Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/501

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EXTRADITION TBEA'1'Y—-SALVADOR. Arm. 18, 1911. 1519 16. Embeulementby 16.—Desfa|eo realizado r ‘¤'••¤“"°¥ °'*‘ son or persons cualquiera rsona 6 personrgs PM" employed, to the _ t of empleadas,endetritherr employers or prmcrpals, mento de susopau-ones 6 princiwhen the erune pr ofence is pun- sales, cuando delito tonga pena rshable by rmsrmonment or other e prisién u otro castigo corporal eorpgral p _ t by the laws oonfonne 6 las leyes de ambos of th countrres, and where the paisesycuaudolasumadesfaleada amount embeuled exeeeds ,two exeeda ds dosoientos dollars (6 hundred dollars (or the Salva- suequivalrmte en moneda salvadorean urvalent). _ dorena).— 17. p of mmors or 17.—Seeuestro do menores 6 umass. adults, to he the abductaon adultos, definido como la sustraoor detentaon of a person or Enter- ci6n6detenci6n de persona 6 r- sorm,mordertoexactmoney m sonas para exigirges dineroaslaas themortherrfamilies,or· forany éasusfamilies, paraalgunotro other unlawful end. ‘ fin ilegtimo. ‘ 18. Inreeny, defined to be the 18.—Hurto, deijnido como Ia hmmtheft of eifeotgpersqnal property, sustraeoién de efectos, bienes horses, cattle, or lrve stock, or muebles,caballos,ga¤ados6oture money of the value of twenty- semovientes 6diner·o por valorde five dollars (or Salvadorean egurv- veinticinoo dollars en adelante (6 alent) or more, or reeerving su equivalente en moneda salvastolen pr~oper\& of that value, dorena) érecibir esos bienes hurknowing it to stolen. tados. do eso valor, sabiendo que 19. Ilwlléy, uh 9. tene! r I; os , Ob ‘ money Ob val bb 8011 hEtO8l?0s· ti ul falsos securitim or other property .by dinero, valores repslizables 6 otros b’°g¤':§°°°°°‘°°°' false pretenees or reeerving any bienes 6 reoibirlos sabiendo que money, valuable or hansidoobtenidosilegitimamente other property knowing the same siempre?ue la sums e dinerjo 6 el to have been unlawfully obtamed, valor de os bienes esi adquindos 6 where the amountof money or- reeibidos exceda de doscientosdolthe value of property so ob- lan (6 su uivalente en moneda tained er· reoerved exceeds two salvadore¤‘:l.— hundred dfllars (or Salvadorean e uivalent . l qzp. Perjury or subornation of teetimonio6soborno ’·¤¤¤· , 1 . Poglirllraud or breach of trust by 21.-lgiude 6 abuso de con- ¤*••¢¤¤¤*¤¤~ a bailee, banker, t, factor, iianzaeometido por deposrtanos, trustee, executor, :§::inistrawr, banqueroe, agentes, [actores singardian, direotoror officer of any ejeoutqreqadmrnmtranlores, mpany or Co ration, or by ,d1reotores6emp1eados any one rn any iizroeiary position, eualquiera oompania 6 corporawhere the amount of money or ei6n6 poreualqureralirgersonaque the value of the ropertylénlrsap- desempenermpuesto oonianza, ro two_ dred · %\lO1I8\1l1ll»d8d.l.IlBI'06 gollgrs (or Salvadorean equiva- el r e bienes estafados lent). exeeda de doecrentos dollars (6 su equivalente en moneda salvadomils). 22. Crhnesandohnees ?ainst 22.—Delitos y ofensas contra $'•*¢¤··“¤¤· the laws of both countries or the las leyes de ambos paises sobre la supressionofalaver·yandalave aupresréndelaasalavrtudyel

 eomercio de esclavos. _

23. extradition k also to 23.— asimrsmo1aex- ·'*°°•¤¤°•· take laeeforp•rtw1pa¤o` ° ninany $l’IdBl&I. oomphoes ante•_ of tbl; aforsaarrlerirneeasanae- 6dsepu6s_delheeho,encualqurera crssory before or after the faot, deloadelrto•ennrmerad••,oontal