Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/811

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2260 CONVENTION—OPENING HOSTILITIES. Ocronmz 18, 1907. BLIQUE DE COLOMBIE; LE Ecuador; His Majesty the King of GOUVERNEUR PROVISOIRE S ain; the President of the DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE Fgench Republic: His Majesty the CUBA; SA MAJESTE LE ROI King of the United Kingdom of DE DANEMARK; LE PRESI— Great Britain and Ireland and of DENT DE LA REPUBLI(%:IgE the British Dominions beyond DOMINICAINE; LE PR I- the Seas, Em eror of India; His DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE Majesty the of the Hellenes; DE L’EQUATEUR; SA MA- the President 0 the Republic of JESTE LE ROI D’ESPAGNE; Guatemala; the President of the LE PRESIDENT DE LA RE- Republic of Haiti; His Majesty PUBLIQUE FRANQAISE; SA the King of Italy; His Majesty the MAJESTE LE ROI DU ROY- Emperor of Jagan; His Royal AUME—UNI DE GRANDE BRE- Highness the rand Duke of TAGNE ET D’IRLANDE ET Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau; the DES TERRITOIRES BRITAN- President of the United States of NIQUES AU DELADES MERS, Mexico; His Royal Highness tlre EMPEREUR DES INDES; SA Prince of Montenegro; His Ma]- MAJESTE LE ROI DES HEL- esty the King of Norway; the LENES; LE PRESIDENT DE President of the Repub ic of LA REPU-BLIQUE DE GUA- Panama; the President of the TEMALA; LE PRESIDENT Republic of Paraguay; Her Maj- DE _ LA REPUBLIQUE esty the Queen of the Nether- D’I·IAITI; SA MAJESTE LE lands; the President of the Re- ROI D’ITALIE; SA MAJESTE public of Peru; His Imperial Maj- UEMPEREUR DU JAPON; esty the Shah of Persia; His SON ALTESSE ROYALE LE Majesty the King of Portugal and GRAND—DI,`C DE LUXEM— of the Algarves, &c. ; His Majesty BOURG, DUC DE NASSAU; the King of Roumania; His Maj- LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS- esty the Emperor of All the UNIS MEXICAINS; SON AL- Russias; the President of the TESSE ROYALE LE PRINCE Republic of Salvador; His Maj- DE MONTENEGRO; SA MA- esty the King of Servia; His JESTE LE ROI DE _ NOR- Majesty the King of Siam; His WEGE;_LE PRESIDENT DE Majesty the Ki of Sweden; EA REPUBLIQUE DE PA- the Swiss Federliig Council; His NAMA1 LE PRESIDENT DE Majesty the Emperor of the LA REPUBLIQI E DU PARA- Ottomans; the President of the GLA}; SA MAQESTE LA Oriental Republic of Uruguay; REINE DES PAX S-BAS; LE the President of the United States PRESIDENT DE LA RE- of Venezuela: PUBLIQUE DU PEROU; SA . MAJESTE IMPERIALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE PORTUGAL ET DES ALGARVES, ETC.; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE ROU- MANIE; SA MAJESTE L’EM- PEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU SALVA- DOR; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SIAM; SA MA- Jnsrn LE Roi DE SUEDE; LE CONSEIL FEDERAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE DEMPEREUR DES OTTOMANS; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ORIE NTALE DE L’ URUGUAY; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS- UNIS DE VENEZUELA: