Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1341

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INDEX. xcv 1Nr Balsam, than- Fw;-Ggutinnod. Pandut ou. ... 1 .. ,. 114 oufme list, oils, of American 160 Fire gid, products of American fisheries . 160 du ou, not g]szo¢1, ctc Z -. - . 120 shrimps, lobsters, and other shellfish . - . 162 Jiu- _ I paatallahona, Forcijaatoom, skins . . 157 . appmpmuon for Canal Zone. . .1 74, 885 Fehh Sounds, W or consmgchon, etc. 1 .1 . 887 dutgee;11 prepared ... z 116 for opamtrng, nescoast defenses . . - 389, 888 on hst, crude, etc., not spocmlly pro- · int opuntugg, saamast datemes, insulu _ vided for. . . ... 155 pcsssssmqa .. , ... 391,890 Duh `W7I01fG;Ild Market, D. 0., br cpnatruchou, ctc., msulaar posses- approprmtwnfez market masbcrmd wharfnnns . . .. 391, 890 mger, atc ... 519, 896 for rgugc finders, etc., insular poses- for reconstructing wharveg. 519 _ umm :6.16 1.. 891,890 iormamtenagnce and ._ ...,. Deparlmmtr , . . or constru mar dmga, . - appropriation iw chief engineer, deputy, Mm., giiimzrs, otc.-.._.;& ... _ il; . 538, 913 pml¤n$:§y examination, ctc, cf, to be 1058 vm charges, ., raqumsd re- e . muvals .. -. . . , . 913 Fisheries, Amazican, gu . . . ... Q, on iinhpand other pjpgucts of 160 orcontugion expenses. . , Fnahmca umm, eparinmto mamma, for car ti eta for cicisl use- .. . - . . 539 appropriation for Oommimioner, deputy, for new housegetc . .. ;- ... 539 clerks, etc ... 60, 661, 873 deggnew appsratnrsgéi . . .{ .. 539, Pdbilof Idmda. cwncy sppropua or mage cmp oyoos . ... keel tnnsportstmn on street railways to * for disqibutima emkpigyoas. 62, 661, 874 muuben of. when on duty .. - . . 900 for stauou employees .. 62, 661, 874 Fire Insurance, __ for vcsal seruco . . 63, 663, 875 stamptaxpnpoliciasaf . 762 forcontingcntexpeuses .. 63,663,876 ~ cooperauva or mutual companies, not for for propagation .. . . r .. 63, 683, 876 _ prgét, cxqnpt . :-.- ... Z. -- 762 regmcted to States with laws protect-

   ¢f  Ilatenals, · ug Babes, gte . . .  : 663, 876

gxppro muon for mvestngnting 503,104+ stsuonn to States acwrdxng Fzsacrangaw s, etc., 147 sugcnnty toemployocs for oparésa, 878 u an .. -.,.»..-;..¤, . 7 mug, ... Firewood, L _ _ _ r formnintennncoofvesaols 1 63,664,876 Fgn {realist . .. - . 164 §or inquiriglcf food iisheu .. , . g, m, `ewor , or stztisti in ‘ .. , , giuty 0111, not specially provided for 147 for protecying fisheries . Q3, 664, 876 Fwt Auqmyt Pcatmasur Qmaul, _ . for mvest1gat.E1:§ bgam or ptter tmwhrmg. 63 appmpmuon for, supeuutondeuta of dn- for Alaskbll cues servxca, protectmg visions, clarks, ctc . . 494, 1036 seal6¤hcrios,fo0dwuztives,etc.64, 664, 876 for division of salsues and allowances. 494, 1036 for new noel distribution can . - 64, 877 {ox division of correspondence ... 494, 1036 for overhauling "Alb•¤0m" .. . . 64 for division of appointments .. . . . 495, 1036 for vescls and bonu, Alaska Eslwry for division of City delivery. 495, 1036 service . . . . . Z 664 for postal service, 0Qce of .. 296 for paying Gre• and Japan, furfor postmasters, asmstants, clerkg, qtc. . . 296 seal convenuon agreement 64, 864, 876 for rent, t, and fuel; leases; hmnt. 299 for establishing station in Utah, use of {or onus, iimt and second clam 299 mbalmcoi. . ... 64,62: 0 can e s · con mom .. for mechanical and labornving dcvicea. 299 for land, etc., Cold Spring, Ga., station. 664 for city delivery ... 299 right of mo Louisville, Ky., through pay of substitute carriers, etc., rated. . 299 fish ha ry . .. 664 for experimental village delivery ... 299 for repairs to wharf, Woods Hola, Mass., for travel and miscellaneous expenses. . . 299 station . . .. 665 Fiscal Agents of United States, for construction, etc., Clackamm, Omg., Federal reserve banks to act as .. . 265 hatchery; sale of old site .. 2. 665 Fish, for repairs, ctc., Beaufort, N. C., biolognappropristicn for investigating the hand- cal station 665 Img etc., of, and utilizing by- for buildings, etc., Edentou, N. C., staproéuqts, etc. . . ; . . ... 431, 1102 tion ... 665 duty ou, csvmr ... . . 134 for vessels for Boothbay Harbor, Me., in tins, not specially provided for, except station 876 shellfish . . .. 134 for additions to Louisville, Ky., station. 876 oils, not gpeciagf provided for .. 117 for additions to Orangeburg, S. C., stapacked m be es, cans, etc., except tion ... . ... 876 shellfish- . 134 for additions to Saratoga, Wyo., station. 877 paste, or sauce 1g3 for co}.d·sdt:mge plant, Alaska fu: seal me . . 1 4 m1:m' . . . . . 877 skinned or boned .. - . . . . 134 for reconstructing Baker Lake, Wash., on free list eggs of, except fish me, pre- _ _ hatchery _. - Z r ..,... 877 pued . . ... 157 deficmncy approprmtmn for mnscelkmgous fresh-water 157 expenses ... . . . 232, 335, 580, 1158, 1160 not specially provided for .. 157 ~for protecting Alaskan seal fisheries ,... . 380