Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1252

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vi INDEX. Alaska Railroads—Con1:inued. Pm- Alemndnh, Va., Alfred Street Baptist Church, P¤£¤· rights of way; patents for lands to be sub- gzyment of Court of Claims Endings to ..,. 939 ject to ...,. , . . 307 A ndria, Va., First Baptist Church, determination of . 307 gzyment of Court of Claims to 989 limit of cost .. 307 A ga., Saint Paul’s piscopal ` t' f carry` ut rovisions ur aPpmpdiaA$;Il. .. 3 . . 307 pgyment of Court of Claims Endings to 989 receipts from lands, coal, timber, etc.; net A ndrzh, Va., Second Presbyterian Church, earnings of road, telegraph, etc., to Ezyment of Court of Claims findings to 989_ be paid into Treasury ... . . . 307 A ndrg, Va., Sgeet Methodist d rts 307 pisoo out ,

   bliqall operations 307 Apagment of Jdurt of Claims findings to  989

to b ° .._,_,,,,,,___,_,,,_ a a detail of Ifiezls. llglredsrick Mears for service 772 approp1}iati&n for testing commercial seeg;3 1092 `n ocating, etc ..,,,..., 0 , e . Z _ ... , detail lesuictions of Army officers, not ap- Alum (see also Immigraition), _ _ Al ka plicaflrle to_service with ... 357 appropnatrontfor medical inspection oi 2211624 837 ¤¤8¤m ·--·~·--·--···-·--·-·· , s dgtail of Army officers not ap- deficiency appropriatgion for expense?2 lj ble to ser-vi _.,,. . ,.. 357 naturalization o ... 3 , 1160 Alaskan Empire, ce on expenses of temporary detention of, prior Ag§cier6oy appropriation for printing, etc- - 1147 ttggdmliilou, T; be paid by transpor- 926 , _ on_ es, e . : . .. Aappgopriaeédn for public building .. 609, 822 exception 1f k¢;p;dar}w1tne¤es, etc ,.. , guaran y requ _ or .. _ . (1 _ _ ___________,,_______ , ___,_,,,, 128 serving four years 1.n Na , Manne Corps Ammz, Alan or Revenue Cuttsrvgervice admitted A3,p·p’r3priation for public building . 609 gl natut?l;zl;tio1;ev;1ithmt previous 395 ° gmc 0 0111 D OD..-. deficiency appropriation for public build- proof of character from naval record, etc. 395 Annan ,,,_,,,,.,,.,,.,.. 559 Ar action of court . 395 ‘ , ‘ _, nzann _ appropriation for public building. 822 duty afi; ¤¤¤t¤¤t ---··---·-- - ·----.-. 117 Azgugm, dried · 114 Aonfyee 1¤pzm¤;¤<E;y¤¤ from ·----»--..-. 153 11 0¤» l -·---·—·»--·---—·—-—~· . . . {moon :§iquid _________,__ Z _,,__,,,.., 133 appropnation for bleeding, etc 422, 1093 on free list, not specially provided for 153 Alfa wr,

  • ’.'{“{“2§"" "“’“”* 145 A2i2?3£·°2&°?lit‘oa ‘=‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "”

11 . . ..·-- •···---···· ---····~- ·•· 1 AML, photog,-opo, mq 146 A g1;;(y&>8n, not specilioally provided for . 114 d ...,.. . ... . , N. Mex., on free list, cinchona bark .. . . 161 appropriation for Indian school . . 91, 594 Allentown, Pa., degciency appropriation for Indian school. 332 condeurrgstd cannon granted to Grand Army 1206 Al h l, .. dirt; on amylic. .i ,.,, , , , 116 Alleys, Db C6 gaze also Streets, Avenues, etc., freelist,meth orw ... 153 _ . . , _ _ _ Aggghhgg, genazumdllsee Denatured Alcohol). dwelhnéol;est;1cct»ed nn, less than thirty feet 716 A omestic, _ _ , e .. _ . _ .. drawbaclg allowed of internal revenue tax restriction on repairs, construction of pwd on. Med m prepmtwns ex- 200 use (xiv, etqséé ·`;l;iév}h;i -------·----· Alcoholism, penalty for violations . 717 °Agaimt, _ ormer lawsrepealed .,.,,,...__ 717 appropriation for expenses 110, 453, 1127 Allumcc, {Yelp-., _ _ _ invitation to foreign Governments to par- 453 Agppropréahtioon for public building ,_ 822 ti · te. •-••¤¤•••~••»••-••¤•·-·-• ICE! 9 Alden;} Imvctgia m tod to 1199 Agppmpriation for public building .,, 609, 822 cannon gran tron, Francis, Am eligmghount Zion Old Sdaool Baptebt payment of (30;*1: og Claims findings to admrmslra r o .._,_,___ 980 A ymenlzoigourt of Claims Endings to . 989 Allyymn, Jghqyqc $@96, . ., _ tf urtfCl' Iid1ngs' to 979 payment of Court of Claims Endings to ad- Amelgyglk gt, O mms D mm1¤F¥=~'¤°* °* -···------·--·····-·· 976 payment or com of Claims endings to ad- Akr . . _ ministrator of- ,,,,,. - . 977 additional internal revenue tax on 745 Alla, , in S I to I F. (M Lands d°ty°° ’‘‘‘‘°‘``‘°``` "°`ZZ§§§ZZZZZZIZZ ii; i¤S¤~‘¤r¤l=v¤>I¤<1i¤¤¤>- l Aledog, iu, `'``````````````' Allow, delici ’ ‘ wm r r public build- duty on nickel ..----···· 129 °*'°" “”"°*’"“" ° P wg me not spscasuy provided 1 123 ______ _ _________________ _ _,,,_ " , _ or Ag,m,,d,.;l:gLo_, used as substitute for tool steel . 124 appropriation for public building . 822 Allspioe, or rent. .. . ... 822 duty on ,. . ...,. 135