Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1417

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mum. elm Nawmal Trafning Sdnool for Boys, D. (7.- P•••· Naval Acaglzrgzy, Pw- Cgntmued. _ apgrmpmuon for pay of pmteaors .. 408, 946 appmpmtion for mamumaucc .. 57, 657, 870 mstrucmrn 408,946 for extraogdmary repairs, etc ... 657 use for officeers performing duties done per capnta cost_ci mmm fixed . . 657 by civilians prior to January 1, 1913, deicxepcy appropnation for cam, cbc., of 1 42 f forbidden . . . 408, 947 mmaws ... 1 or swurdmastar, assistants ctn.; . 408, 947 Natalmal Tra·ini·ng Sdxool for Girls, D. C., for watchman, ctc , . · .. 408, 947 apfmpriation for salaries ... 544, 919 for department of ordmnee and gnmmry or contingent expenses . . ... 544, 919 ‘ 409, 947 uso of balances for buildings . 544 for dopmments of electrical engineering National Zoological Park (au Zoological Park, and physics. 409, 947 D- C., National). for department of ssamnmhip. ... 409, 947 Natural Ga:. _ _ _ for marine engineering and naval com appropriation for mvesuguting for eco- struction 409, 947 nomic production, etc ... 647; 858 forcommisssry department .. 409, 947 Natural History, Spearman: 13} balance for continued available. 409 on free list, for public co actions, not for for current and mmccllmeousaxpuusss 409,947 sale ... 162 for books for library ., 409, 947 Naturalizatwn Bureau, Department of Labor, for expenses, Bond of Visitors, etc. . . 409, 947 appropriation for chief, anslzmt, ctc. . . 505, 1046 for congeuciea, superintendent . 409, 947 for sfzacisl examiners, interpreters, for gen maintenance and’1•epuir¤- . 409, 948 { c erks, eu; . 3 E $55, gg, ict rent .. 410, 948 or ex ensoso tmve , ron , ctc , , or BD?. exp¤n.m' ent station"- 946 for agditioml allowance to clerks of for pu Hx, wharf and approach. 401 courts for clerical assistance in mt- for ropaim and preservation of public des _ umlizaticn cgsqs,..i  :.-H£n 66, 667, 878 d _ vrorks , * ... 402 cmncy appropriation or mmce eous eiiumqy appropriation for .. 232 expenses ---.-.. 332. 578, 1160 for eugmoering expmimmggum .. 570 ngoglpaper for gertihcates . .. 380 for repairs ... . . 570 Na zzanlm Dwiaion, Department oi Com- appoiumcut ofifhoen enlisted menasmid— gmx: aneae Labor (sc: oliisbo;) mon nbipmen authorized, _,.., . ,,,__,,,, 410 uxcau, puutmen . ent service uired ... 1 410 Naturalizatiqn of Alum, _ _ _ ommimdmgmggm ... 410 _ gppmpriauon gr apecml o¤mmcr¤,6gxé67 878 111Cl'6$1iB num uegdczf migshipmeu allowed pauses, c , , a , contin unt' June 30, 1919.. . 103 for additio1ml_clerical smistancc to clerk; Naval Apprentices, _ of courts m cgsgs of ... : - . . 66, 667, 878 deficiency s?>>£;·opriat.ion for outtits. .. 1156 deiicxency appropnamon for gssmtaut at- Naval Armor t(aee Armor Plant, Naval). wrneys in connection with .. :. . 322 Naval Attachés, aliens serving four years m Navy, Mmjme apprxlzrriation for expenses, eu: .. 393, 929 Corps, or R6V8Bu&Ql{Zt8! Seyvme, Naval uziliariu, may be admitted as gmzens without spgmpriation for maintenance .. 396, 932 prior declaration of intentiou, proof do ciancy appropriation for maintenance. 230, of residence, etc z .. 395 331, 334, 579, 1156 proof of character from ducharge, ctc. . . 395 expenses of, may pe pid hop "Fuol md action of court .. . . : 395 Transportation ’ nf camera? rates gp status of papers, etc., of Davgdeon County, ceuvo .. . . 944 Tenn. , county court pnor to June 29, Naval Comtructon, 1906 .. 75 eusignn of the line eligible to transfer an as· Naugatuck,"C0rm., _ _ existant, after course in naval s.rchiappropriation for public bmlding . 826 _ jecturc . 945 Nautical nglwyamc and Amgrican Ephemeris, _ lmutod to five each year 945 gppmprmupn for prgparing ..,. 486, 1027 NI¤€mg;·!0W6d -···· · ··--···--·----·- 945 Nautical Almanac Office, Navy Department, aw di "hmqwh (·’?‘ ° §“"Y)· hm apipmpriation for assistants etc. ... 486, 1027 °°“°u nb tanesfiu _°'C0st’z°d ° t'° EBM 413 or preparing Nautical Almanac . 486,1027 six wa img; dm ····· g ······· 413 Navajo M}-, · one 6` appropriation for Ganado nmgauon project 85 speed _ _ ’ 413 on ‘ ‘’°‘‘'‘‘‘' fm ¤·¤v¤>*¤» #@-1 f·>r bddw ¤<=¤·¤· *¤· °°°°L`u»'Z”ma¤"*°¤rZ¤;°°£°1§'fit°§fZZ¢`T'?Y.fif’??f?`? 413 M°*m°°p1 W “h· °° ".‘", ‘‘•‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘ 85 appro riatiou for submarines ... 413 for bndge across Moencopn Wash 587 me Ofpap mpmdou fm, owreckiug pom for bridge across San Juan River, on 91 mon;) made available fm. mbm$_ deficieqcy appropriation for Ganado irriga- rims ______________________________ 413 N ajc I:;;;'°§°;_; ········‘‘············ 1157 three;) of lcéoast submcggnes $$0 built on 13 W » ·, ac' c ; cou 'on ... , 4 ¤m>r<>priMi¤¤ f<>r ¤¢h¤¤¤¤; di¤¢r¤¤i¤¤¤ry advimbility of using the four small sw USF! -··------·--·----·- - ·_ ---·----- 86, 588 marines for defense of coast in Gulf for water Supply, <>¤ r¤¤¢M¤¤¤ -·---- 86, 588 or Mexico, to be considered 413 Navajo Springs Band of Ute Indians, Colorado, alkrtmeqt of overhwd chsrges_ to deterappropriatziou for payment to, from tribal mma cost of work; dxstnbution of funds of Confederated Bands of Utes 603 total sum. . 413