinschneider, Albert . 1515 Rickstrew, William H .. . . . . 2020 Reither, Joseph . ... 1569 Riddle Charles A ... 1497 Rcmcr, John M . . .. 1938 Riddle, Elijah M . . 1887 Rcmick, John B .. 1537 Ridenour, Dc Witt C .. . 2050 Rcuaut, Lewis I . . 1477 Ridenoux, Isaac 1896 Reimer, Uriah 2020 Rider, Silas W . 1945 Rcnshaw, Charles M ... 2017 Riedel, Max 1598 Rcntim, John M. C .. . . 1695 Riel, David . . .. 2004 Reppeto, Susan 2015 Riel, George ... 2117 Beech, A tus .. 1612 Riffe, John W . . 1921 Reubeuo, Edward .. . .. 1715 Rifflc, J onatha.11 M ...,,,,,,,...,,.,,_,,, 1647 Bevis, Thomas H . 1524 Rigby, Eugene T .,...,,.,. 1886 Reynolds, Bryant W . . 1949 Rigglc, Peter ..,,... 1771 Reynolds, Ca eb .. 1922 Rightmore, Rodney D .. 1849 Reynolds, Delia .. 1485 Riguey, Michael - .. 1858 Reynolds, John W ... . . 1932 R` ey, Patrick .,.,, _ ____,,_,,,,,_,,,_ 1921 Reynolds, J Oseph W ... 1799 Rgigr, Lafayette ... ; 1529 Reynolds, Michael - 1566 Riley, Daniel .,,..,,,,,,, ; ,,., 1925 Reynolds, Pierce J. 1760 Riley, Edward L . . __,_._,_,,.. 1666 Reynolds, Stephen H ... . .. 1507 Riley, Francis ...,.._ _ ,____,,.,____,,_, 1665 Reynolds, Warren F ... 2018 Riley, Granville ..,, 1846 Reynolds, William- ... 1524 Riley, Leicester P .,,_,.__,,,,,, 1567 Rhoades, Carlton M . ... 1570 Rile , Thomas B ,,,,, , ____,_,,____,,__ 2086 Rbwdes, Charles J , . . . . 1520 Rimxack, Henry .,.,,,_,__, _ ,,_____,__, 1663 Rhoades, Parker J 1566 Rimmer, J me h S ,..,,__,__..________,_ 1858 Rbwlds, Franklin R ... 1583 Rimmey, Wilgam H .,...,,, , , , , 1678 Rhodes, Allen 1599 Rim, David ____________ _ ______________ 1923 Rhodes, Americus . 1822 Rinehart, William H ,_,___.,,.,,._,,_,,_ 1507 Rhodes, JHH3 LI ... 1922 Rings, Jacob ___,,,_,,___ _ ______________ 1944 Rhodes, R0b€1't B -----..· 1595 Rinkcrt, Samuel P ... . . 1501 Rhodes, Walter F . 1789 Ripkey, Hemy ..,,._,.,,___..,, 1616 R¥1¤Y€1‘, Hardin B ··-.·- 1939 Ripley, Alonzo .,., 2108 Rgblett, JSCOI) . . - .· .,.. 1963 Rippgy, James L _________ _ ____________ 1950 Rgblett, Jacob R . , . 1522 Rising, Charles G ,,,_______,__,_________ 1927 Kyra, Ambrose E . . 1948 Rimme, William J . 1917 Rgce, Ch3?l6¤ H -------·-·.-··.--- 1631 Rittenhouse, John .. . . . . 1468 Rgce. Chiflvs W ·.··..-... }6l9 Rivers, John ... 1634 Bice, G9<¤'g¤· ---·-·----·-·.-.----· l525 Roach, Jeremiah P. W .. 1981 Ryw, Imc H . ... 1470 Rcsrk, Jesse . . .. 1713 Rm. John. . .-... 1552 Robb, John T . 1466 REB, JOBi8h M 1985 Rnbbmg, Augustus J' ____________________ 1505 Rm. Leonard P ... 1480 Robbins, Enoch .,,, 1956 RFQ R¤lB¤ C --···-·-·- . .. 1464 Robbins, George ..,,, , ,,,,,._,,, , , , 1635 HWS, Samuel E ... 2108 Robbins, Jeremiah .. 1576 Rich, H<>Hi¤ L -·.. 1646 Robbins, Miner A ...,.,... 1518 Rgchards, Charles V. ... 1483 Rgbbigg, Rufus _________ _ ______________ 203] B·}ch¤!'d¤» Edgiif A- ·----··-..·---·---·- 1692 Robbins, Warren D ..., 1692 Rzchards, Frank W. ... 1569 Robbins, William 0 ._..,,_,. 1834 Rzchards, George E- ...» . .. 1513 Robbins, wmam M ... 2066 Rs¤h¤r<h=¤, Mary C. . . ... 1799 Roberson, ummm .. . ..,, 1963 R}chm’d¤, MBFY J -··----.-..·--.-. 1738 Roberts, George D ,,,.,.,,,,______, 1609 R!ch°·?d¤0¤» A9·!`0¤ -··-·-·-··· - ---·-···· 1563 Roberts, George M .,,,.. 2016 R{·€h3·l'd80I1, AI&H\3·l1d8 B . . 1553 Roberts, Harrlggn F ___________ _ ________ 2()]6 Rzchardson. Byron C -····-- . · --··-- · · ~ - 1826 Roberts, Henry ...,,. , ,,,,,.,,,,,,__ _ , _ _ 1664 R¥°h=¤‘d¤<>¤» F iiah--- ------·------- »--- 1530 Roberts, Henry 0 ... 1941 Richardson, Ford C- . . 1814 Roberts, Jacob F ___________________ _ _ _ _ 1760 R}ch‘“dS°¤» Frances M ~-·-----—·---··· 1553 Roberta, James H., Kentucky Vols .. 1963 R¥°hm°dS‘m: George S --·—-·-·· · -—-·-~- 1583 . Roberts, James H., Michigan Vols ..,... 2067 %gh3rds0n, gag . ._,,,.,,,.,., gg; goxl-,8, Jesse M ____________________ _ _ _ _ 2096 . 1% ° -··-·-··-·-·-—---···— 0 rts Josiah 1753 R%¤h¤¤i~·¤>¤, ·T¤i¤¤ S -·»---. . 1834 Roberts; Michael ...,...,,. - ,...,,,,_,,. 1960 R%¢h=¤d¤¤¤, Jwhua G --~---..--.. - ·- 1989 Roberm, Richard .,..,.. - ..,_,,_,.,, 1795 Richardson, Samuel G, .___,____,_,_,__ 1904 Roberts Th 1613 R¥°h¤¤*¤9¤»Wi¤i¤m -—---—-··-·-----··-- 1741 RobemfW1Y1l$¤iZZZIZIYZZZZZZZZIIZZZZZ 1661 R!¤h¤» Rrchvd-z ·--------·-.- . ·..----. 2039 R¤bem,w1m¤m 0- ...__.,..,,_,_,,, ,, 1741 Bwrhmond, Edm!1 ~·---·-·- - ~ ··-·-·--· · · 2096 Robertson, Gaorga G .,..,,.,., . ..., . 1647 2 James B. . . .. . .. 1968 Robertson, George W . . 2078 , g°§*°"· H’°“““¤ H ·---··· · ···—····--·· 1967 Robertson, John . .. 1580 i ° mr J“°m* T- ···-···· — ······ · ··-·- 1339 R0b¤rts0¤, Solomon .. u ,,.,.. 1486