Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1177

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mum:. 2119 Wade, {da ll. (widow), Pan. Waldo, Ira, rap. Wpennon., ... . ... 1368 vfensien increased 1967 ade. perm L., alu, _Catl•erin¢ s. (widow),

 ... 1;;;     .. . . INS

ymen , m)unes .. . .. 1 ___,_ _ _________ ___ W?;;b9r¤, public b _ N', imm:d§te entry privileges I: \|1|'l¤$ uxlding an- umn ... thorined ... . . . . 878 Walker, Albertus H., Wym, _ wpennon increased 1078 uty on Canadian, sweetened .. . . 4 lber, Areenilh F. combined with confectionery, etc- . 4 Wpemron increased . . .. ¤ . . . 1407 reciprocal duty m Canada on, sweetened., 7 alkcr, Austin P., W combined with confectionery, etc .. 7 wpensrogr ... . 1483 gigrfrpose of bemment of Labor to promote wpension 1253 _ the we _ of . sz ... 736 alber, George E., gmpmve wgrking ('0!]d|¤0ll§. , .. 736 Wpenmon increased. ... 1194 advance opportunities of, for profitable alba, Isaac E. (son), employement . » ... 736 wpemnon .. 1165 Wagac}, Gcavye A., alker James F., nsion increased 1283 nsion increased 1320 Wxgaman, Adduon, 1225 Wgleker, John, pension increased ... . Wpensmn increased 1187 agncr Gooygs alker John F.,

 increased  1219 Wpension increand ... 1043

Wagon Road Land Grcnh, Oreg. alba, Lerbuler, provisions relating to nuts ior iorfeiture of sw Wpennoircgimlsremned 1066 certain . . ... - .. . Wagon Service, Poshl, wpension increased . . .. 1221 appropriation for regulation, screen, etc. 546, 796 albcr Lean: H., , r . readgustment of pay of contractors for Wpensmn increased .. . . 1176 screen; from increased $8 alter, Oliver J., 1221 W ta o pace system .. nsion mc ..,..,.. detaileedghacceunts to Egnkept to deter- 558 W’£;c¢r, Perry, 1167 ming ______,,,,, , .. pension increased Wagons, Walker, Peter, d ty Canadian farm .. 5 nsion increased 1272

duty in Oannda on farm  7 Wgflzer, Reason, 1257

, _ nsion .. construction of public building authorized Wglicr, Willard M. nt 872 wpension increased .. . 1098 Waltpcton, N. Dah., alkzr, William, appropriation for Indian school ... 529 Wpensron increased 1061 W or ospictal, etc ... 529 alker, Wiliam V., Mm cit Crh . nsron inc . . .. Wpeéngn intiieesed ... . 1151 Wgliirtehaw, Luvemh (widow), un aiu, am}; ., Wpe¤.sion..._ ... yment to .. - . 1239 all, M., WPI: ld, F. E, muon ncreased _ 1180 gelizenc appropriation for services .. 615 Wgg, Thomas, Cltoctazr Indian, _ Wakefield goat: N. title to resersauon of Choctaw Indian Wpension increased 1204 W ua Wlaadzin Mimiggispi, cvnnrmed, etc. 189 aunt , a ., ahrggi gzm ... . 1068 bridgea authqrizgd acres Smke River, Hgfejicld, W H. T., Franklxn County, to ... 54 peggigu imggpdnn, ,.., , .,,..,,,,,_,_, 1046 Wqllq Wqllg'[nd141||, Orggq Wah./,c,d,. Vg., ”r3z£r¢;gm10;¤% support, etc., of . 534 ""“’*’.'.‘$‘3§..{‘¥» fT‘f’¥‘.‘{‘¥`??E;S9,r66 ¤r·1>r¤pri•e¢3¤¤f<>¢1>¤!>¤i·;,,!;_,¤¤i!,:!)i¤r ..·.. gg ,0, . ponds, wuhingwurs wgggunabatcalmon gran birthplace. .--·--·----·--·-------- 445 man ________ · I _________________________ ,3,,5 Walbrkige Place, D: C., _ alejau, gwyw w_, P“"k °f T'°¤¤°*·b S¤"°°‘ NW·• d°"$` nsion increased . . .. 1412 nated as _ .. . 94 7 wgaaur Hmm Cn _ . ”’¤l¤¤r··» H¤¤···¢ (MM), lm mu ,,,c,,.,.,d _______,._____________,_ 1131 Wpleinjrkenlmcruzed . . .. {mq. Pwd, Ima a , cmu ., ns: n increased pension increased .. . . r. . . 1099 wmqossgrgk (widow), 1296 W ld I N_ {Y nsmn .. . . gcqzliring site and erecting public building Wgflncg, William J., at, author-ined .. . .. 875 wpeusxon increased 1187 mma, Home H., aww;. Wdlm M. pension, igqggggd ,,,_,,.,. , . . . ... 1205 PCDSWD l¤£¥9|$d ·----·-•··- - ·-•• · ···-·· · Ins