Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1100

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mnmx. li Dur! Lond•—0<mtinuad. Pan. Diplomatic and has certain entrieain Chuckavalla Valley, Cal. appropriation for Tartan, atc., student _ exem gdlrgs caneellausnzk . _ 130, l(X)8 mterpnwl, apan .. .. $,$ time ei p entries, .. . .. , WeldandI.arimercounties,(l<>lo... 56 i¤rcon‘ texpmsugnhinns .. 97690 timeextendedi¤rmabing6nalproofbyen· .. 98:690 _ tryLnen;a;c•3d;,hons 106 m:ngmtheDeparhnentofState. 5%% I °"""°""""°'°° torieiture o?::?tizepdai;”z;r, etc . 356 for transportation of diplomatic and con- , notghcable in time of peace . 356 sular oBcers .. , ... 98, 690 mitigation of former, when oiiense com- for steam launchylponstantrnople .. 98, 690 nnttedintxmeofm ... 356 Iorgundrent, o Japan . 98,691 prohibition against ta, not ap- for pe Sparta! t, Tangrer 98, 691 licable to, in time otpeacei ... g K brmging homegzriminals ... 3, conditions enlrstmm ... r lifesaving testimonials . naval excl ts mdrkted for unforueen emergencies; expenses, ’ to, in time of war .. 356 neutzality Act. .. 98, 691 omitted from Articles oi the Nm? as a balance .. 96, 691 cause for punishing omcer or im- , forbeirsofo yingabruad 99, 691 proper enlistment . 356 for bringing home remains of oicers. . . 99, 691 Datituu Women and Children, D. C., forBureau0fWeghtsand Measures 99, 691 appropriation for payments to abandoned, for Bureau of Customs Tariffs . . 99, 692 ctc . 170, 965 for Mexican Boundary Gommision 99, 692 deficiency apprggation for paymentsto. 599, 917 for boundary line, alaska and Cmada. . 99, 692 ”""°"“' 571 i3 §"¤,,...‘“”‘¢}.’,“‘“‘“m,.,...,"°““l‘“’.,..,,···si;,:,”°·°°”` m?¤¤rec¤sémscsm1i&`ié,`i§ié-ZZZIjIZ 645 Trade .. . 100,692 Detroit, lid., for International Prison Commission. . 100, 692

brriverpo•ta1aarvice  545,796 adhsrenccasmemberdeclued    100

limit of cost increased, public building 861 for International Geodetzic Amociation . 100, 692 Detroit Riva, 1l€;i•.,_ of ffgr Pan American Unipréiy ... 'lgg, appropriation or improvement r permanent court o rtration , betw Fngl1' lsIandandWyan- f Itsrparl1am' taryU' , Promo- D dottggelgizg. . . 815 fc! Elgin of Intgréltional Arultgotliatgigzl lol, 698 evils , . ., or ternatio 'tute - appropiriztion for support, etc., of Sioux 528 f . n xans at or term. ' wa ngrem. . , terms of court at . . 60 for International Bureau 101, 693 "Dewey, “Dry Dock, for United States court for Chim .. 101, 694 H deiicienrgr approlprélation for repairing .. 604 for 0Bce of Publiirol 694 ' ’ wom u t, . . , granted American register . 1007 for Intunalional Seismological Asocia- Dlaz, José Paso:,_ of N ioaragua, _ tion ... . _. 102, 694 admitted to Military Academy for mstruc- for British-4D18flC8D pecuniary claims _ 610;; CODdjl’l.10D8, etc . . . 628 { ... .:. 102, 694 Dndrinaon oyou, ez., or ter-na o ngreee ene a propriation for improvement of ... 214, 813 and Demography . . . 102 Dicgmaon, N. Dub., for International Council for the Exconstruction of public building authorized lploration of the Sea .. 102, 694 R .  : 872 for international Radiotelegraphic Conioz 695 Dia , n econ- ... . . . , ’ tub;. _ for psirngglincg, etc., compilation of Chinese approprliataon for of ... _ 432 I ?eat.iee,d% . _. 694 Digest 0 ulu, 0 or nterna erence on · gpgropriation ior preparing  : . . . 365, 74; im time Law .. .. 695 ` tin prepanng (}a.nad' Boundary a mmis- ».g5.£§$'}?3$FJ;7;°¥·Yu‘?p, “L 6 { . E .,. mpg t Canadranuonors or eacePalacea eHague ... .. retilpggal dutyinflanaeiaonironorsteel. 8 for International Conference on lead Di1z¢m,S. C., _ IinestuMercbantShipe 695 acquirigg site for public building at, au- 878 eervice . xuglb, 695 t rized ... salaries, eonsuls gen , eensuls, Diplmnazicoand Consular Sengice, _ consular inspectors ...· HB, 695 appropriation for diplomatic service .. 94, 688 for expenses, consular mspectors .. 103, 696 1:;;- salaries, ambamadors and ministers. 95, 688 for consular JSIBUDU. .. . . . . - 103, 696 for nt, etc., Cairo .,.,.,. . .. 95, 688 for clerks at mandates ... . 103, 696 for girgés d’afEaires ad interim 95, 688 for lDl»B retexs, etc., at consulates 103, 696 for secretaries of embassies and lega·95 688 ior marsrgsls, consular courts .. lgg, gg · ___________________ , , , or consular nsons .. . , for irfnlsgzrlgction and transit ay . 96, 689 for relief annfpmtectinn of American seaior clerks at embassies . . 96, 689 f {men.}; . . . . ,1; .. m ‘ - or 1 own ... for ... . . 96, 689 {or §£§;1n’¢$};1sdtirw,p§obe . . . . . gg d tem to b d or co tingent expenses .. . bt ... .. 96, 689 lossnby exchange . . . 104, 697