Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/313

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294 SIXTY·THIR.D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. 1914. AStates ma at an time during the term thereof go u n said reservation ami establish and maintain post lights or suclixbther aids to navigation as it may deem sprslper at any pomts on the reservation affected by this lease, and have access thereto and a. sumcient right of way thereon at all times and that the said city of Port Angeles shall_ not sublet any portion of the said property wi out first ha ' obtained the consent of the Secretary o Commerce and his &pprov§ Em M of all the terms and conditions in any such subleases: rwkled ,,,,,,,,.,d_ • further, That no excavations other than excavations for foundations . for purposes shall be made, and no soil or other material

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an e erec 1; obstruct or interfere with an lights sgrvmgn Gaiuaicg to na ° tionlio ¤5$’§3{’ °° b° Sac 2 That said lease shiill contain a rovision that viiiaconsid eration of said lease, the said city of Port Xngeles will cohstruct and maintainingoodcoditintaIlt° ad ved 'th macadam or other marferial apgroyed f>Iy18tl1eaSe1i<‘imtY•i'1a·_i§rbfP éommciilce, thigtly feet in width, and_extending from a public highwa on the m _ and to Ediz Hook Light Station, over the portion of &e reservatuipl so leased, as wgpil overto the ¤;m portion which the Ligh owe Service con mue use or ouse urges the sandroadwaytobeabov th Ii.mits f - termarg. l shall further provide thai; th: line oi, sgifhroveiilway which trsvegrsazg %“°%lL?i§1’;% °* §h§6E&‘§ H‘L°k L`gh"£3“‘°sttcRt°€a?rK“*2§“ sm“°° °°"°'°‘} ma ou as ma ’·"“'· Cgmmerce. In addition to the aforgsaid consideraiionfthe saidlziiiy of Port lépfeles shall pay to the Government of the United States such ann rental for the aforesaid propertggs may be decided upon R",""’°,,,;,,,,,,,, ,,, lbithe Secretarypf Commerce: Provided t there shall be a stipl¤••¤·iv¤m1=¤¤— th tion tip thetlsaul lege that pg-Erhefegid of every ten years duriplg e_e1¤s nee ereo e Secre o ommerce shall cause a rev - uation of the leased premises to be made and th t th 'd Sec t shall thereupon be authorized to determine and gx tliiesaiixnual ignatgl gggllizgnxrzlmiilmgor the ensuing period of ten years in accordance with °""'°" chS1:0. 1{év'£l:iagrt£)e1l;ogphaH6dbe a sgipulation said lease that all ¤¤‘g¤¤ evi on said mises urmg° te shall hlgatglstgxz wgf glgptgty of Port and no clgiin @3 arise ummm mm thereof. use o ease or the termmation sam WMS. of Egcgagthe séiid leasmgshgu further progide tlsst tihe Secretary _ ayaany euring es' ’ `t-' years, at his discretion, termmate and cancgl salidrleas; iiiuiiasye rigid city of Port Angeles shall fail to_construct and maintain in good condition the roadway herem provided for or neglect to ave same as herembefore provided for, or shall excavate on said liglithouse reservation for any purposes other than for building p , or shall take or remove therefrom soil or other material belonging to the lighthouse reservation, or shall m any way, interfere with the ht o the United States to estabhsh and maintain t lights as s l§ed Im above or fail to observe other provisions sti uligsted m said lg; on a£.T§§.%"§.?“ rtzdpart to be igelpt and performed. It shall also be stipulated in sai _ lease that _ improvements made upon said hthouse reser- `b th . . vation y e said city of Port Angeles, and all bml and other itructurps ergctfd thereon by said city of _Port Angeles, imder the erms o sa1 ease, shall, upon the termmation of said lease, in natural term or by cancellation of the same, be and become the property of the Government of the United States, unless said improvements and and other structures erected thereon shall be removed within six months_from the date of the expiration of the lease; and that m event said structures shall be removed by said