Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/841

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1780 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. Of section 8 the west half, the south-east quam, the west hslf of the north-out quam, the south-eat quam of the north-east uam, _ Ofqsection 9 the south·west quam, the south-west quam of the north-west quam, Of section 16 the west hslf, the west half of the south-east quarter, and the south·west uater of the north-east quam, Of section 21 the west half, and the south-eest gum, Of section 22 the south-west Txerter of the sou west quam, Of section 25 the south half o the south-east quam, Of section 26 the south helf of the south—west quam, Of section 27 the south half, and the west hel! of the north-west quarter; — dw TOWNSHIP es xtomu, um: 4 win, n. nt.: Sections1to17inc1.,21 to27ineL,md34to36i1i¢1.,· . Thnsepsrtsofsections 18, 19, 20, 28, 29,¤nd83lyingnorthe.nd east of Upper Priest Lake; ut TOWNBHII; as Noun, unions wan, n. U.: Section 1, _ Those parts of sections 2 sud 12 lying east of Upper Priat River; ut ·rowmum> 64 Norm, nicer s wan, B. it.: Section 31, Of section 19 the west half of the south·west quam, the south-went quater of the north-west quam, ·. ‘· Of section 30 the west hell', end the south half of the southeast l uw, . . Ofqgection 32 the west half of the west half; II mwnsmr et Noirrn, num: 4 wan n. ug Sections 18, 19 20, 28 to 36 incl. Of section 17 the west half end the south-eatxam Of section 21 the south hs]! thesouth half of north-eeet quam, the south helf of the north-west quam, end the 1\0l'ih·W$t qua-Q ter of the north·west quam, _ h Of section 22 the south—west quam, the south half of the north·west quam, and the north-west quam of the southasst quam, Of section 24 the south-esdtquermi, the south hel! of the auth-east quarter, and the south of the south-west quam, Ofsection 26 thesouthhelf, thesouthhalfoftbenortlihslf, and the north-east quam of the north-eest quam; ut ·row1•s1m· 64 uo1¤·¤,‘iuten 6 win, |. l.:` Sections 26 and 36, Allofsection 13 1yingeestofCedaCree§:, '1‘ho•epatsofsections22, 24,md34lymge•stofoeda(}¤eek•nd Upper Print River; 4 II‘R)WIHIP10IOH'I,lLIGI8lAIl',B.I.Z Lllofssctiomgl 16,21,28,und33Iyinge•toltheNorthI|'ork of Peystte Rue: