Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/3

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iv LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. ran. 2 silogvg md §u¤ widlzzvznmd dependant relatives of such ::1dR: :d 1082 ' . ·Ma , .. . . . ..-·..-· · ----···---···---·---- ·-· Pcrniivfstlogvil ?n12Act G'I‘lI1 D§i0D end increases of to certain soldiers and sxlon of the Civil War and widows and dependent xelsnven of such soldmrn and was anilom. May 9, 1912 . . ... . . Pe»uwm' ,R lar •mdo0•arJumOivi1W.AnAtG penmm` dum f nah to cerzuin and ailum of the éuhr Axemy ::l¤§§vy, and celrzaip soldiemomldenilcn of warg other than the Civil War, to widows and dependent relsuves ol such noldmn pm"- ‘“j‘¢'$.§b°”w.¥‘°i2·&2t‘”G.¤ ···‘ ‘·‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ .;e·,..¤,...· ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ ea ‘°°° zuglcn ofutge and certam widows md dependent relatives of such soldiers and 1094 PM"' ..§°···*°`.;f ;’{€·c.“ .- ?` ``"` *‘·‘.Q·m*·°"(Q`,,¢.."".1` '·‘%*·····Q1Q.L.L*£¢.<:.‘x:·..·;·· ```"’'` 2,..%%*i on n an e an c an _ of wa:. Mex-1127, 1912  : ... _ . _ ... . ... _ ... . . . . _ ... 1 099 Pmaom: Caml War._ _ ActGnntmgpensu>ns•nd1ncre•¤eof toce1jInin¤oId1¢emmd nllor¤0ftheC1v11War•ndee!t\mw1dcw|•nddepa1de¤t ofnoldxers and nxlmsof ~ pm- “j"5$35 w‘;‘2".Z;.£2£%·G... ‘‘‘‘‘ ·‘‘‘ - ‘·‘‘ 1.;.; ‘,.- ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ ae ‘‘‘·‘ · ‘‘‘‘ a.; tem ‘‘·‘=‘‘ .;.; “" n1lor¤0ftbeCivi1Wara¤dcertamwidow¤anddependeutc of¤0ldienandsil0r¤of _ sud May 27,1912 ... : ... _. _ .. 2 4 z ... 1122 Pemum•_, Cml W¤·._ 4nActG¤ntmgpen¤mn¤mdmcn•¤aof tocartnms¤ld1qn•¤d _ n1lm·n0ftheC1v1lW•ru¤1e¤rtamw1daw¤•nddependentc ofsoldxensndsulornof P ·““"6£‘% w"“’€Z;.*X‘%·G ···‘·· ···· · ···· ···‘··‘· as ·‘·· a;"..t.i.. ······n “°° emma an ar. c menus c ni'g>rsofth;Civ§l¥;;r2mdce';1?tI‘nlnwid0w¤mddependéntc 'dxenofaoldienandsihnof uw an wu-. une , .. , ,, Pem·wm' ,Regul¢n and thutI•en0i•ilW' . p•n¤l¤n•audi¤¤e•se0fpen¤m•' tu_cer¤in¤o1dien¢;.ndng.ilu¤¤(tlm1.{egnl¤Ar1:’1I•¤d svpsndcertainsoldiersendanilenn _ofwuyptherthmtheC1v1lWar,mdt¤y1dan jxchsoldnemargdaailan. June 6 1912 1149 Panama, Cwsl War._ AnActG1—mtingpenn¤mnandmc|e•¤0f§nn¤toeert•m¤¤ld1e!¤¤nd n1lom¤ftbeC1vilWara.ndc¤rt•mwidow¤•nddepe¤dentc dnnofnldienandnllonof P ·“"‘&“’z »$““°}·B.;%?‘¢ ‘‘‘‘‘ - ‘‘‘‘ ,.. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ .;r§...· ·‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ as ‘‘‘‘‘=‘‘ soldiers ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “°° mmm, an ar. rm menus mum

