Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1068

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INDEX. XIX Blujton, Ind., d bh bm] Pm Boézctg, James IL, for b PUB- aoq" sitem` u 'c 'dmg‘ cien sp riation reimum¤g' .. 607 ““jE‘, auooegdé .. ‘T . 8 74 mm, 3..».£’.r,'?.., { M 0 han¢'{u, . ., sproriation rim rovomento appro riation for expenses ... 169, 965 Bostgnghasa., P ‘ Board of Ojiczn for River: and Har- appropriation for improvement of harbor. number of, increased to nine ... 232 for navy yard, public works- . 340, 899 rank of majority ... . . . .. B2 for asistunt treasurefs office . 382, 760 number reduced to seven . . . . . 827 for public building, customhouse ... 418 rank of majority 827 for electrical burglar alarm, public build· ~ Board cj Emmenera, Sham Engineers, D. 0., ing nt. ... 427 appro riation for salaries ... 144, 942 for navy yard, fuel-oil tank . 898 Board of General Apzrraiaera of Jlerduzndiaz, for marme barracks 901 s.ppro;;ria.tion for ees, etc., of witneesea be- deiicieany nppmpristion fr?  ; 596 ore . 1 ... . . 463 mporary removal o emp cyees. . . Board of Ordvuzngeo and Fgiti/Emtion, Army, 129 enlargement, gtc., of custgfmhouse, Yay; ap printion r gene expenses ... , 674 ment 0 expenses re 0 giocivilinn member ..., . . 129, 674 force . 191 for tests of experimental gums, etc .. 129, 674 limit of pay in architects .. 191 inquiry an to right of mventiou . 129, 674 limit cost increased, appmiseribwres: . . 869 BoardqfViawor: 1l`1taryAcud¢my, ;prelimmaryexnminstionofharbg1rtol>e appropriation for expenses ... 257, 860 made; deep-water connection with composition and appointment 257 _ terminals, etc ... 223, 821 notices of visits, etc.; expenses ... 257 special egammer of drugs, etc., made Board oj 'Vidton Naval Academy, amstant appmscr . ... 110 apgrgpristion for expenses of visits, etc.-. 350, 908 "B0ato·n, “Steamer, to comgosed of members of Committees change of name authorized ... 108 on aval Affairs of both Houses 907 Botanic Garden, C'., d t _ visits, expenses, etc . 907 app riation or superiuten on , amst- Boardr of Dbectora, Publnb Utilities, D. C'., _ mpmw, and laborers 371, 749 number of members of, restricted ... 996 for repairs and improvements .. . . 371, 749 Boards of Health, ctc., State, for general repairs , . 478 bulletins of, entitled to second clam mail for removing wall etc .. 478 B privileges . 551 Botany, and, Systematic, 835 oats, a roprimzion or investigations in duty on Canadian small, of wood 5 Boglger, Colo. reciprocal duty in Canada on small, of grant of land for public park purposes to. . . 325 wood 8 payment, etc 325 Boca Qeaga Bay, Flai, _ Boundary ·C0:l7I.7Il|:881:07l, miler, prelxmmzry exa.¤1ma.tion of, to be made . . . 226 appropriation for salaries und expenses. . 478, 695 Boeuj River, La., Bmmdawy Commission, Mexgcan Water, apprgpriation for improvement of ... . 212. 811 appropriation for continuing work of 99, 692 Bogue alia, La., Boundmy Line, Alaska and Canada, _ alppmpriatjon for improvement of .. ‘ S 11 appropriation for surveying and markxngu 99, 692 Bo nmg, Wzlluzm J, Boundary Line between Texas and New Hexqnco, defimency appropriation for designated admission of New Mexico as State subject beneficiary of, coal passer, Navy. . . 922 to established ... . . 39 Boise, Idafno, deficiency appropriation for r·e·mm‘k- spprgrpnntion for ani oice at . . - . . 383, 762 ,.. . 608, 938 Bone atianal Forest, duho, , Canadnbn, B alpprepriatiou i0r.maintena.uce, etc., of. . 281, 839 Bttppmprisiion for marking, etc .. 99, 692 0 wm, ndafy, ¢l$7\, appropriation for minister to .. . . . 95, 688 deficiency qgrropriatiou for reimburning B or secyretary of legation ... 95, 688 patrolling along the Rm wl rmham, cz., , mn e ... . . . . to riation for blic building ... . 418 Boundary Waters Commission, Canaziian, Bvinprge gene, Ho., pu _ appropriation for salariesahd expense. . 478, 695 construction of public building authorized Bmmzy, _ _ at; donation of site required . . . 871 zpgroprisuon for vpluptean, Civil War ..,. w Bonneville National Forest, Wyo., e cieucy appwntmn for volunteers and qipropriation for maintenance, etc., 0i.. 281, 839 regulars, _ y 48, 619 Boo of Estimates, _ for neamexfg enlistment . . 620, 624, 935, 938 estixnates for lump-sum appropriations on- for destruction of enem ’¤ vessels ... 6% ceeding $*250,000 to give in detail allowed hqnqrsbly number oT‘ persons, compensation, reenhgu:n%vm time of war; limit 590 objects, etc., for which expenditure claims for Civil ar volunteer, to be Sled contemplated. . .. . _. 487 prmr to 1913 .  : 49 corresponding details of the expeud1— no iee_al1owed for pmepcpting .. 49 tures during the preceding year . 487 _ pnmishmentfor receiving . 49 Books, Bowling Green, O/rm, _ copyright provisions concerning authors, appmpriation for public building .. 418 gtg_ ____ , . . , . . ..·... . . 724 Bgqgpmp, C'_, I l Boonville, Mo., _ deiiciency _ appropmmon for contested appropriation for public building at . - 418 election expenses . . 931