Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/939

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INDEX. 1881 Foreign Mails, { _ mgm Forest Paara roriation or ,799 prop¤a¤¤n' tra. penns f "?3...’?¤..k..,.. mm, ... mm "’ ¤.,.¤ ...u..¤.».,¤..‘L?‘t;..£¥ °m,¤ for pier tranéfere, New York, San Fnngm 799 for expenses, maintenance of ss" c\8C0 G . . :. ... , forests. ... , .,, ., 1, c0nt.ra<;tmail.:= .. 550,799 lands acquired under conservation allowance lor dinbilntlee ... 550, 799 Act. _ ... .  : . ._ 287, 842 paymen;st:)nhcase 0; slegtlr . . . 6.8550, 799 for gelectmf, etc., lands within natiom;81 M2 en em o . . March . . iorests or en .., , P“§:ody, and W. L. Gwinn, lest on forsur»jeg,etc.,of ls.nds;re· ·*Trtamc” ,,,,,. : ,,.. 550 su-lcuons, etc ... _ . _ 287,842 for assistant supermtendemt, New ale of mature, dead, and down tunba York ... . 550, 799 for domestic use ... 287 for balances due foreign countries 550,799 free timber for settlers, etc., not reior gelggatea to Pedal w f . t .. or n 0 ,e , lor' inlgglioi seals, etc . . 553,800 M •¤PPE¤•» i¤¤-¤1¤¤¤*·¤. •¤•i ¤<l¤iP· deiiciergy ap%ppriation for transportation . 937 ments, ... _ .. 281 , 842 Faregn oils Post Ofc: Depart- fcrprour:.1ot1ngeoonorny1niorestpmduc¤é1§7 an nun! 8 . , appr¤].;rit:t.ion for nrperintendent, clerksioz 779 { of etc ,,. m ram'?-n ym- rm": I lj Nq`mu·‘· I - · `·-``'-`--`·-‘ l for experrm•n' ts in tree p1mu¤Q`éti¤.] ~ , invited in hold international maritime con- etc.; open-market purchases 287, 842 ference ... _ . 637 for cooperative, etc., xnvesugabans to subjects for consideration . . . . 4 . 637 dstmnins oonaervatryemanagement appropnauon io: American represents- - of fokrsstr . Z .. .: . 288, 843 F · }$"°H.= ‘···· .1.; ‘‘‘‘‘ sista; " °““ ‘°’ ”.2.".,..·.E·.22°* ‘“"°°°"“‘°°‘· °"°’2¤,w omgn e , ., _ , _ _ ... nation' f oBeers,’ - lOK!(KI,‘I'II]I,b!|d#GOC .. 288,843 twpmptaut, worlgm ,,,,,.,. .`H‘Pf¤372, 750 iestriction on preparing articles for Fomyn Suda and Planta, newspapers, etc . 288, 848 appropriation for investigations in intro- 836 liao for telephongcgaaes .,, m ' f . - .. veling , restn . . . . Foreign additional Slowance for made, trails, credit of double time for, not to be given _ etc .. _. .: 288,848 F _ ?en!enl1st.1ng hereafter .. • . . 575 f°!1pet::change•ble appmpnations . % gg omgn an •, _ ._ . . ... , · 1].,¤'¤g . 784 { In forests mes rgency. 858 p..?$"$2.$‘.‘L'Z'°‘°° ’°" ‘°“ £§’E§J..‘”.{·‘.¤.,¤..r»._.a.f;‘fi§’...¤,.°°°· radio communication, requirements for _ used in cooperation WldI.:..:. . 864 ozgpgging _____,_,___ _ ,,,,,,,,. :. 199 deficiency argropriauon for injuries and restriction on use of ragio apparatus in 308 for $::::1 ulgotrnlgiorestllres . hm, Owmiszm Y ```````````` for national fuena O , etc. . m condemned cannon granted to . 509 improvement of national forests . 987 Fora: Fira, 287 842 sddltwpnlzl Ieavesdof algsence allowed em- as · ‘ ‘ .. , ees on u in Alaska ... . . spglrogghftix tmgc;t<;ses ... 800, 853 employee; on hnurznus york entitled to tor reimburing mm for clothing de- 586 compensation for myunea received 74 · · ________,_, _ ___... therein for ti::1E:¤bttlr§taw¤ ill pmiectilg reimbursement to ownua of horses, gte., _ w.m¤1¤ea•¤(¤avig•g_¤g¤¤•5¤¤¤·<;:;‘g 855 lm. dxsed. or <i¤¤¤¤y¤d Babu: 843 "°“°‘°f22'»·T’ '§"""‘°...f .. "" . .“”°' . an rm. rom ww. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Fam: Rama aumxw National Forests), penswn mcreneed , . ,,,___ 1046 grantofcertainialaridsininlandlakesto Forests, _ _ _ _ _ _ wimnnlin fog _______ _ _ __: ,,,.,. , . . . 324 appropnatwp for mvestrgating insects lame sa-meg, Department of Agncullwc, _ aflgrcting ... · . 291, 846 appmpriauon for Forester, supervmora, I'aneng¢r,_ •llum_ { um, _ _ , ‘ nngen, em ,,, . .. gg. gg Fgmmw vexrmz ¤¤f<>¤¤¢r ¤ fw W- 476 I , f»¢ --- ···- ·--- ··-•--··· v . . {2; iigftgmgn. ¤wc1¤¤¤i•=¤. ew ---.---- g --··------· · ·—---···---- 1¤¤¤ M ¤°¤g'“°g’_;‘@§°··d;;;;,‘;.;,3;,;,Q;,;g,; 838 .¤q¤a€:g’,1¤ fu public buildin: n. •¤- M b“l']di¤8’ ° Q ··..·...·.·.··. den . ZN, 838 Farrelly, Kale R. (widmvl, for administration of national forests. 280, 839 pennm ·..···.-...·-··----·-··--- 1356 ale oi timber: restriction, Black Hills Forster, - md Harney National Foreets..,..é8Lg Fpennogamuund ,. 1m §Z£;‘;.¥';.Z§”t;‘l?;?2t§‘"  ::::::;:::::_: m so °'.§"n..l...g·,r·. ru ,..m building .., for printing, etc., mvestngaia 1, 839 I thmasdw . 377 0 ,.-...·.»••••-•••·•·-•-·• , I , " for contingent expenns .,. . .. 281, 839 plltn IIIUSX . . .. 1279