Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/997

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2446 NATURALIZATION CONVENTION——BRAZIL. Aran. 27, 1908. ARTICLE IV Anrroo IV emma www A naturalized citizen of the one O cidadao naturalisado em um °°°°'° °"""‘°°°‘ party, on returning to the terri- dos dois panzes voltando ao_ seu tory of the other, remains liable paiz de omgem contnmia su]e1to a to trial and punishment for an processoepena por qualquerfacto action punishable by the laws of punivel sedgundo as lens d’este, e his 0 'nal country, and com- commetti 0 antes de ter emimittecllliefore his emigration, but grade, mas nao pelo propno acto not for the emigration itself, sav- . e emigrar, salva sempre a pres- ` always the limitation estab- oripcao estabelecida nas leis do lished by the laws of his original seu paiz de orzigem e qualguer oucountry, and any other remission tra remissao e responsa 1l1dade . of liability to punishment. penal. ‘ ~ Anrionn V Ammo V _ mea or seein- The status of a naturalized A qiualidade de cidadao natu- °°"°""°°"°°"‘ citizen may be acquired only ralisa o so se adguire pelos me1os through the means established by legaes estabeleci os em cada um · the laws of each of the countries dos paizes e nao pelo facto de deand never by one’s declaration of clarar alguem o sen intento de se intention to become a citizen of tomar cidadao de um ou outro one or the other country. paiz. An·r1c1.n VI · Aarroq VI Exchange or mum The present Convention shall A presente Convencao sera. sub- °‘“°”‘ be submitted for the approval and mettida a approvacao e ratificaratiiication of the °competent au- cao dos Poderes competentes nos thorities of the contracting pgrties dois paims contractantes e as and the ratifications shal ex- ratificacoes serao trocadas na changed at the city of Rio de cidade do Rio de Janeiro dentro Janeiro within two years from de dois annos da sua data. the date of this Convention. Mech It shall enter into full force and Entrara em vigor immediateeffect immediately after the ex- mente apos a trooa das ratificachange of ratiiications, and in case coes, e se for denunciada por uma l>¤m¤¤¤- either of the two parties notify das Partes continuara em vigor · the other of its intention to termi- por mais um anno a contar da nate the same, it shall continue data da denuncia. in force for one year` counting from the date of said notification. Sunsunn In witnem whereof the Pleni- Em fé do que os Plenipotenpotentiaries above mentioned ciarios acima declarados assignam ave signed the present Conven· a presente Convencao e nella aption, amxing thereto their seals. poem os seus sellos. Done in duplicate, each in the Feita em dois exemplares, cada two languages, English and Por- um nas duas linguas, portu ezae tuguese, at the city of Rio de ingleza, na cidade do lgilo de Janeiro, this twenty seventh day Janeiro, aos vinte e sete dias de of April nineteen hundred and Abril do anno de mil novecentos e eight. oito. [ann.,] Invme B Dunmnr [sur.] RIO—BRANCO [SEAL.] R1o—BmNco. [san.] Invmo B Dunmr munuum. And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratdications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Rio de Janeiro, on the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and ten;