Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/948

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(?()XVENTION—NAVAL CAPTURES. Ocrronmz 18, 1907. 2397 ROYALE LE PRINCE DE BUL- Provisional Governor of the Re- emggggg PW- GARIE; LE PRESIDENT DE public of Cuba; His Mzajesty the ' LA REPITBLIQUE DE CHILI; of Denmark; the resident LE PRESIDEBT DE LA RE- of the Dominican Republic; the PUBLIQUE DE COLOMBIE; President of the Republic of LE GOUVERNEUR PROVI- Ecuador; His Majesty the King SOIRE DE LA REPUBLIQUE of Spain; the President of the DE CUBA; SA MAJESTE LE French Republic; His Majesty ROI DE DANEMARK; _ LE the King ofp the United Kin dom PRESIDENT DE LA REPU— of Great Britain and IrelancI and BL§%UE DOMINICAINEL LE of the British Dominions beyond PR IDENT DE LA REPU— the Seas, Em eror of India; His BLIQUE DE L’EQUATEUR; Majesty the Iging of the Hellenes; SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ES- the President of the Republic of · PAGNE; LE PRESIDENT DE Guatemala; the President of the LA REPUBLIQUE F R A N- Republic of Haiti; His Majesty EAISE; SA MA. ESTE LE ROI the King of Italy ;_ His Majesty U ROYAUME-UN I DE the Emperor of~Japan; His Royal GRANDE BRETAGNE ET Highness the Grand Duke of D’IRLANDE ET DES TERRI- Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau; the TOIRES BRITANNIQUES AU President of the United States of DELA DES MERS, EMPE- Mexico; His Mzijesty the King of REUR DES INDES; SA MA- Norway; the resident of the JESTE LE ROI DES HEL- Repub ic of Panama; the Presi- LENES; LE PRESIDENT DE dent of the Republic of Para- LA REPUBLIQUE DE GUATE- guay; Her Majesty the Queen of MALA; LE PRESIDENT DE the Netherlands; the President of LA REPUBLIQUE D’HAITI; the Republic of Peru; His Impe- SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ITA- rial Majesty the Shah of Persia; LIE; SA MAJESTE L’EMPE- His Majesty the King of Portulggsl REUR DU JAPON; SON AL- and of the Algarves, &c.; ° TESSE ROYALE LE GRAND- Majesty the King of Roumania; DUC DE LUXEMBOURG, DUO the President of the Republic of · DE NASSAU; LE PRESIDENT Salvador; His Majesty the King DES ETATS-UNIS M E X I - of Servia; His Majesty the CAINS; SA MAJESTE LE ROI of Siam; Hisltiajesiy the Kiugo DE NORVEGE; LE PRESI- Sweden; the Swiss ederal Coun- DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE cil; His Majesty the Emperor of DE PANAMA;LE PRESIDENT the Ottomans; the President of DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU the Oriental Republic of Uru- PARAGUAY; SA MAJESTE LA ay; the President of the United REINE DES PAYS-BAS; LE Sltiates of Venezuela: PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- · BLI¥UE DU PEROU; SA MA- JES E IMPERIALE LE SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MA-. ° JESTE LE ROI DE PORTU- GAL ET DES ALGARVES, ETC.; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE ROUMANIE; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLI%UE DU SALVADOR; SA MAJE TE LE ROI DE SERBIE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE SIAM; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SUEDE; LE CONSEIL FEDE- RAL SUISSE; SA MAJESTE DEMPEREUR DES O’I`TO— MANS; LE PRESIDENT DE