Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1362

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oxvi INDEX. Hiram Masonic Lodge, Franklin, Term., Pose Home for {aged and Injinit, D. C., Pagepayment of Court of Claims findings to 986 appropriatmn for salaries ... 544, 918 Historical Plqeee, D. C., for maintenance . 544, 918 appropriation for erecting, etc., tablets for for repairs and improvements . . 918 marking ,,,.., . ..,.,__,,,,... .523, 901 Home for [ncurablea, D. C., _ _ Hiwassee Masonic Lodfqe, Calhoun, Tenn., appropriation for care of indigent papayment of Court 0 Claims findings to 985 tients ... _ 545, 919 Hoarhmmd Seed, Homeopathic Hospital, D. C'., Afatumal, olp gee list ,._,,,.,.,,., 162 appropriation for care of indigent pa.54 Ho ails, tients ... . ... 5, 919 Hon frog . . -. . 160 H¢Zi·mesteaegEntriea, I t d _ obart a., esert wives may comp e e an receive alp ropriation forapublic building .. 611 patents for I, 766 H0 lg}, t. Agfr H., proo of residence; posting, etc., of appropriation or reimbursing , 889 notices .. . . . . . . 766 Hockemmith, George WC, division of leaves of absence allowed entry- payment of Court of Claims findings to ad- men after establishing residence 704 ministrator of .., . ... 978 erroneously allowed for Kiowa, etc., In- Hockemmitlz, A., _ dian lands, Okla., validated .. 1219 payment of ourt of Plaims findings to ad- female citizen marryipgplien entitled to mimstratrix 0 993 patent on comp eting ... 740 Hodgertville, Ky., _ _ for lands later declared not irrigable may deficiency appropriation for public build- be rpclilnquilshed and farm units mg ... . 561 se ec in 'eu .. . . 1215 Hodges, Col. H F., _ lands reserved for reservoirs, etc., at headthanks oi Coeggresa extendeii to, for déstin- watexésd of the Missimippi River, %:1Sh BBTVICGB OD. Eth.IDJ.8I1. 3.113.1 OPE]!. [0, ... ., ,_,, 683 mm1Bi0D ..-...- . ... 1190 tracts excluded . .. 684 advancelgliufragk tlggrade of brigadier gen- right {so overflow rltzerved .. 684 e o the e . . .. 1191 actua settlers to ve preferen e .. 684 H3? bf; retiied on application ..,. 1191 restriction pn entries before anitnouncecs, osep , m t 0 mag` .. 684 patent mued to, for lands ex in mar¤ag' emof oengeyman and ent oman Cache National Forest, U and not to impair their rights tloypiitents H Jogdaho . . ... 377 for 312 o¢y.n, visit °grantdtts` payment of Coitigt 0; Claims findings to ad- 972 pm gergslaésati-tx pro`_ig§;,8nFla%ie;.?1 Ii: rmmstra r 0 .. t' , 1 Hof", Col- Jay E-. _ secoud,l:lilow8g<‘iwi2i iliiimerolliist, etc., by 5 0 appropriation for mmbursing . 889 entryman . 712 Hog Cholera, ele., _ proof of good iaith, etc., required .. 712 appropriuation for investigating, treatin)g§0 Homestead, Pa., e ---·..-. .. , 1090 appropriation for public building' . 9 H°9*h°°d8» Hoqnestead Settlers, Htgzgygn pmpty ..-·---·---·. · .----... 130 time ezéginldeil gu ixgstglllments byii on o , e c., · . seamen not required to_ do unnecessary indian 1i1e:ar»iintion,6}§Dn]gak.,l`iag W0l;k 111 port OB d8S\g¤BDé¤ for public build- } me washabau u counties, s. mk- ass Hollow ----- · · · · * '·'·· L ·•···· · · ~ ·-·- • · I indian 1;,Q§Q|'Va,tion, a 7 · • • · • .1..,, 0., man, mae,_em1, to 126 me? ... ?..*.?‘TI‘T‘E.‘f°}‘?.‘?l‘_ °T‘ 384 uwnslls °f» f°*' Pablei k*“’h°“» and h°°‘ Homestead: (see also Enlarged Homestead¤)· . r··¤~¤=»¤1¤¤··¤·=m ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· 127 appropriation for clasification, etc, landé “'°“ °" steel °“““‘°1°d· °t° ··········-- 127 within national forests etc 429 1099 H°"'””“?/v J°h" G·# . enlaroed entries by ersons 1 payment of Court of Gimme 6¤di¤8¤ to bhoinestead title valiiiated is ‘ ini Holly _S,1;";%;‘£"ij,*,€»;_,‘;’*°°"°°'” °f ····-···--- -· 969 less than 160 acres .. Z . 1162 deficiency éppmpéisaou mi public bum. °“"§;'g,°‘Q0}a,§;*;,,‘;,§§n‘;§"g“§°d “ **1** 1162 ing;additiontosite . 2101 H d I . . * . °“ ° ·········· Holy Gross National Forest, Colo., or 0 n?g€!°°'”fP°'°}“i¤ N- Mami Happrogriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427,1097 Hzggyrgia mn °" m"·mt°“*m°"’» °t° —·---· 860 provisions for practical demonstrations “PPY°PnaU0¤ fof m¤11§tGl' to ... 442, 1116 iu, by State agricultural colleges,. 373 for Bocfotory of logatnon 443 Home Education, Fourth Intemahbnal Con- Hom, _ { _ grgsoon, ts _ ud _ _ Hon froe hat .. . ,.,,_,,, 158 orengn yernmen mw to partici- oney, www ...-·--·--·-.- · -... 775 duty on ,,,,,, _ _____________ _ _______ ____ 133