Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1082

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mnmx. xxxiii Civil P•¤•· Clouiicd Service, @cutiv¢ Departments, P•¤•~ appropnauon for electric conduit to State, D. C'.·—Continued. f etc., Department Building . {gg eilkiepcy retin? for, topo gi, or expert examiners . . . punishment or- violating provmone {nr clerk; gm system of eiciency rating, Clatabmie_Riur, Orgy., formrualyear .. _ .1 z 750 apgro anionmprovementoi .. .. 221 report,etc.,astoadmm1¢ntryeneed¤ r andsnagboatfcqetic 221 oi personnel of departments, etc 750 Clabop Indians, Ong., iortaveling, etc., expenna .. 372, 750 appropriation for %ymeut to . 535 §or znutggent expenses ... gg, acceptance {ou in 535 or . no ymen no _ mem or _ for rent. N? . , .. 399, 776 dtgcendante ... 535 for porinting and brndintg for .. Bi 481 allovyapce gr attorneys .. gs copnee re - rocer to ven ..


_with .. " 555 condemnedcanmmgrantedto,i¤>rcounty · oatlmmay be administered by, and repre·· courtyard . ., .. 1010 sentatryes. ... :  : . . . 372 0lay_C'ou¤¢y, Art., _ _ sydemofellicieucyraungsforchngfed budge autlmnaedacron8a1nt Francis rrvxce employees to be established 413 d¢B¤vert'romDunk1mC<¤1nty,Mo.,to. 2) pmmeyim., A ```' " ```` E6 t ppiepmaou"' · iur invsstnh ‘ menu . bebasedon;ci' serviceruleeto 413 xaaterialsof .. . .. 410,787 govern .. . . Clayton, o. copieajorrecord tobefurnished com- dIR®u11u;llI300{”0m¢B,$|1|Il0!1§·. 545 mnfyollz ...-... E...u--,.-. 413 ., td honorab discharged so ers sailors a propnau unpmovemen channel

wrecurdnottobedis- 413 téh·roughB0c¤CeigsB¤y,to'l‘Inp;‘)°’¤»

e . ... Ci¤i1War, _ exam.inationof tobemaEle... 823 pensionstopersonsior90da‘¥s’serv1cein, ationolI‘on•¢,Li¤ho, who are 62 years or ol er 112 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 282, 839 permanently dinbled, irrespective of age Clearwater River, _ ‘ 0 or of service . - . 113 clzridggazutzonaed acres, Lewrsutfln, Idaho. 494 appropriation for improvement of harbor. N6, 806 ’ Clmmr, _ _ _ _ _ approgatrozn for. . . . ... 368, 746 appropnauon for arbrtrating outstanding cler to be placed on roll of employees; British and American pecuniary . 02, 694 . appointment, etc _ 368, 746 for expenses, defending suits in 463 . torbecember, 1911, tobe paid December21 628 fordeenseinFrench spoliation 463 ·for August, 1912, tobepudondayofadfor defense in Indian depredation ... 464 purnment ... . . : ... 644 deficiency a progiatinn for coxnminion for December, 1912, to be pard on day of with Gpreat ritain on pecuniary 47 recess adjoumment: . . . . 1021 for paying mmm, Court of Claims. 617, 933 Clerk of the Home of Rapreamtatwa, for paying de tion 617, 934 appropriation for, clerks, etc 365, 743 invutigtion of, for sufered in statement; to be filed yvitlr, by treasurers of nited States from 'can uoops pohtncal committees .. : . 25 in 1911 ... 641 by avlndidates forgtepreeentatryg ... 26 I m Y tree of duty when from Canada., 9 azpgropriation for .. . ’ 351, 739 rociprocaljy exempt duty in Canada. 11 at Emboaaia and Legatwru, Clarendon, la., ap for 96, 689 alteration, etc., bridge acres White River (Hag, ' Courts of Appeals, River near authorised . - ... 185 apgro ’ for .. _ ..,.. _411, 780 Clark,Q2'op¢.JoIm.iZ,__ M t_ Cla,m‘ ,7dJ¢¤¤taragoCos•¤n•t» dgiq pyopnauon cred; rn ac· , ouu e Repneauozwa,

 ... . ... 920   .. 365, 744

(HSBC? S · · · - 1 •· • ad · T" param for .¤-vice- us seo · · s¤&:°¢`L.•aq£¤¤», ew m, vm (,‘1¤·k;lrur¥, 77%,%;, Civ toOp·ngn£¤•a,HongnqfR¢pr•¤:to¢io¢, nermso courtar. . . 76 »pg¤»pr¤¤¤¤t¤r,¤•¤¤¤. .. 366,744 Clorkadah Hhs., _ _ _ _ Chr to Qengton, - umn of, cut increasedkeppphc bmldmg; W i¤..,-._f& 34;% ¢()¤f[f@K.lpfOVI $..•••... ·»··»·····-··•· termeot•;ourtat;momstnbefnrniahed.. 59,118 (Hah, c1¤1muu,1·¤., _ _ _ •pgt·»vr¤¤si¤¤f¤¤§¤¤• ---- ; --·—----· 465 appropriation for public building .. 419 clencal anstanee m natnraluauon cuasjzwmm PM Opie Dep¤r•m¢¤¢, _ ¢•¤¤¤ ··--··-- _ ·-Z ---·--- - ·--~-·------ 476 appropriation for superintendent .. _ . 402, 780 degicxency appmpmnonjor ieea c1g, 622, sm C'l¤si;i•d0ivil8a·vicc(•e¢CivilSerwce, wntsoferrormaybernnredbydrptrngt

 _ D C co;t,°;S;xpreme Court, and cucurt M

• Samw ti I *1 co _ """°°"""""'° appropriation for clervk: preparipg system Ctrl., of eliciency ratings fur, inmal year. 750 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . ¤, 839