Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/893

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INDEX. 1835 Coal and A;ph¤lt Leads, Okla. Peas. any p;,,,m pg, surface o Choctaw and Chickasaw, to be •p];mp;5,5m£1°¤g,i¤8, gk, ___________ ga ¤..¤‘£.}?;;;;,s.:s;,e.,,..,.¤ ‘······‘‘‘‘··········· 2 ‘“'*°“°‘ ‘ M ‘°* *·*§:,·3· •*=·· *· ·... . . sun mq} commission to clanify and appraise; value Coun, Daniel ., mt. mu. nu $7 of ll!lPl'0V0lll8|lf8. . . QB pg¤gi°qin¤g@___________ ____ _________ W to detejuane of L1 agricultural, grazing, Conn River, Va., an wu o . . ..- 88 prel1mmary° examinati made... mining leaseholders given prior right in Coast a·ndGeodetieBur·vqTI of. to be m purchaae; maximum amosmt. .. 08 tion lor; advances .. 4Q additional l¤nd· restriction . . . . 68 ileld expenses, Atlantic and Gull X'9&fVl&0¤fo!f,\li·l1!90pBl\[l0¤B ,... 68 qpglgqgn ____ _______ _____ __~ ____ 410 ales subject to entry for mining purpeass; lor Paciiic Ocean surveys .. 470 ¢0¤¤P¢¤¤¤'·l0¤ ··----····------...·-- 68 lor h drographic researches, etc. ... 470 arbitration of differences ... . . . 69 for ogshore soundinga, Coast Pilot, •tc- . 470 entry for mimng purpoesa pending de- for magnetic observations, etc .. 470 _ cngmn .,,,,___,__,...,.,,.,,,.,. 69 for apeeialeurnya , . ,, . ... 470 undisposedof lands to be aold to highest lormiscellaneous ... . . L, .. 470 bidder ..,.. . .. 69 for delegate, International Geodatic As- BulemMcA]eg$gpCgu¤tyyC]ub,,,,,,,,. 69 §)(;|$(i0¤,,,,.,,,,,_.,.,--,, 470 restriction on minera1s underlying State torvseh, repairs, etc . 470 pemtentmry .. 69 foregxnaordinuyrepdnto “Path£nder" 470 terms of sale; gnaximum tracts, agricultur- for venele, ¤G¤e¤, and Dill 470 aliwgrumg, and town lots .. 09 for Egzrintendent, aiatants, etc ... 470 uleof tbeurince and mmeralsiinot ter hes. ,...,.,. 471 proitable for mining ... U for oice expendituru .. 471 leased lmdsexcepted . . ... 70 . ., 4.32 conveygancee to specify conditian, etc., 70 deiciency appropriation party expenses 6% inding grantees ... app riation for expenses of claesilicatiem, for rep¤¤' to v1h. ... - ... $:9 mpsales, etc ., . 1 . 70 lor rewiring buildiq. IQ depodt o to credit of Choctaw: 0o¤•¢ArhQllqy, Army, _ and ws ., 70 appcoprnpgi ig egurpnnt ul Orpnisad rules, etc., to belprescribed .. 70 llilma wuh nmmvune, etc 577,711 Coalemdezherhu D ,Na·vy, 0o•s¢Ar¢€]l¤J·y8¢§ool,]'orl a¤e•,Y•., ap ro ‘tiontor ‘ plant,Hawaii.. 338,888 apfropna¤;m£cin¤dentale¤p•aa•... 670,106 i;rg:loilta¤ks,H•waii .. 898 ¤r;naunals,app¤atm,etc .. 570,7lB forfuel0iltank,Boaton 808 iorinstr¤ctmnms¤bmarin•¤lries,•tc.. 570 {§"°.;’£i‘.?.,.i.,°‘° ‘‘‘‘ ¤"11e"§ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ if S3'} °°“‘,.mt».'“""· » am.- 470 r ’ tation, . . a or com Goal any V••yI Costas Em gland, L. appcopni on or maintr appropra_ or na train! nanceofdepots,wa•¤,•te. .. SSB,} mnntenance . delicieucyappropriaiienfcrr 0¤l,@,985 for Naval War College, 884,8H in·vestigatienolcoallnAlaakah>ruae¢i lornavaluainhigeutisznbnuldmga, naval veaasls. .. . 888, SU etc ... : . 841,901 reportoncoalandceallieldaavailableiine ddciencyapproprlatmnfamnluaininsi) American veaele . . ... 838 station . . , 985 Coal, Andiradte, I d lc:-Naval ... . 02), 936 dehcienc a propriadm or refunding n- 0 , -. Sega: . .. 618 refused registration aa trade-marb. 649 Goal Depots, Noiq, 388 Coats, fhoynae, 227 ‘ `on oreslab ' . . .. increased . ... ·Pg on, Pe , . g C ¢rgw•l, 1037 au hiung' , repealed pensxm _ . ... 6'o¤lL•m2; b 8 d _ _ _ C¢:ndgsSct;¤TahapCgnpu:¥, _ dgeelsctions y tates,an d1spo•lmmo· eiluen arpa yu latedtractsohuriaeeotauthorized. 105 ment, n1tedStatesoonrF:g .. sw surface homestead entries allowed on Ala- Coburg, Reason, bama ... , .. _ . . . 90 pension m¤p•••d 1204 Oval Lands, Iarl Bertboll Indra! Reasraaton, Co¤\etopa_Nql1onal Forest, Colo., N, pq}, appropriation fm- nnmtemnce, etc., d., 282, 839 al1e¤¤;i:iwIndi¤¤•els¤rlac•ef,ehi- m prockmatxcnenllrazgingareacl . 1775 rE't:“olcoalclaimanhto•nt•r,etc . 631 P¢||ilIi|§!U|•d~; ····.-.-.. 1439 Gaul , Okldotne Indian, Blank!} senden), additional acreage leaeee allowed actual passion _ . Z .. . ... 1218 operators; conditions ... . .. 1(ID Cocunano Foqgd, Ara., exchange of Choctaw and Chickanw fgrmamt¤ance,etc.,d.. B13 leesee permitted Missoun, Kenna , Willems A., and Texasndcoal Company .. .- . Q pasén increased 1046 m mum! - —--· » W- . . Coellliur, K Va., may emetrncémdpnblicbuildmgandiexnad preliminary examinattn of, to be made. . % at 873