Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/209

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190 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1913. mms. _ corporations, or other bodies in*`i:.ixf;Ean€°ii?¤:dh en;aYgcdTiii“th1d l.‘;1I¥01'I;g.§lIl.’0l’21`s;:)1'1(:ll?.{8.I.l(l.lSB into the United States oi

kg"f'§§§’“"°"' en aged in dealing with such_imported merchandrsei, shall fa1l_or

r refgrse to submit to the inspection of a duly accredrtc mvlelstirggtimg officer of the United States, upon request so to do_from the c e officelri of customs at the port where such merchandise rs entered, any or a of his books, records, or accounts ertaun.¤5Jto the value or classification of any such imported mercllandise, en the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, is authorized while such failure or refusal continues, to assess additional duty of _15 per centum on all rgepchandisc consigned to or imported by, pir$shrpped,tlc;1érmge0ni;i:§d:<erf 9_lVBI'gIt to such person, persons, corpora ns, or o mlmg refusing. _ . . { ,°°"_,,,f"$’”*."**'°'°“* “W. That where merchandise purchased or manufactured in differ- 1¤v¤i<l¤d1¤ir·l(l•ia¤iir¤- ent consular districts the_saure country rs assembled for shipment mm and embraced in a sriplgle invoice and consulated at_the shipping point, such invoice sh _ have attached thereto the original b s or mvoices or statements rn the nature of such, showing the prices actually paid, contracted to be paid, fixed, or determmed,_ and rn connection with each such purchase or consignment the invoice shall 4.u,p.m. sta? all charges and expenses as provided in paragraph R of this h`%>;n2¢1& ¤f ver- S“‘l‘£lLNo allowance shall made the estimation and liquidation vox. as, p. mi. of duties for shortage or nomrnggrtatrorrcaused by decay, destruction, ,,g·;“°"°'“’° ‘°’ "h°"" or injury to fruit or other p _ ble articles imported mto the United ` States whereby their commercial value has been destroyed, rmless under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. . P’°°“° "° “°"· Proof to ascertain such destruction or nonimportatron shall be lodged with the collector of customs of the port where such merchandise as been landed, or the person actingfiils such, wrthrnhten day; elfter the mu. I dm' g f h handise. e rovisions ereo s a app y Appum vgliether {dr digi; thudcihgerchandise has been entered, and whether or not the duties have been paid or secured to be paid, and whether or not a permit of delivery has been anted to the owner or consrgnce. Abandonment or Nor shall any allowance be made fl; damage, but the importers may ¤°°°*~ . within ten days after entry abargdorglgg tire Unrtled States all Of rti f goods, wares, or merc an o every escrrption mc u iii) angflihvoicle agd ble relieved frormh the payment of duties 051 the PMW-R. rt' so anor1e:r` , atteportronsoaanone ummm qmd' §li)all(;.Iinountl to 10 per centum or more of the total value or of uantity of the inyoice. The right of abandonment herein provided or may be exercised whether the goods, wares, or merchandise have been damage; or not, Jer ghetleleg or not the same havehany cogrpierciaél . nn 0 lue: rovided url er, at section twenty~e` t un e an

 Qetymine of the Revised Statutes, relating to tllle return of pack-

°?iS "“§%’°“°€, €`£.1£§pl$?d$’£’tih“11·‘?.t?§¤§‘lZ°r‘ZE2h‘b’“,°*$,‘ifiih£ o rmpo ers a amm - rmrn e e __ the right to abandon accrues, or whether by reason of total destrucd£§ll§£d$,°f °b°“' teen ti eredis at1];0u(r}mportation in wlhole or m park Hill reperehmdige a an one to e overnment y the importers s a e e ivered y tlge im&or·ters% thereof at suc(l£uplace ltheaplort og arrival as the c `efo cero customsmay ect,an ont e ureo theim t rs to comply with the direction of the collector or the chief otggdraof customs, as the case may be, the abandoned merchandise shall be disposed of fbtyil the customs authoritiesbunder eluch regulations as the Secretary o e reasury may prescribe, at the ex ense of such im-

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emne a p origin enry_wr n a s er an g, by health officers or other legally constituted authorities, the importers or their agents shall, wrthm twenty-four hours after such condiemna-