Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1515

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INDEX. oclmx Dmoury nt1nued. P•¢•· Thaawy tinued. hasappmpnetwn for collecting ursmmsseve- detiuencyappmpriation for B. F. Gormley nne --····---··----····- -·-·- 23,623,836 Company ...----·---·---..-.-- 1140 for custo1ns_ expenses, Panam•·P•eilic internal revenue omcers author- Exposition . 62-1, 836 ized under income . 180 for automatic scales, custom;. : . . . . 23, 623, 836 force in office of Corrrmisionerol Internal for compenqtion in11eu oi moieties 28, 6%, % Revenue increand. . . . . 181 conso 1dation,_etc.,oic·uston»rlistricts, additional offices hom, and rented buildetc., authorized .. . ... 623 ings, to beremoved took! Engrwing for Public iiealth Service . R, 621, 836 and Building ... .. 474 for quarantine service 24,624, 837 Coast Guard to include Revefor prevention of epidemics ... 24, 624, 837 nue Cutter and Life Saving Service. 800 for iield investigations of public hedth administrativedivisiivnsior, created 801 _matt.ers . . . . : 25, 624, 837 (bmptroller of the Currency, dudes of for mterstate uarantme service. . - 25, 624, 837 bureau modilied ... 261 for study of pgllagm . . 838 construction, etc., of immigrant station, for central heating anrgfower plant- . . . 25 Boston, lhs., hardened to 209 buridmgs to be serv , location, etc. . 25 emergency internal revenue tex provifor printing and binding for ... 68, 672, 880 sions ..,, , ,..,..,.. . . - . 745 for income tax excuses ... 180 gold deposit for Federal reserve notes to for paying war r' insurance loses . 712 be kept in .. . .. 266 for expenses of War Risk Inmrance Bu- Office of Auditor for Post Office Departreau .. 712 _ ment, reductions authorised ... 313 deficiency appropriation for public build- piece rates from balances .. . ... 314 ings. . . 209, 229, 231, 814, 330, Panama Canal accounts to be audited by 333, 379, 559, 577, 579, 795, 1140, 1155, 1159 Audrltoriur War Department 209 for Printing Bureau, new 2 0 lilo of V;15¤¥1, vic., Srth, Alaska, author- ° ... . . 1 IZ ·-·-· . ·... . . . 615 forrep&tobuilding, etc 211,220 settlement of Hygienic Igboraimy acfor altering old Engraving and counts . i . ._ 565 Bureau building for omces or Audi- transfer of q1>1¤ov¤¤n¤n¤·f¤r Public Health tors ---·-. · -.-..-. 211 Service, 1912 .. , ... 211 rorgpe-as1mpn¤;»mm¤rmnnw¤. 211 W¤rR¤¤klnn¤nn¤¤Bur¤•n¤s•¤bh¤!¤¤d in; for upervising Architecfs Office, agents duties, etc. . --- ... - ... 711 to select sites for buildings . 211 opproprgetwns for, etc.._ ... - . 712 for internal revenue . 211, 229, 231, suspension when nscemtyrfcr, enum. . . 712 316, 330, 333, 577, 579, 796, 1188, 1155,1159 TP‘v¤·¤}fy Nom (M Gold Notes). for Revenue Cutter Service , . 211, 229, Tlwtl?. _ 231, 330, 333, 565, 577, 579, 1138,1155, 1159 ¤6l’l¤°¤*¤ from S¤P¥¤¤¤¤ com to Court of , for Life Saving Service ... . . 211, Customs Appeals aillowed in cases 229, 231, 315, 330, 833, 577, 579, 1155 Involving construction of. ,.,,.. 703 for collecting customs revenue ... . . - 211, to State_courts allowed where decisions 229, 330, 565, 576, 579, 1155 _ are in favor of, etc .. i ... 700 for Independent Treasury . 212, P¥°V1¤0¤¤ of, for srrolt ¤f_de•¤· ssa- 316, 565, 576, 1139 n1en, etc., to 130 termunted 1184 for Treas1n·er’s Ofice .. 229, 313 ¤01»lllC¤§l0¤ to foreign Governments . 1184 for Public Health and Marine Hogpital ¤!>r¤s¤¢a<>¤ MW ¤¤Pl¤¤¤¤ of ¤o¤¢¤ ····. 1184 Service"- 229, 231, 315, 379, 57 ,1140,1150 T'¤¤l*¢*7 Qhtnm. _ _ for continggrgt expenses} I1. . 813, 796, 1138 ¤PP1'0P;r1l%&;i}:ufor compilation of; resppro- 449 t er m amount or co ecti in- •··~·- _ ····· _ ··-···-- - ····-··· come tax for stationery . . . 796 al"'! wh Cub", R¢¤P'0<*W!l» for General Supply Committee. .,.,,,.. 314 not by Teflill Act ... . ... 192 io,. distinctive paper, Unjtbd Sum ,,9, except limitation of duty on sugar. . 192 curities ____ _ ______ _ _ _ _ ___________ 314 Treble [ngrmn Cqrpgp, for s, R, Jacobs ,_,___,,,,,,,,,,_______, 314 duty on .. 143 for Architectural Record Company . 315 T"“» , _ _ _ for Eugm`; and priming Bureau _____ 315 appropriation for study of chsesses of, rnsor mime $5 my omm. 216,3sa, 1139,1155 , slnéms ¤l¤¤¤¢n¤¤_b=·r1s. ew._ . 421,1092 for Director of Fhelgiint . Zgg °l’ 9*;:181118 and Pl¤¤¤¤8. 111 notional 1039 1100 for recoinage 0 coins ... , ·. ·---·-····-··-·--·~----··· » im, Audimi, for Eggs, Omce Dep,,_i.tme,it_ _ 559 duty on fru1t and ornamental, stock, etc. . 133 in -*-,,2- Dum; ———·- ,-6 ··---·-· , ·--· ,-6 3;*, .,..“&£"1§¥°i’»‘I,",,...,...°“°° 2*25*5; *33 for `u ents, `ourto lar} un er, 7 , » . rozliuginmme service. 577 or B¤¤=¤¤¤ anion -----··—·-·-·-——-— 161 for printing and binding._ . . . . 328, 1154 Tfqltwl, N. J., _ _ for prevention of epidemics _. ,.,,,.. 796 time eigtended for bridging Dckyue for representin interest of I0l’BlgD Gov- RWE? at ···----·········--- · ··-·-· 807 ernments Euromsn hostili- Trimble, South, Clerk of the Home of Repreties ... . .. - 1138 sentatirzs, for Coast Guard .,..,,... . .. 1138, 1155 deiciency appropriation for expenses for Tariff Board ... 1139 under, compiling contested election for recoinage of minor coins. ... 1139 _ _ @889 ----·--·---·-·--. . . 575 for United States Steel Products Com- Tnmmmgs, _ _ pany . . 1139 duty on, not specially provided for .. . 150