Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1408

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G1X11 INDEX. Military Posts, Army—·Continued. Pm- Militwh, Ogfanized-Continued. P¤z¤- appropriation for Governors Island, N. Y., annual lotment to States, etc., only availseawall .. 842 able up01:£<;>i11;)pli§.nce withf eégndifor im roving water supply, Corregidor tions spec' y ecretaryo ar. . 360 Island, P. I . . . 1077 oicers eligible to commissions from the deficiency appropriation for water and sew- President in vohmtéers 347 ers, relief of flood sufferers, etc., assignmentstobe in arm, notregimental. 348 1913 .. 215 part of, to constitute N aval Militia 283 for water and sewer systems at .. 229, appropriation for organization, etc .. 286 331, 334, 380, 1144, 1156 Milk, for roads, walks, wharves, and drainage. . 577, on free list ... 159 1156 sugar of ... . .. , . 159 1Hl12a·ry Pnbon, Fort Leavenworth, Kam., Mlk, D. C., superseded bis United States Disciplinary appropriation for inspection of dairy farms, Barrac . . .· .. 1084 etc., by health officials 539, 915 Mig;:’glReservatimu, extension of inspection to States supj 'ction ceded to California over part plying 915 of Presidio of San Francisco and Milk River ImQ;at·io·n. System, Mont., Fort Mason, Cal., while used for appropriation for expenses, Fort Belknap Exposition ... . ... 783 Indian Reservation 90, 593 Military Reservations, Abandoned, for maintenance, etc 800 appropriation of surve , etc., of .. 47, 645, 856 deficiency apglgpriation for expenses, grant of Fort Hays, to §ansas, modified 710 Fort Be p Indian Reservation. 230, 332 opened to entry, Fort Bridger, Wyo ... 709 Mill Creek, Term., Bafptist Church, survey, opening, etc., of Fort Assumiboine, payment of Court 0 Claims findings to 986 Ml giontnhz . 6 .. 807 Mill Egger, Umm., _ f be iigary tures, arim orps, inary examination, etc., 0 , to appropriation for": .. . . 411,950 pm made, New Haven Harbor 1056 deficiency appropriation for ... 570 Mill Sluzjting, Militia, _ _ _ dui? on steel, not containing alloys .. 124 deficiency appropriation for reéxlacing stores, Mill mh, Orcg., etc., to Ohio National uard ... 215 dec not a navigable waterway ... 233 Militia A_#`d‘£T8.D‘i1fi8Ib7I, War Department, Hill Waste, appropriation for clerks, etc., office of Chief on free list, cotton bagging made from . 154 of Staff . 481, 1023 Mille Lacs Indiam, Minn., for rent 2 ... 481 appropriation for purchase of lands for for miscellaneous expenses .. 481, 1023 homeless nonremoval .. 591 all payable from appropria- Miller, Augustus B., tions . . 481, 1023 Mpayment of Court of Claims findings to 981 Militia, D. C'., zller, Lewis M, _ appropriation for expenses. ... . 548, 922 payment oi Court of Claims findings to adior pay of troops other than Government ministrator of . 993 d E empl0yees..._.E { . 548,923 Idler, Sarahfc mt fc _ an to e ciency appropna on or na ntta- yment o 0 0 dJ.D8‘8' 994 lion . . . 214,316, 1142 Mgaler, S. Dak., for J. Edward Chapman r . 1142 condemned cannon granted to ... 1208 Militia, Naval (see also Naval Militia), llillcrsburg, Ohio, a propriation for arming and equipping. 399,960 deficiency appropriation for public build- Alilgtia, Organized, in 562 appropriation for sulgsistence, etc., officers Hillimry Cgvmmznta attending service schools . . . 358, 1070 duty on feathers, iiowors, etc ... 148 for expenses of encampments, etc., with metal . 149 Army _. . . .: . . 359, 1071 Millingar, James, _ selection of site in either Tennessee or payment of Court of Claims findings to Alabama for permanent camp .. 359 legal regresentatives of 981 for transporting teams to national match. 1071 HEL: Building, . C'., Navy Annex, for care of horses for Field Artillery . 1071 deficiency aspropriation for rent . 569 number allowed each battery; enlisted tramfer of `ea, etc., for care of, to new men to be detailed, etc . ... 1071 Navy Department Annex ... 319 purchase of horses from hmd; Mills, Harriett A., use restricted . 1071 yment oi Court of Claims findings to 988 issue of condemned Army horses .. 1072 llglqistmnes, for Coast Artillery armory equipment, on free list . 156 etc., for ... 360 Millville, N. J., for procuring, etc., Field Artillery mate- alpprogeriation for public building .. 612, 826 rial for issue to . 371, 1083 M' wau , Wis., limit on purchases . . 1083 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Solfor ammumtion for Field Artillery. . 371, 1083 diers’ Home . 40, 639, 850 limit on purchases 1083 for public building, ap¥>1aisers’ stores. . 11, 826 deficiency appropriation for encampment deficiency apgropriation or Volunteer Soland maneuvers . .. 1156 diex·s' ome .., 331, 1144 acceptance of, in volunteer army in time of limit of cost increased, appraisers’ stores. . . 371 _ war; conditions ... - ... 347 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor, m advance of other organizations ... 347 tobe made .,... 1061 appointment of officers; commissions 347 Jlinam National Forest, Oreg., sub ject to Regular Army regulations 347 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1097