Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1871

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3212 INDEX. Sheets, Iron or Steel—Continued. P¤80- Sheppard, Jeremrkrh, Paso. duty on, lished, planished, or glanced . . 23 pension increased ... . 1472 _p1ck1ed{xi-atc 23 Sheppard, Peter, cold rolled, not polished ,,,, 23 pension increased 1489 polished, etc ... . . 25 Sheppard, §I’h0m¢w J., steel, not specially provided for 23 pension increased ... . 2053 Sheets, _W2'll1k1m V, Shepperd, C., pension increased 1927 pension increased ... . . . .. 1738 Shefer, Jacob J., Sherborzdy,_George W, pension increased 1729 pension increased .. . . 2056 Shefer, Samuel, yr., Sherburjrw, _John D., pension increased 2033 pension increased ... . 1971 Shefield, George B., Shendaa, George B., pension increased ,... 1894 pension increased , ... 1508 gjwjga, gomad Sherulan Rarlway and Leght Compafiy, pension iucréued ________________________ 2000 granted right of way on Fort ackenzie Shelby, N_ gu _ Military Reservation, Wyo 1011 appropriation for public . 1381 Sh°"'d¤”» }1M°·» _ _ _ acquxring nes for pnbne bending st, an- eppropnatron for pubho butldmg- . , - - 707.1380 thorized ___________ _ ____________ _ _ _ 601 11m1t; offcost itncreased, public building 672 ghgbyvguc K _ terms o com- at. ... 1139 sppmpi-1§ngn’ror public bending . . .. mz Sheriey. Horwrobk Swooorf _ _

   for     at, au.   S H1€mb€r O commission to IG'

ghorizad ___________________________ 689 Hall of tho House of Repre· 1444 snezbynrzze, rm. _ °°° "°° ----·-···-····--------··· construction nr imbue building snmnnzes SM%gh$m· 1747 Shawl", 'c ’'’'‘'‘’‘'°°'‘‘'°' 683 Slgfrrmn Institute, Rirvermle, Cal., - . - - O mizm incgémed ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ 1544 appropriation for Indian school ..,,,,,, 273, 1063 Slgadml Hmm H, Sherman, Sarah J. (widow), ·’ · pension ... . .. 1584 pension increased 1536 SZ n, Tn., Shelharper, Joseph, mm f 6 un t pension increased 2081 Sh ° Wzrd ; ‘ ‘‘‘···················· 1126 Shell, · ’ · m,B‘,,’d ‘ duty on.5¤;¤1n;¤f»·oturos of, not specially pro- g;.P;,nn;1,°;nn1i;`ig,nm, `'`'° ° °'``'`‘``'‘‘‘' 1900 vi or .. 70 · ’ · · sw, Aww J., n;}’°,,.°,,$§,°“n‘},‘f,f,°,3°,€d ‘‘‘‘················ ···· 1492 . r¤=¤¤i¤¤ i¤<¤¢¤·¤¤ -··-··-----—----····-··- 1800 psnnén increase. . inn penmon increased ... . 1797 pension incmuéd _________ _ ______________ 1924 0"·<”#v· Gwtoe R-» . . srm»nns,1.ymnn ir., title of United States to certam lands in Pet- pension imxeued 1580 tis County, Mo., released to . 1079 Shwalm, John py; `'`` ‘ ‘```‘'‘‘'‘'‘ Shdk, pension increased .,, , ,,,,,___ _ _______ 1710 dugylzectinlisteugnvtid, cpt, •;tc.t;: 70 Shewmake, Jesse, on , pear no cu , e 78 ’ eased ,,,,_________ _ __________ S*·,:2zt2:-~...· ’ S~’;~°~2?%$‘ . “"” 111 . . . . . . .. e cien 3 ° snzznnnn, s».»z.r.,Br°.§..i’r£’.'1’;';%Z?'}.?,LZ$"‘°°° ······ **18 8 hI;;¤;;10f141;¤h¢ufJ0¤g0d --·------· · ----··--·-··. 1902 monunéent to be erected at Carrollton, Mn, ' ·· . --·-·--··---·- - .--·- 1597 deficiency a pnation for extra services. 127 t' f ,, , , , , Shelton, Joel snexigmi mn or °° `'‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ 723 P¢¤¤10¤ illcfj _ ·-····· » ----... . 1493 pension increased ,,____ _ __________ _ ______ 1 Shenejijl, Qhmtmn, Shields, Pambk, Massachusetts Volunteers 527 PGDBIOD 1DCl‘€8.S€d . .. . 1804 pension ingrggggd ______ _ _________ I 1991 Shemkig, Esther M- (wtdow), Shrklds, Pambk, New York Volunteer; ° ` - i ‘ Shlzgzxméigg 5, ·--—··-·---—·- · ·-····-··- 2115 Shn¤i£;tar”1;5l;c9ord}§onected ,, j ,,,___ 1597 » ·v ’l·€ 8, 'L wm ., pension increased 1493 pension increnggd _________ _ ______________ 1 sum, owe H., shew, sewn., 574 PQHBIOH ll1C’l'B886d· · . . 1708 pension mcrggggd ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 1708 Shepard, Home (daughter), Shiery, Lewis H., I ° -'``·```. pension _ .. 1524 pe ‘ in d _____________ _ __________ sang, nn. (wen.), 1546 snzJ2?}°2n»$°§?? 2°°° Pe 011 mc -·-·-····~·-- · -··-----·- pension increased ...,___ _ _____________ _ _ _ Shgepgéfizlyn, Shilling, Thomas , 2090 € ·-----·--------·-----·- . pension in _,,,______ _ ___________ _ _ swan:. new o., snzo. Nnnn§Z$“3°mn,, n.,,,,,_, 1***7

   ·········-· · -·····-·· 1532 d€flCiB;1lg¥1 cagpropflation for   cy.

S,,g;P=i¤¤, —-----·---- - ---·-----·-- 1552 Shiloh Nagional mznn»g`if.;ji,` ‘°‘‘’’’ 21°

 p·¤¤¤¤¤ memes? ... . ... isn “""’°‘Z?T$‘Z'f ff’Tf‘{E‘f{'““g ____ f’j"f‘j"°’““ _____ *2*;,, 1,,,,