Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/891

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868 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS Sms. III. Gu. 147. 1913. ’1‘¤¤¤¤>»N· C- United States post office at Tarboro, North Carolina, $15,000:

  • "M*•¤· Provided, That not to exceed $4,000 of said amount may be used, m

"°°m°°i°m°' the dé:cretionl·;wI{(1tl:•;lSecreta:ly;·of the Treasury, for the acquisition L¤mb¤rt0¤.N· c. 0 For a site for a building at Lumberton North Carolina $5,000, in addition to the amount heretofore authorized. muy xsane. xw. c. United States post office at Rocky Moxmt, North Carolina, $16,000. mm emo. United States post office at ua, Ohio, $75,000. mimics ems. United States post office at ce, Ohio, $45,000. _ nsym, ems United States post office and courthouse at Dxon, Ohio, $50,000. ,,1 ,0,,,,, h£{>r(;.l}:1e tof theuteforapost»o bu1ldmgatAsho , . rum . F, th tension denlargem t ftheUnitedStatespostoffice °'?" cn! and0¢1iour·tli.duse at O·I:lahoma Oity?0(lrlahoma, or for an additional builds} $250,0004 nu-, om United States post office and courthouse at Tulsa, Oklahoma, $175,000. ` . U `tedStates tofficeatAlban Orego ,510000 andtheAct f

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V¤*·¤·¤“L heregy amendedso as to•uthori¤othe&?113rof theTre•suryto eonstru¢?sag°b nIfmchawayastopm esuitableacoommodatio ureaus. ¤‘*~¤¤•¤•· °*¤· Umptl;d°States post oiliee at The Dalles, Oregon, $24,000. ¤••¤*¤¢· ¥’· United States post ollioe at Pennsylvania, $70,000. ¤¤¤r- P- United States post offico at Corry, mnsylvama, $35,000. ¤•¤¤*¤· *’•~ United Staten post office at Hanover, Pennsylvania, $10,000. ¤•¤·'¤¤·'·*· United States post oiee, courthouse, and customhouse at San Juan, Porto Rico, $32,000. _ &r}“¤¤¤•·•n•m He:. Uxggigd States post office at Narragansett Pier, Rhode Island, $19 . 8'*¢*°Y'”*°· Tm- if 'ted States office t Shelbyvill T nnessee, $5 000. W*¤¢¤¤*°*· Tm- F; additionall:3 for sit; for a niteii States t office at Wines , enn , . h ter T essee $2,300 pos ‘_j*g,@“',,,,$,,"‘§',f§‘·,,,,"`,,‘}~,_ c United States post office and court house at Corpus Christi Texas, V¤i-*6-P· **1- $70,000, and the Act of approved June wenty-iiftlr, mneteen hundred and ten, IB reby amended so as to authonze the Secretary of the Treasury to construct said building m such way as to provide tsaiiteble accomtxlnodatxorlis ft? the Uniall States courtséd J ¤•**·•°¤¤·,"°*· Th t $90 000 e ct o ngress a ... "°'°* mud-min, uiseeaiii hdndred ina ten so- as Vol.U.p.@. ment, remodeling, or improvement of the a&praisers' stores at Galveston Texas, and $40,000 m addition there , which sum of $@0,000 is berelmgoauthonzed, shall be applied to the purposes set forth m the next o three items pertaining to or providing or pu IC buildiiig atlgalveston, Texas, namely: f bl. semceeunr for For remodeling and reconstruction, to adapt it for use as a United "°“”"°“'°‘ istgtes courthouse, the building now used for appraisers stores, ,000. new susan;. For, the purchase of suitable and convenient buildindg and site for an lgPl‘8\&el',S siore, wa;··ego)t5s)e, and other purposes, an providing suita e offices erem, , . neu-n¤si¤¢¤¤¤¤. Forrc&rrang1n°g&udcoustm ° 06 thethird to fth "‘“‘ United States p0st—office and ciiitgegmhontigg liluilding and wldilg inci? e;.¤;2;;5ye_;¤r rent dent thereto, $15,000. TheAct of Congress approved August twenty- _;;,,,,,,,mj fourth, mneteen hrmdred and twelve, authonzing an e enditure of $8 000 for rented quarters and moving expenses, is hcrlggy repealed. Cuero, rex. United States post office at Cuero, GXBS, $20,000.,·r¤. United States post office at Hillsboro, Texas, $10,000. nam, rex. For the acquisition, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, of additional ground adgoming the Elost office and courthouse at Sherman, Texa, $5,000, or so much ereof as may be necessary.