Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1195

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oxlvi mom. pmodq, Amy, Pass. President of the Umm Sanus-—Co¤tinued. Pass. limitationon pricefor,otl1erthanfors1nall authority under Panama Canal Act; to gm; ___,,,______________ 3 ____,___ 672, 720 . deqermme existence oftovgns ... 564 Powder, Now, · to appoint judge, etc., {pr district court. . 565 limitation on rice for ,... , ,.,., . 896 °°.’P&!°v°l mguhu°m °r mmnmug °n Powell Nationalplloreat, Utah, . Z°“°· °t° ··················· 566 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 285, 841 w d ]A¥P*‘Yi:H£i;°:,t§f ]?w*;‘;°:;°1“' 569 PM» mp We 1~€*¤·· Re·¤~=r¤¤»··· authorized to appoint Noon imo; appropriation for mvestigatmns and sur- dentist s dental 891 p,,,,·,,·, ,p,‘[°,{°,,§‘ pp; ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 51° ¤> i¤vi*e g3¤*ti¤¤1¤.¤i'@I*; ¥¤l&-${6*; W b¤·*¤¤i;_,g=§¤¤· m¤=*=¤*vvi Rim ··*· iw- L, .o;`Z£`§’o roo““oooo`°’.iZY—ot°t1§i.;o`T'?iY`T‘j§3ZIZ ov Pwuo XFN-o_ _ _ _ _ ice; reductions, etc .. . 434 .acqurrmgs1tes.uyierect1ngpubI1¢bm1ding mponwgougpusq ___________________ 434 w ¤·¤l·b¤¤$6d ·-··-----··--·-····-- 874 dmignated on commimion for Mmnorial P'¢dW·* dqho _ _ _ Bri acrosstlxePotomactoAr1ingappropriation for collecting statistics of. . 379, 757 wufigt _______ _ _________________ 385 P"’“°°¢§ A- W-, _ _ _ of;provisiom for ceremonies. 1023 PTdelicren"¢;y{‘appmp¤auon for services .. 615 my gcggpt (ig Naqompl Rp? Ong for 90 ¤°°¢¢_o _ · _ _ . Army avy in time 0 war .. ¤¤<1¤¤¤¤s elw f<>r 1>¤b1¤= bvildms M. ¤¤· 877 my alppoint Robert N. oompbou, sm 1 1»~¤»u_. lor., ‘``'°'``' f °'`°'`` _ °'`' f Shepl:im€l7na‘rl:;’hC9“tzGet ¢$‘}°ooooo” °°§"§’.;.;o: °°“ =¤¤q¤¤¤¤s¤¤e ws! ¤¤¤¤¤zp¤b1w bmkims · tenant Coast Artillery . 188 ct. wthomed --·-- o ------·-------· 873 .4. J. cmboioop, sm lieutenant Marine Pfawu NGEMWI F¢¥¤§, AN-, Corps, not in line of promotion . 906 appmpriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 285,841 Chula Dm Daly, 5,,; jjcuwmnt Pre:&kn¢¤•dViezP1·¤·ident,Elec¢ovulVot¢ Field 'ery 1008 for, M _ William Woolssy {Iohnson, proiessor of 906 appropriation prmtjng csruliod' copies mathematics, avy . ... ot . 478 Lloyd L. R. Krebs for payment to mesengens conveying. . . 478 _ retired. .. I _ .. ~ .. 187 Prgsident gdthe Senate, dn- . G1bl;?yLykes, second lieutenant of Cav- 697 sigusjmetc., for archives H. Peck, captain of infantry. ... 192 building _,,,, , ,,,,_,,___,_,,,,,,, $$5 William W. Prude, second lieutenant of commission for Memorial Prifge acres infantry, Army, retired. .. . 865 · the Potomac toArl1ngton, t at . 885 Alden George_Strong, second lieutenant, to mernbersxpolffkammuzteeon Cpisst ... 21. .1;. . . 188 mums; Ggmmdg Huol cock am r, secon eucommiminn to present comnectgg tenant, Army,. ... . 188 scheme for construction, etc., of Nathaniel Terry, professor of public buildings. ... . . 890 mathematics, Navy . · ... 906 President of the United totes, . may direct conveyance of part of Fort appromon for computation ... . . 871, 749 Blown Military Reservation to Texas 734 tor taryof, ssmtants, etc 371,749 umy summon_Ar·rny Reserve into active for inquiries into Business methods of servncem time of hostilities ... 591 departments, etc., only 417 may waive eight-hour workday contract refer travel expenses of _ . . 444 quxrernents in time of war . 138 for %I'l.l'81C of President Taft for White M4 ferlgllezljlmigin Canal riéntil January 1,1915. 138

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for pro(i:c”tion of person of .. 463 may negotiate fdr tunhsriatl’r>iti;¤§gr§s?§§il§:t.s deficiency appmpnation for sdminhtntion with Canada ..,,,.,... . 12 of customs IAWB .. ... 936 p¢l’\‘ldp9.f.i0I1 in international cougresses_ authorit under fur seal regulations Act . . 500 _ etc., to have specific authority of law 913 under dCanal Act; acquiringaddi- 561 liefmmation of treaty Roi commerce and tio s,etc ... nav1gat1' `th uss1a' b ,ad ted to discontinue Isthniian Canal Commis- and ratiggdvgy . . 627 sion when services unnecssry . 561 to appoint Alaska railroad commission; to cozrzplete, etc., canal and govern Caml 561 composition .. 517 ne ... . ... commimwn to te th d to apgggltlvg etc., governor and other 561 mcr(:i•lp;?dimfim.? 855 0 »... excise i Disui 1 1 ‘ _ _ _ to formally open the Canal . 561 members of gzmmjpsfgs 020 997 to receive report from Comminion on Relations; selection ... 415 Fine Arts, as to structures .. 562 medical officers in Reserve Corps Navy to prescribe tolls_to be levied ... 562 and asistant dental surgeons; . 345 to make regulations for operating, etc., to approve site design etc. or memori 1 noooipox ,..., .. , ... _ . ,.. sos to Moi. ’A¤o1¤bl1a W. Boo opal to eitgpxigpzlpng claims for mju- 563 Duncan; Il¥svisctl£i1ée§, in public """"""""" un F ism ~ " *‘*' to cause radio cornmunitaition ins¤lla· to cane':) examination oi) tion of 644 tion_to be erected, etc .. _ ... 563 Patent Office, by Economy and to establish dock, stores for supplies, etc. 564 Efficiency Commission; report. etc. . 643