Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1870

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INDEX. 321 1 Shafer Perry, P - Sha D . . pension increased {$6 1 pgjrisiofihiufgifli .. . . IE?2 Shggiliogigggagd 1927 l Sham Gwhge WcaSsa" U · _ Shafner, %Shl;?4HS1;2r3elT 2019 pension increase . . .. 1800 denciency a propriation for services .. 127 Shafttng, Mall, Shaw, John, Allew York Volunteers, duty on, steel ... 23 l pension increased 1577 Shgleé Shaw, John, Pennsylvanuz Volunteers, u y on ,_,,_,_,,,,,,..__ _ _,,,,__,____,.,, 65 eased .__..,,,,__,,, , ,,,,,,,_ 1515 Same nm, N. q., _ S».£’.Z‘Z“‘}Z.‘i.$.“€·T, prelnmmary examination of, to be made- . . 674 pension increased 1504 Shallowbag Bay, N._C., Shaw, Lorenzo D., appropriation for improvement of .. . . . 641 pension increased 1979 Shamel, George Shaw, M. (scurgorw), pension increase ,,,,.,,, 1749 nsion III rea . . .. 1548 Shamoktn, Pa., Sigia, Rtcharld A., appropriation for public building . 1381 deficiency appropriation for services .. 1316 Shamp, Jonathan L., Shaw, Viola A. (daughter), . pension increased 1545 pension ...,., _ , , , 2046 Shanafelt, Oliver .P. Shawls, pension increased 1534 duty on, woolen ., , . , , 54 Sharwr, Margaret A. (widow), . Shay, Annu S. (willow), Sh};ens':pn.é;I._ .. 1628 Shpzensiori. . ._ ... 1554 ng r ma y, _ p ratm ,appr0pi·iation’for expenses, United States pension increased . .-. 1954 court for China, at ...,.. 343, 1033 Shea, Ifatrgck, alms Henry Bowers, for prison expenses .. 346, 1035 pension Increased .. . . 2037 Shank, Andrew, Shearer, Josephus, Igension increased 1787 pel1810¤ 11-1C1’e&56d . . . . 2094 S nk,_L»illahn D. (wnlow), 1815 Shgarg 27 pension ,... , . 11 _ 011 -·.----·--·······-...-.. . . SM"’“·°·w· f .1 fb d S'r".;"J· 3.. ' t' r ee s on . 1 U 011 copper .- .ol%%’3£”“t}Z§ °’ "“’“‘g P °? ° smugwgzt, dh _ f I 75 pension incrggggdn ________ _ _______ _ _ __,, 1940 011 8 GBIVB O! VGBSB B .. Shannon, John B. P., Shwthhw Paiwr. , pension increased .. . . 2114 duty on ··-- ; ---···-··-- ~ ---·-··---------· 61 Shannon, Joseph, Sh¢b0!/Qu"; WU-» _ pension increased ____ _ ___________________ 2017 appropriation for improvement of harbor, , 657 smmum, rams, Shed ._ atm F-. pension iucrw _______________________ _ 1706 S pensippr increased 1464 Sh¢1P¢8, l“’dd· . im duty on, for hats or bonnets, fur .. 67 Pension méreascd ····-··-·-·······-·--··· 1928 steel, pressed, sheared, or stamped . . 23 Slwdd. #0**27*20 W» Shapes, 1,.0.,,, pension increased 1735 duty on, rolled or hammered, not specially Shedden, J{1m¢·¤, provided for ______ _ ________________ 22 Shpeps1ox}&ncresszld6 . 1953 Sham .G¤¤ra¢, ,5,9 ,,Z.I`£$¤ a¤°ZQ§’§ed.`l .2 mr Shrge-;s1ppl;;cr’eap1ed2,é1;). ... Sheehan, M,&_had’ d 1913 , _ e_ - V nsnon increase Shgensrgn mcgeased ...· - - · 1983 S;,};§[y,_(),g5m~n, d 1648 rp, amue , in ease Shpensipln ipcreased . ... 1979 g}£;’;?10n cr arp, il lam ' s f, l htered f food, pension increased .---- - -----·~-·· 1566 ccnmsaiildqrillinliidgs pwiigced .. (T ..,,,, 228 Sharpnark, Daniel H., d\11Y OY} ·-···-------- — ···--~~---··-—--···· 35 pension increased ... . 1484 regulations to be made for free entry of, Sharpney, Joseph, _ straying across frontrer, etc .,,_, 72 pension increased 1049 { $7,,,,1, pgp, Sha-via National Forest, Cal., on free list -.. 79 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of . 429, 1251 Sheepsktns, _ proclamation modifying boundaries of . 2766 duty on, dressed and finished- .. , . 68 transferring part of, to Trinity .. 2765 I Shgetz, 30 rh kEd·d, , u oncoper ,.,.,,,_.,.,.,,,.._,,____ 9 géxoh ingfegsed _____________ _ _____,____ 1494 irldn oi steeg, cold rolled, etc 25 Shaw, Jawa, lend -··------·----·-»-—--------—------· 30 pgngion increased __.,. . , . ... . 1980 Dgggel ·-·---·-·-· · · · — --···-·--·-~»--·- ' Z . . .-.. · .-·-... » . A . . Shdiiltllggig stool _,,.,,,,.,_. 24 x coated. etc . . . 32 .. 9 ` ' ’ · ' Shaw, Carlos C., _ { on free list, platmum 78 pension increased 1741 Sheets, Iron or Steel, Shaw, Daniel JI., I duty on, common or black ... 23 pension increased ..,.. . .. 1494 with other metal imposed . . . 23