Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/975

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rmmx. 1917 Inlcrnahbnal Bureau for Repruaing AjHoa·n P¤¢¤· Inta1mubnalGecd¢¢•}:As•ocialionf¤r0|eHea|- Pan. appro rm on or con rx u 1on... s mgm on yment uotn . 100 spi; Tiweémm e ‘b { mo coz wgmrgwEmh’¤1 deficiency appropriation for share of ex- ’ ’ anpgenses . il ,23 _penses ... _ ..,.. 595 I Institute of Agnhdnre, Incernazumul Bureau of American Repubhb appropriation for payment of qnoh. and (gg; Pan American Union), member. ,.. . ...,... 10], 693 Interruztwnai Bureau of Pernument Court of for expenses of delegates to General As- A]-b;_zmz1;m, ual t b E 100 698 M scmbéy at Rome .. 101,693 appropna. non or ann con n u 011... , or u 'cutionn. . 101, 693 Iniernational Bureau of Weight: and Mena- Join; C , Canadabn Wu. . Bmmiaz am: · appropriation for annual c0nu·ibut.ion 99, 691 tppmpristinn md expense. . 478, 695 InLernatw1uxlCalal0guzofSci¢nt1)icLilauh¢1;:f, International Law Cmnmisaiorn, appropriation for expeuges, preparation . 436 international convention establishing au. . 1554 or prmtingg 8l1d_bl!1dll1§: .. 481 Inzzrrumiomzl Maritime Coryerence, Internatabnal cmmrttec of nyhta and Hana- President authorized to invite maritime ugesn nations to hold . 637 appropriation for expenses of member, . 410, 787 subjects for considentim .,.,,,,,,,.,., 638 Intematumal Conference on Load Linn for appropriation for ,. , ,,,.,,...,,. 533 Merchant Ships, International Ojce of Public Health, appropriation for participation in . . . . 695 appropriation for annual quota. . 101, 694 Imemanbrrwl C'o;_1f¢rmc¢ on llaritirrw Law, 695 Inlematwnal Po;mldU{ubn, appropriation or participauq in .. appro riation or e tas to . 550 Intgrgnatgsnal Cezégrus of Cham era of Com- In¢¢rnazIi)muzl Prison Coizniuion, mace a Commercial and Induatrnhl apprggriation for subscriiition, etc .. 100, 692 Auocnkztakms, Fifth, hercnce continues édpnyment. of pm foreign Governments invited to take part mm share authoriz .. .. . . 100 I ..,. . B . 636 deficiency appropriation for contribution, ntermznbnal ongres: o gah mag- ctc ... 595 raphy, y Inu·rnal1b1u1l_ Radioulegmphic Confavrwz, appropriation for expenses, etc., partici- 102 appropriation for expenses of delegates to, tion in .. e c ... 1 ... 102 exhibigato be made b Federal bureaus st. 642 for expenses of . 695 materials now avaiéble to be used .. 642 deficiency appropriation for pm mtu sham temporary structures of American Red of exgzxbnes . . . 913 Cross in Potomac Park, D. C., 2.1- Intematicmal may Congrua, lowed to remain for meeting of . 636 appropriation for quota 101, 693 Inta-muimuzl Congress on School Hygiene, deficiency x2>pro riation for quou 595 pmticipation of foreign Governments to be International ed (gun, invited ... 642 temporary structures nllowed in Potomac Intavaatzbnal C ua on Social Imurance, Park, D. C., for meeting of . 36 appropriation ior expenses of meetings, International Rafe Shooting Competition, Washington, D. C ...,. 477 Camp Perry, Olnb, Intanatabml Crmgreu cm Uniform Letters of appxxpriation for expenses . . . 711 Exchange, loan of rifles, etc., authorized .. 711 deficiency appropriation for report of free entry to contestants .. . .. 711 American delegate 595 Inurna¢wg•a{ Samtary Bureau, Inzerm1t1]o-nal Congresses, etc. sppmpnatxon for annual shave of mainteparticipation in, restricted to specific su- nance . _ . _ ... .. 101,693 thorit of law .. 913 In!ema¢ianaZ_Sd:nwlog¤ml Auocumbn, Internatwbvml gonvenhbm, appropriation for annual contribution, of American Republics establishing an In- etc . 102, 694 ternstiom.1 Law Commission 1554 deiciency appropriation for contribution. . 595 extending duration of treaty on pocu- Inammtional legmpk Convention, IXI5, uigy claims . .. 1648 extracts fmm ... _. .; .. 1602 on repatriation of naturalized citizens". 1653 Inunmtioqai Waterways Commuswn, on rules for asistnnce and nivago at sca. . 1658 appropnstion for expenses until Decemwiggle; m1 ph ... 1565 ber 31, 1912; mp¤rt ... . .. 448 Inunuuimml€(€’!c?i¢ndl for Ezplorahbn of the deiciency appropnauou for salaries md Sga,Pg;·rna1•¢M,u { I lgxpenses..v.:..y_ . 9w • ro riation or ron 0 expenses, yuqparmwmumy num ar n· pp EW ______, { mz, 694 umm og Ivuamational Dry Land Conqreu, sppmpnstwn for contribution ... 101, 693 appropriation for exhibit It annual meet- Inurprzury, _ _ _ ing, 1912 . . .. : . M1 apFmpna1w¤for_emba¤1¤¤ md ]'?\¤0Dl. 96, 689 for coo ration with md exhibit for, nt or student, Chun, Japan md urkey.. 96, 6N Tug; 0k]g,, 1913 .. 854 not to be paid other sixties .. 97, 690 Inta-national Ezdnangu, f¤rqua.rter¤,¤tudent,J•p•nsnd'1‘•;:key. 97, 690 appropristion for expenses .. . 436 for ccusukws . . Y . . 103, 696 gr printing and bmding ... 481 Inlzrzmtc Commerce, In.tu·na.t1l0nalExpoaiti01n, Pamma-Pamyic, intoxicating liquors prohibited shipment proclamation inviting foreign nstxonn to into t State in violation oi my hw take part in ... 1728 thzmct. . . GUI