Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1907

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3248 INDEX. T pogr h D` ' , P tO D thent-- _ Towboats, Burgas, etc., Pa , 0 a%gntig):1”egil 08 mw cpm m Page appropriation for_dqsig11i1gg apd coustruqt- ge appropriation for miscellaneous expenses, ipg, by MIBSISFIPPI Rxvcr Commnspost-routc maps, etc. .. - . . . 522, 1224 mqu, for cngpenmeutal use .. 659 Topping, Lydwh A. (widow), Towle, Juha E. (wzdmv), , ‘ pension increased ...,,,,. 1804 pension increascd 1906 Topping, Thomas, Tcwyz Creek, _ _ pension increased ...,,,,, 1806 budge autinorgcd across, .B1"!1DSW1Ck Coun- 350 To ping, W] S., ty, Y. · - .. gghcicncy appropriation for services .. 1318 Town, _Fraywi.g M., Tmpedoyou pmmym, 1>¢¤¤¤<>¤ mcrsmed; ------ - ---·-·---------- 1513 coustmctiorrof six, authorized; appropri- T°'”'*·l€!/» William U'-, ation _______,______________________ 623 pension mcrcaseji- . . T .. . . 1566 mmuucuon of eight, authorized; cost 1287 Town-v·;nd,_Elm¤ L. (wow), _ 1 Torpedo-Boat Destroycrs, Subsurface, _ . Tpenswn lgcmwig ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 754 appropriation for ccnsuuctiou of, pl'€V1— °w"""’.“d·. “"'“ ·· 1490 ously authorized .. . 1288 TP°°8*°¤ ¤}°;f°°°d -——--·- - --··-·—·—-·---··· Torpedo Boaz: °"””8‘Y”d·.* ° "· appr0priati<;n for construction of, with P°°m°n m$`r°°“?d ·‘‘‘‘·· t ‘‘‘°‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1884 ,,%,1, bexgw ,3,:,,,, 23,,, _____________ gg,) Tvplgjlgqzng, Baikmne D· (wuivw), 1656 _ smalvesse au oriz ;c0st .. .. 29 ····• . ···‘‘‘‘‘·····‘‘‘·‘‘ Torpedo Bm, summm, TQ’ef’f_‘;Q‘j·if;°“u QQ ’ fg ('”‘d"”’)· 1499 construction of four, authorized; appropria- T0,wmmd` Samuel `'`'` '``'``'``'```` mn ·--—----- · —·--·--·-·-----·----- 628 peusioukncmased °’ 1498 appropriation for, heretofore authorized . 629, 1288 Tmmma _ , ``'``` ``````` construction of four, authorized; cost. 1287 on mclgmatiou Projects mappmiml and ‘ ¤Pra¤>v¤¤¤¤<>¤ fw --~—~—------- -‘ ---- -1287 . .,1., oimxd min ... ms mght-hou; workday _ restriction on manner of Payment ____________________ 466 °xp°“d·'m'°· ·. ········ : ··········· 1287 sale of lands on Cheyenne River Indian payment for destructum of iishing nets by- . 1873 Renrwtiom S_ Dah, for ________ _ _ _ 602 T°"P¤d° 1Z€f€'¤¢, A"m!I» _ mlc of lots, ctc., Fort Berthold Indian appwpmhqn for 1¤¤¤¤v¤¤<>¤. ew-. 0* Reservation, N. Dal: - . 456 · _ ¤¤·q<=ivr¤¤ fvr ------..- . ·---·---- 596,1341 Pine me Indian Rmmuou, s. mk. 441 m Philippine I¤1¤¤d¤- ---- - ------ 598,1343 Rosebud igaiau Reservation, s. mk. . . 449 Torpedo Depot, Fort Totten, N. K, reserved lands 011 Sijetz Indian Reservagppropriaticn for expenses ,_,. 598, 1342 tion, Oreg ...,...,.,,,.,..,, 367 Torpedo Syatian, Naw Paciiic Coast, stations required at, on railroad rights of appropnstion for purchase of land for; way 111 Indian lands  ; .. 859 equipment, etc . . . . .§ .. 618 survey myd sales, ou Yakima Indian Ros- Torpedo Stahkm, Newport, R. I., Naval, V¤t{°¤! W¤¤h ···-·--- ·~-- 348 appropriation for maintenance, etc 612, 1271 ¤PP¤'°P¤'m°¤ f°¥ ¤XP9¤¤€¤§ d¤¤P0¤m°¤ 6f or new machinery and tools. . . 612 r£¤¤>6¤d@ ···--···—------···~-~···-- 349 for high-pressure air plant . 612 T? M1 IN, _ _ deficiency appropriation for . 617, 1322, 1326 T EW 011, ¤P°¤1¤UY PNV1d¤d f¤1’ ----·-- - · - - 66 T V ls, N . $ir£§g;)e¤€•;,;pR'p;;v;¥§1;iq¤ 50,- housing _______ 221 on, china, etc., decorated, etc ,,.,,__ 18 T,,,p,d,_,"_. cm, my, na, egc., not decorated, etc .. 18 appropnatiou for purchase, etc . 612, 1271 °°t °p°°“‘uy p'°Y*d°d f°"·: ···· * ······· 66 or remodeling . 612 nm <>f» 2¤<>¢¤P¤¢·¤¤y v¤>·¤d<>d fw -·---- 66 Torpedou, Submarine Contart, qnselv mmv °t*c ········-··-- · ~······- - 30 international convention restricting laying T'°“l”l‘¥’“> .T’"”"“" of automatic ______ _ _ __ _____________ 2322 Tgenmozn mcrvased ... . 1537 T lla R ,J , , °}'°’"·. · . Yxiimtgn Xcgaxgaror instmc- “PPm§’;‘}f;’;‘S *°' P’°"°““°“» °*°-· °m°;81 9 “°“¥ °°“di‘°*°““· °*° -···--··----·-- 324 deficiency api§r3;3}1§éaE¤f E6} ` }§%§H6ms7 ’ 105 T°m't» Hm'?} A ·» ’ ctc among Indians p ’ 1325 p611Si0!1 increased .. . . 1502 Tracing Clog', --``` ```` ```` Tvulwq, RQM L. (widw), duty 011, cotton ...,. I ..______,___ 46 pergswn mcrgased 1619 Track Tools, TWUFQ, Jqmwh H-, duty ou, iron or steel . .,, 25 TgL*:’I¤;;¤V;f; éét3 ·~-·~------·------·-· 1839 Trade Crrgditicm Abyoad, in United Seam, 1 G ., Td¤t3;;_¤ ;; -------·~...-···-----... 55 appropriation for commercial Sgcnts to iu· ' 1 ‘ •} te..-,__,_,___ ______ pempion incrpased 1986 Trade. 52*, 1226 T¢>w’¢¤{Z0¢¢, Elisha T., murkg qot accepted for registration . .. 919 NP°“l;°¤Jm°'¤¤2;,¤d ······· - ~-··------·····- 1728 P6rm1¤s1b}c limi: of names, if otherwise .• . ·· Ngwm 8 ····... . . 919 T£:¤¤°¤ m‘¤¤¤¤d ·-~·~··-·-~·-·- = ~··-~--· 1924 Trade Rel<;ti¢£:fB;u·eau, Department of Stag, ¤¤laryoc`e0burea' teased 1186 _ dn{ty W, Bax . ... 49 mu", wazsm s., ° mch$¤P·--·-·,.-.·.. . ... 49 p9ngiq¤im;ggg;ed_ ____ _ __________ ________ Iggl