‘h>nofth;Civgq;ruandeer—{1h§nwid0nuddepmdmtc dieuahuldiernmdnilaauf lm

war. une , .-.1 ., . ,..,.. ; , , ,,,,,,,,,,_, 1 Pennbnul Dim`! War. An Act Granting pensions md incase of Euneh tucertdn euldienmd mlm of theCivil Wumdcermnwidonmddependmtc dmnefmldienmdnilaad P _¤¤idCg:¤·iT’·]uneA1`!;;E>c15 ...··-- z ·. E . _ Q -·... ; - 11 76 mmm z ar. Gnn pennom inuun tthmnldkg

>r¤ oit.ln;Civ§19\\;;rmmdce?n‘inwidon•nddependmt 1

war. une , J . ... 1191 2•uwvu' Civill'. AnAtG¤n’ nnoi mdmcn••e‘ ufpemnh tocertulnsuldhnmd


nr. me , ..; .. . ...,,_, 1209 Pev••w•u' (Heil}? . AnActGnn pemicaandincnnnd teeutnhanldnh


wa. une , ...L .. .. .. . . . ... 1% 1Y•‘ll&¤••Z.N¤nnm. AnAct'1‘ cczectthemili nead¤fWillimZ.N¤¤nm. 1\n•26,l .. 1239 Robat8.G¤1l. AnActF¤rtlm°nliegaMh¤heine2RobestB.Gil1. J¤ly8,1912 1239 s¤mA,£,BWaite, AnAct:‘¤urAt1n:;•l1:fh;¤f8gh‘s7h°fA.W•i¤.BJul; 8,1912.7 . 1289 Dang . Thom . c or re Douglas . . 8,1912. . ...,..

 A.nAcjForth&1eliei¤IBhvoRam•damvx!)·tc1Atu¢  lm

an , , •.hn' Radio , . I , lblm ...,..,,...,..,..,,,,.,.,,,...,., 1240 ••1¤au•i¢a,"ligMhog•u‘°t:nda. AnA:tToreimb¤neth•<f;:en•ndu"?i.wo(tb•liglntho¤•¤ iunndedngdtlnt und 0ctoba·dxtb, md . I 3,1912-.w .. A.G.8¢m4:: Aunt FortherelieIo£the1eg•lheii'::IA.ué¥r8t¤in. Jul 3,1912. . , .. I22443 Ama-afglsgvvglgommq. 4nActF¤thenli¤ldtJ»Ame:ie•nBmetyComp•¤yofNewYork. P4u»•_ a.¥1¤.4¤¤’ `'``` éiéif'3§1§&§¥6ii.'.11ZZIf.'.ZZZZZZIll HJ ¢n••on•,RquIen oder . Gan' pminmmdinueanadpendonn toce¤•i¤¤¤ldi¤andqilgndtl»1.{.•gnlarA:my¢¤d"I§{ ,•nde•rténn1di•su1d¤ilu• ¤£_wmot;3tgm;x;1l;e&vdWu,mdmwHonmdd¤pe¤:Lntnh6v•dnchnB&¤ad . anla:. y , .. 1241 Penn; andatbellntivili . AnAetG¤¤ peninsnndmh ulpening to •¤d¤i1¤n•itI»{ngnlaA¤nya¤d'%: ¢w¤¢£Tt§.a1{éh;(HvHW¤,•¤dmwhlonuddep¤Ei1tmh&v¤d¤ch¤ldi¤¤ad I ·-······-·····---··-·--···~ · -·-··-····--·· . ·---... - .. 1942 Pa•ia•••, ¤tl•&•C$•€lI¢. tucertsin snd¤ilunaftbR?bAmy•nd andeerhinnhih iq; dwu¤¤ti¤tt•nthe(2ivilW¤,•nd widuwnuinchmlnnudnilen. I•ly5,19¤.1 188 '