Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1856

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INDEX. 3197 Sain; Croix River, Wis. and Minn,—Con, Page. S g L ds N B mmbndgc authoriqed across, bgt,ween_Tayl0rs I a;7;idg;0gg;hdriz;21UacrTgss Sailgt John River Pageggéls, Mum., and Samt Croxx Falls, to Van Buren, Me., from _______ 904 . . ···- - --------·--·---·» · - . . 263 S L ‘ · ` `Q , S pr•;l%1_1111ar;y ejaininatiou of, to be made. . 672 amt San Fmnmw Rmlmad Com mn' TGTLCLS, ·1' . b ‘d BI k Ri brndge quthonzeé acrops Saint Francis may 92  ??‘T’TY”’ 178 _ Rlwjcr, between F1sk and .. 179 Saint Louis Bay, Lake Super-im, - Sami Fmtmq Fw", Ark. and Mo., agppropriation for lighting channels in . 754 appr0pr1at10u_ for 1mprovcq1ent of .. 651, 945 Sami Lows Electric Brid e Company budge guthonzed across, Fxsk, Mo .. 179, 352 time extended for grid 'u Mississi ' P’}"I9n· Ark --·· , ·--- _ ---··· ~ ··------·-.. 1 99 River at Saint Louigt 1%% by_ _ 195 SG};<:lg1_r?la{y $?3II?;;8t10D of, to be made. . . 669 Sa§n%Lou1Ls Exposition, _ cm~z_e ., ‘ ·tj { I dim, · · budge authonzéd across Wabash River by . 292 e clexg R12 .? 223 Sm"! 60**96 I§Z¢1'f¤d, Alaska, Sami Louu Iron Memnuzin and Sauzhq-pg made xy specnaligoycmment reservation 327 Raiiwa Ccrmpany, pumshment or 11legal landing on, etc. . . 327 may brid e Bqack River, Paroquet, Ark. , , 198 S ¤f§¤¤11§¤¤;¤h;>¤, etc ·-·-·-·------ 328 Saint gkiancis River, Parkin, Ark .,, 199 ‘" . “?’9‘ °“"* _ _·» White iv stA ta Ark ,_,,,,,,___ 199 preI1m;na? cxarxhuatxon of, to be made, Saint Louis-Kgazwas ug;-2; Electric Railway S _ H lo? 99}) 7;;t»€1`h31'b0I' . . 669 · . Mm, ¢ md, Isla pf, may budge M1ssour1 Rwer, Arrow Rock,

  • §YU¢l€¤ fmll}, Bdmlttéd at minimum tariff. 2573 Mo .____,,_,_________ _ ____________ 601

Semi Joe Nqzwrwl Foqm, Idaho, sam Charles, M0., .,,,,_,_____________ 600 sgppropnatxou for mambenance, etc., of 1251 Saint Louis, Mo., $¤;):¢m·{g£¤{DL0*rmZc(¢; S., 2099 approprgtion for assistant 1;reasm·er’¤ _ creas ..., _ ,,_,__,,__ 0 c ___________ _ ______ _ _______ 96 1 80m! JOM Rivef, for assa cofiicc at .._,____ _ _ _ ’ 143 bridge authenzod across, Van Buren, Me., for pub¥ic building, post office ,,,,,_._, 706 S M J tho Sggut Igons¤·¢s,_New Bnmswxck. 904 ;0rp0s{;:0Hice,mechan1calcquipmenthem. 1381 G'! _0 Tl wv? 0‘m’m‘¢8$w'll orsu treasury, new sit ,____________ __ 133] Qeficxency appropriation for éxpcnses of. 203, 1290 for cusmmhousc, cnlarggmcut, etc .. 1381 Samt John Rwer, Me., acquiringsiteforsubtreasuryat,auth0rized- 690 unmanufactured produce of forests 011 enlargement of customhousc, authorized. . 679 sawed, ctc., in Canada, admitted postmastgfs pay increased ... 1329 S _ t Johfroy 21- mo y%us .. 91 berm ofsglpmt. court of appeals an , 1133 cm n s r or can terms 0 strict court at ..,_________ _ 1117 S qntfr.¢;eh&i;t . . .. . 79 time ggtended for bridging Mississippi mn 0 a., uswms trial, wer at ,,,______ _ 187 S I!3II1; $:'ha;%ed to gzlcksonville 592 S b;2Saint%ouis Slgectric lélrigge Company, 19; mnt 0 m iver, . aint ouis iver inn. an is., appropriation for improvement of, from pre1i.mimu?• exzimination of, to be made. . . 672 Jacksonville to ocean; contracts. . 645, 941 Saint Lug}: nlet, Ffa., _ f liqlzgka to Lake Harney . 941 S prelga11.nI;xr;;?cxau;_1:1ation to be made of. . , 955 or lg ting ,__,__,,,,.,_____,,,,,,,.._ 754 aim qr s iuer I a., light vessel authorized at mouth of 536 prelimmsyry eximmation of, to be made. . . 954 prcliminar{‘é•;xamination of, to be made- . . 954 Saint Mqrtms Rivera MQ., through ke Dexter etc .. 670 prolim1nar}%r_cxaxmnation of, to be made. . . 671 from acksonvilla to fPa1atka ... 670 Saint Mary wer, _ of chmguel between Cumberland Sound agroemergt m trgaty {nth Great Britain for an ... 954 \.\B1I1g wu ers 0 . . . . 2451 Saint Jones River, Del., protocol to treaty with Great Britain declarapprepriation for improvement of ... 638, 937 ing status of . .. 2455 Saint Joseph Bay, Fla,, ‘ Saint MarysandKingsla1¢dRa@Ir0ad Company, preliminary examination of, to be made. . . 670 may bridge Sami; Marys Rwer near Saint transferred from Pensacola customs dis- _ MRYYB, G3 ····--..- · ..-... . 855 _ trict to_Apa1acbic0la .. 897 Smnt .Mary’s Cemetery, Carrollton, Mo., Smnt Joseph, Mwhq _ • _ monument to Brigadier _ General James deficwncy up ropnatxon for barge forhght— Shlgldp authrmzed m .. 1597 houge cyepot _. z ... 1313 _ ap1§r0pn=monfor .. . . . . 723 barge for hght-house de t, aumhonzed 536 Sam: arys, Gq., _ may bridge Morrison Cgoaxmel of the Saint bridge authorized across Samt Marys River Joseph River ...-...-.--... 243 _ near. ._ ..·--·--..·- 855 preliminary examination to be made of Sam: Marys Ruger, Ga., _ harbor . . .. 955 bridig aut1}?r1zedJialcr’c:ss, at Samt Marys 355 S'tJ. h’|d., Saint ams ·iver ak., aggprofgggtiog (ior improvement of Missouri appropriationjo} enforcing anchorage, etc., River 411;; comributnon by C1ty rc- r&g¤latx0nS in .. . _ 712, 1389 quired ,.. . ... 661 for 1%gp11;0v§m¢-zniis of Hay Lake and heet f uri; 1; 1117 ns c anne ... . .. "29 Sm$z$u§.}0§ep$10Ri1~?r, for improvement oi, at the falls - ... %29 bridge authorized across Morrison Channel new lqck, gw--_ --...·.---- 730,1406 cf, by Saint; Joseph, Mich .. 243 for hghting 1\ee§;nsh_Channel ... 755 damauth0nzedacmss,nearMottv·ille, Mich. 904 preliminary gxammatwu of, to be made. . . 672 at Sturgis, Mich , . 893 Detour, M.1ch. . .., 672