Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1424

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C1XXV111 INDEX. New Martinsville, W. Va., _ _ P¤8¤· New Yer}: Oily, N. Y}-Continued. Pandeficiency appropriation for public build- defic1ency_appropnation for away office, ing ___________,, _ ,.,.,.,.,,,,,, 563 contingent expenses ... 316 New Mmbo, for equipping, etc., court; rooms 323 appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, five-year rental contract epthqrized. . . 323 etc ,,_,,,,..,,,..,, 493, 1034 appra.isers’ shores, changes m 1mprovefor support, em., oi Indians on reserve- ments authonqed . 210 tions in ,,_,.,... . 84,587 assay office, new budding on Wall Street deficiency appropriation for reimbureing front of, authorized 740 for surveys ... 1148 use of unexpended balances for e111¤.rgfor re-marking boundary between Texas ing, etc.; llIl1lt·0f cost _  : . 740 and ... 1157 authonty for techmcal, etc., ¤erv1cee m joint commission created to investigxe construction continued . _. . . 741 feasibility, etc., of establishing tu er- employment of technical, etc., services culosis senitarium for Indiansm . 100 preparing plans for vaults, etc., auuse of appro riations for allottiug lands, thorized ... _ . I - 741 etc. togndiansiu, forbidden .. 78, 582 additional in authorizations m Supervmnot on public domain prior to ing Architect ’s office I . 417 June 30, 1913 . . 582 disposal of present fegade by gift, etc 741 New Orleans, La., condemned cannon granted for Gen. Franz appr0prist:i0nforamist.auttreae1uer’s0$ce. 476, Si?} statue ... _ ... 12 11 1018 New York astem Jud1bialD·Lstnct, for mint at 477, 1019 additional judge allowed for . 581 for post office and courthouse ... 11 New York Harbor, N. YZ! for post office, ' devices .. 827 appropriation for enforcing anchorage reguforcustomhouse b . . ... 613, 826 lations in ... : 19, 620 for marine hospital, eurgeomf quarters. . 615 for improvement of Hudson Rwer Chanfor uamutine station, new wharf 615 nel . . ._ . , . ._ .. 637,848 for Eispatch agent .. 445, 1118 for preventing injunous deposits un. 38, 637, 848 for naval station . . 770 deiiciency appropnation for preventing incommimioner of immigration at; appoint- jurious depositp in .. 214- ment, status an pay. 666 allotments from epecfic improvement pro- New O;·leam, La., judah Taum Almahouae jects for reuioval of driit - .. 1051 Fund, preliminary examumtion, etc., of, to be payment of Court of Claims Endings to . . . 973 made between Staten Island and New Philadelphia, Ohio, Hoffmans Island . .. 1056 deficiency appropriation for public build- removing Craven Shoal 1057 ing . .. 563 Gowanus Bay . 1057 New Preston, Conn., New York and New Jersey channels condemned cmmon granted to 1199 around Staten Island from lower to New Richmond, Wis., upxer bay. ,..,... 1057 condemned cannon granted to . .. 1203 unexpen ed balances for removing ghoal New Rochelle, N. K, _ _ _ off Hoboken, N. J., may be used for appropriation for public building 12, 613, 827 further dredging . ..,., , 1051 condemned cannon granted to 1203 use of allotment for im roving, to remove preliminary examination, etc., harbor of, Coentiee Reef inglaet R1ver .. 1224 to be mnde. .. 1057 New York Southern Judiahl District, New Salem Bapmt Ohurcln, Culpeper County, three additional judges allowed for. ... 581 Va., _ _ New Zealand Hem , payment of Court of Claims Endings to 990 on tree list, bimfing twine ,_,,,... 155 New York! _ cotton bayin made from tow of,. .. 154 appropriation for Maedonpugh Memorial, Nmark Bay, . , _ subject to coumbutnqn by . 669 appropriation for improvement of channel cemnon of clgi bed of portion of Harlem in ,,,,,,,__,,.,. , _____,,..,.,,___, 36, 636 Rxver m return for land, etc., within dehciency appropriation for beacon lights new channel lmee .. 1051 to mark channel in __,,,.,,__,, 225 New York City, N. YZ, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for existant txeasurefsoffice, 476, made ,,,_,,.,,,,,,_,_, . .,,,,,, 1057 1018 Newark, Del., for suny office at . : . 478,1020 deiiciency appropriation for public buildfor barge niiice mmex and pier . . ..,.. 12 ing ,,,,,,___,,.,,_,___,,...,,,__,,, 563 for posh office ,... _ ... _ .. 1 2 condemned cannon granted to .. . ,. 1199 for new post p&ce, IDB-!].-h8!1d1111g devices 613 Newark, N. J. , for pneumaucjtube system, customhouse sale of public building authorized 109 end appra1ser’s stores .. 16, 616, 830 use until new building completed .. 109 for d1¤pat,ch¤t.._ . . ... 445, 1118 proceeds for site and construction. .. 109 for navy yard, public works ... 400, 936 technical, em., services au1;1wrimd,,, _, , 109 for megnql, Governors Iqlqmd ... 628 limit of cost; me pmumicn space .,,.. ,. 110 for exhibits at Expoemon of Forest Newark, Ohio, Pwdqcts ...· - ·-·. 770 approgkriaizinn for public building ...,. . 827 foY_¤¤V¤} hospital: . ··.·.. 937 Newark ailroad Cmnpmzy, deiicneucy pppgopnatnon for barge office, time extended for bridging Delaware River, 1¤¤<i¤¤gp¤•>r¤, ew., ... 314 Tmwn, N.1.,1»y .. wv f¤f¢¤¤¤¤hc¤ae,etc., mepurs . 814 Newbem, M 0,, f¤r vw Mice, Hxtums .. 814 mms of com at ,.,...,... 120