Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/752

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1912. 1727 fer to the United States of the absolute fee and ownership of all public, ggvernnient or crown lands, (public buildings, or ediiices, ports, hnrs, military e¢Li:lpment, an all other pub c roperty of every kind md description ongraggr the government ofp the Hawaiian Islands, wasdulyaccepted ra' ,an coniirmed,andtlxesaidHawaiian

 and their dependencies annexed as a part of the territory of

the UI5l% Stages, and mage subject to theisov on thereo,an ansmgular eropertzan 'ts oremmtioned vested in the United Sitates o AND WUIQBEAS, it was further arovided in said resolution that the existing laws of the United S tes relative to public lands shall not api}? to such lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but the Congress of the nited States shall enact special laws for their management an ition; . AND REAS, it is deemed n gpblic interests that of land situated at UU OINT, on the Island of , in the Territory aud District of Eawaii, in the United . , en o ¥•¤¤•° S“§t’»$‘ ‘*“THEB°"°£:F‘6°R‘E“f“‘v¤“I".m'”“'1M%° €§iii"*"*‘i»...,.°‘*°.i’ "2"*’£":i.“.i I- ·· _ United States, by virtud of the authority in me_ vested, do hereby 1i¤¤°}@·g•’.i:w¤••s declare, proclaim and make known that the following cgisces °"· V ""· and parcels of land be and the same are herebg, su ject to su lea; islative action as the Qongress of the United tstes may take wi res t thereto, reserved for light-house purposes, to—w1t: KIT; of those pieces and 8arcels_of land situated at POINT, on the Island of ahu in the Territory and District of Hawaii, in the United States of America, and bounded and particularl described as follows, to-wit: _ Bzginning at a point marked by a wooden stake whnch S. 9f ¤•¤'•*•· 43’ 46" W. (true) and distant 43 141.9 feet from the Terntonal Tnangulation Station Makapuu, the boundary runs by true bearings and distance as follows: 1. B. 10:% g ffzt, thence if %.?>° 00*00** B: IIN feet,. thence- _ 4. N.85°00'00”E.6tlHeet,to thepointcfbeginnmg. T withallwatesgri `an iishingandotberrightsand ts of xgggg-ind gther or appurtenant to the we- ‘ an o .

 of way five feet in width over and across

certain o ds sand right o wainbemgtwo and one-half feet ou each side of the following escnbed e:-— l U _ Beginning at a point, which bears 9° 43 46 (true) and is distant 43,141.9 feet from the Territorial 'hnnlgixlation Station Makapuu, the center line runs by true bearings an distances as follows; • / thence .S.41°M'2Y’E. 879 t••t,then¤• gl $“{2Z':, themes N.68‘1§’(IY;E. 373 i•et,thnce 8: N.56°56’lY’E. 4M feet, thencl 2). N.64:11’l7'B. $$3 f•et,&e¤¤• 4. N.U)°I.1'|XY'E. 217.5feet,thum• 21. N.c1 29’¢0’ E. 04 teegthencs 5 N.66°48’lY’E. 333 ie•t,thaw• 22. N.67°47’2Y’E. 423 INR thence

 N.74°82’¤Y'E. $4 feet, thence 28. N.67°4B’40"E. 508 {ect, thence

7. H.7S°46’IY'E. 363 feet,thence 24. N.61°24’20':E. 58) festthnee s. N.62°41’40"E. 856 test, thence 25. N.65:32’20',g. Qggeet, genes 9. N.74°25Y00"E. 16) !eet,thence 26.N.67°50’¤Y’ . .¤oe 10. N. 74°22’00" E. 274 feet, thence 27. N.67°50'ZY E. 353.5fe•\. QQ 11. N.72° 1’40”E. 423 teegtheoce 28. N.•9 wu"!. $76 teeathence 12. S. U}°58'N”E. ses 1e•t,m¤c• 29. N.0c:ts;0•';E. 200 te•¤¤• 13. N.62°2¥®”E. eso teet,d»e¤c• so. S. s6_s1 A0"]!. 219 test, thence 14 N.t8°se’4o”E. 282 ieee, thence $1. 8. ¤_nV00’lE. 240 t••t.ui¤e• tus; S. 48°as’20"E. IU te•t,thenc• az. 8.,51.5VlY E. 292 te•t,th•¤c• 16. 8. 40°W0”E. 601 teetdieace ss. B. as as iestnbeuce 17.S.¤7°0a'00”l. 675 tsegdunce s4.8.70°W . $88 test,