Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/382

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 347, $$8. 1912. 359 or constructing any draw or other means therein for the passage of navigation or shipping other than what may ass between the approaches and piers and imder the spans of such bridge as the same mag be constructed or reconstructed. nc. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ""°""”°*· expremly reserved. Approved, August 23, 1912. ¤KAP.848.—AnActToamendanActa mv Jul twentie nineteenhuip ’·m’· me me ¤ws1vs,_ amuse ··s¤ as to muaigw ilkangs me iiii’mpm¤ many ..M... FM

 Termmal Company to comtruct, maintain, and operate a bridge aan; [P¤\>1|¤. No-29*1.]

the ppi·River." ‘ Be·ite·nac¢cdbyt}wSe1mteandHmwe Representatives dw United Suites of America in (Jem a.rscmbled],fThat an Act ap?-roved July isi-ni°I:¤'il°iiiZ•i.l,$iii», twentieth, nineteen hun and twelve, entitled "An Act to author- "°j‘,{‘,·,_ I,_ ug mud, ize Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and Terminal Company ·¤— to construct, maintam, and operate a bridge acrou the Mississippi River," be, and the same is hereby, amend so as to read as follows: I I md x___ USECPION 1. That Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and pm: nanny mage Terminal Company, organized under the laws of the State of Ten- ""’, nessee, its successors and assigns, be, and are hereby, authorized to ¥:mPN·|»T¤¤¤» construct, mamtam, an opera a , an ap es thereto, ' d te bri d all preach h across the Mississippi River at Memphis, Tennessee, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in accordance with the provisions Vd- ¤*· PM- of the Act entitled ‘An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters} appgoved March twenzthird, nineteen hundred and six: Provided, at sa1d_br1dgé shall so constructed, §,’;‘,,‘°g, ,,,,,1,,,, maintained, and operated that, in addition to its use for railroad pur· *°* hiv"'-! ¤¤¤¤· poses, it shall rovide for an adequate and a separate roadway and app)1;>aches and continuous use by the public as a highway bridge, to used by vehicles, pedestrians, horsemen animals, and all kinds ’*`°”·· ¤¤=· of highway traflic and travel for the transit oi which reasonable rates of to may be charged received, but no rate for passage of a single passengr on a railroad train shall exceed twen -five cents. mm ‘ Sec. 2. at Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bri and Termi— ,§’§.,”,;°.,,,, ml" nal Company shall not be required to construct those portions of the approac es on either side of said bridge that are required to make the same ready for vehicles, pedestrians, and other highway trallic until there shal be paid to said company or secured to its satisfaction by local authorities or interests the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and ,,,§P,§,",'f" "’ ’°°“ said company shall not be required thereafter to maintain or bear anv of the costs of maintainingsuch portions of said alpproaches and shall not collect or receive tolls for use of said approac es._ _ "Sec. 3. That Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and Termi- ,II'*`;f·§;‘g°’ °‘ ‘"'°" nal Company shall have the right to sell, transfer, or lease to any county, cipy, improvement district, or municipality any part of suc. rtions o said applroaehes or of the separate roadwzy provided for hr; this Act or bot , and in the event of any such s e, transfer, or lease the Arkansas and Memphis Railway Bridge and Termmal Company shall be relieved of any requirement to mamtain the property_so sold, transferred, or leased, and shall not thereafter charge or receive any tolls for use of said wagon way and app¤>aches._ _ I I ,_ "Sec. 4. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved." Approved, August 23, 1912. 87618°—vor. 37-rr 1—25