Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/188

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1202 SIXTY~SECOND CONGRESS. sm. II. cn. 178. 1912.

  • ’;‘;°*°'*· Th f An S. Elg1n` , hel 1 d dependent child of John

‘ ‘°“""“ i1$i>i)c0mI$:¤y 11 nm. Eeigiimzliit Pennsylvania voiumw Heavy irhtxllery, and pay liar a pension at the rate of twelve dollars ${,’f’,f,T}’(§{‘§"’ p6rTl'Il;0l?B.l’1'l0 of William G. Hovis, late of Company A Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pay him a Eisner: at the mts of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that 18 now 1-ew . . sumti su-nm Thialilngarne of Samuel Barnett late of Comgany A, Sixty—§rst Regiment Penns Ivania Volunteer lnfantry, an pay him a pension at the rate of dollars per month in lieu of that he is new (,,1,,,;,.,,,;,, 'ghfef na?1e of Caleb late of (%;>1;_11pany E, gne hulmllred ti eg1m' t ` tear an a a gnsion gt_the rateeiif thhtgxiiohfarilsnper monthtiiiilieaii oiptgat he is newreeen . .. .. n»¤».r.u¤in»¢u. The naiggg of Alonzo J. McMaster, late life major Twenty-eighth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at the rate of twenty dpllazsper month in lieu of thathe is now receiving. · pm.; mam The name of Daniel Leiner, late of Company B Fifteenth Regiment §.2:Y.¥2.*k...,“:&:a:.·;* H¤:.:m“.::::.:¤.1*.*z1.: k.:2*.**m* “·· ¤·¤·¤··»•¤¤=¤= The sud; Ebehardtlte { ”° I —Tw· - are 1’%$é’.N2w Yak due. mimfg, £.‘21'°,§*.§i£."i p.;"Z£¥¤ at rate of twentyrfour dollars per mon in lieu of that he is new ¤¤¤¤¤¤1·J¤¤¤•¤¤- Thexxme of %f.0¢iube£°g};]I;>hnson,&L;adte of (gpllipany H, First Regimen meas , . ‘ of forty dollars perlsonth in ligntirgf thatgilayis nov: zgtzigivlilrlgt um nu x.n¤·r.a1n»•. The name of Nathan T. Albee 1 of Com F Two hundred and tenth Regignent Pennsylvanih and him a pension at__ rate of thirty-six dollars per month in lieu omat he 18 DOW 1`906l . cam LJ The name“¢ilgCharles L. J , 1 te fC C 'hv -·third - om R%§in}ent_Iow(;i°1§Tolunteer Iiift;:tr£ nil; gggiigziva pensiiiiityat the ra othirty arspermon m euo a isnowreeeiving. uu q.e¤u¤.¤. Th am fH .Gahamltechal`F Y, Pe1m:yl1vani’a0Volu*;d)tIe,er‘%?av»i.lry, aiidapa hixliiednpmiiiptiixihat rat: of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that ge is now nenmaaaa. RThe nznie of élcibert Smliltih, late of Company C, Thirty-second egimen owa o tee d him ` rate of thirty dollarsuger montlluiiiihieuuhf $1% he is iixnrzlgeili it

¤¤¤1¤.sm¤¤. ninieligf John! R. Sittiignf late of Company E, Twenty-eigl1t.h

Regxmen ons tear d pens.], mm rate of forty dollars ipelinmonth inulggiiguthagliye iisuxilow recei P it the “•¤ '· wm- Tha Mme of Marti F. Belcher, w1dow of Lewis W. Belchgilgite of E:.·:.¤;::;>;..‘Z·.F°“· “m¤&.“s*·¤%··¤a**1.Z°‘*·¤*·°* I··*··¤*¤· _ pensnon a · ra o we th.

  • ’*‘#**·=’“·»·*=»»·»“"“‘- R.;‘*‘°¤m‘:..Y;"%:&r..°“.¥.*::·s;.K·.;~·· 2£.`?°i·Pz.·¤.i°f·..m.m“ii°¤”1“&

r s B rr:°t:i;>igwenty-four dollars per month in of that hnimisa new Pension. · A¤¤1•¤<¤•¢•¤¢- The_name of Annie Florstaadt hel and de d t ' wc? F1t:;.t¢§»;i:, late of Ceuipany L, mdmmmsd of twd:°¤&1°Ham P°rv;mArt1l1erymh· , and pay her a pension at therate H"“" mm Thename f HenryFulto late f Foam Indqpqyim _AOhioV&luux;§erIiight m¢iitlpi‘ayhim:hpmsien attlieBr?tt:IeJi kquinmm thirtylnm mm, giegmenh lénu of thensnowreeeivmg. am. N., Y$*’v.¤..;.r...“"’°‘E.g..a· M ··i..?r········z;.E‘·§“*‘·····- 2: tltemtaoftwenty-foixrdolluspermon inlxgzyofthsh ism!