Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/371

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352 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 72. 1914. Secret of War, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary P'°°*·*·=,,,M· , of Wahl? $11,000: Provided, That section thrrty-six hundred and R- ¤-.¤¤e3¤4S.v- 718- forty-eight, Revised Statutes, shall not applyito subscriptions for foreign an professional newspapers and perio cals to be paid for from S°"*°°°°'*°°“~ thlgappmpgauoni T 'de means for the NITE!) rarns smzvron sonoors: 0 .prov1 _ _ K2: Lmmwmhi theoretical and ractical instruction at the Staff College (including the Army School) of the Line, Army Field School, and the F°"° B"°’*K°”“‘ Army S1gual School) at Fort Leavenworth, as, the Mounted Fm Sm' °H“‘ Service School at Fort Riley, Kansas, and the School of Fire for Freld Artillery and for the School of Musketriy at Fort S1ll,_ Oklahoma, by the purchase of textbooks, books of re erence, sc1ent1fic and professional pa , the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoreticdilealrnd ractical instruction, emplogent of texporary, technical, or specisil services, and for all o er absolu y necessary expenses, to be allotted in such lgpsportions as maty, in the opmion of the Secretary of War, be for the t mterests of e military service, $30,350. Adjutant Ge¤¤al’s THE ADJUTANT GENERAIJS DEPARTMENT. Department. h_‘j‘?”q_;"’¢,,°:__*E*“ ¤* Oomrmenncms, nnanquanrnns or unrranr DEPARTMENTS, ms- Tmcrs, Am: racrrcar. oommums: For contingent expenses_at the headquarters of the several territorial departments, territorial districts, tactical divisions and brigades, including the Staff Corps serving thereat, beinifor the purchase of the necessary articles of office toilet, and des furn1ture, stationery, ice, andnlpotable water for omce use when necmaryfupindmg, maps, technic books of reference, professional and tec 'cal newspapers and periodicals, pal: ment for which may be made in advance, and police utensils, to allotted by the Secret of War, and to be expended in the discretion of the commanding oigllers of the several mi `tary departments, districts, and tactical commands, $7,500. ugplggcuuorcm mmm; rr-rn cmu- or coasr Am‘1I.LmzY. ,,§_g3,j',,,é,'§};},g;g Coasr Anrrunnr Senoor., Fonr Mormon, Vmemm: For incivs. dental expenses of the school, mcludintglchemicals, stationery, printi and bmdmg; hardware; cost of speci instruction of officers detaillid as instructors; extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for per1ods_not less than ten tags as artificers on work in addition to and not strictly m hne with eir military duties such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, hthographers, photographers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheelwrights masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; office furniture and fixtures, machinery, and unforeseen expenses, $10,000. ngnmu sppmzus, _ For purchase of engines, generators, motors machines, measuring ' mstruments, s ecial apparatus and materials ior the division of the enlisted speciahsts, $7,000. For purchase of special apparatus and materials and for experiggegggl purposes for the department of artillery and land defense, mgmgggm eww- _ For- purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measu ' mstruments, special agéparatus and materials for the departmen1tui§ engin d m1ne_ efense, $5,500. or pure e and bmdmgl of professional books treating of military Prom and screntrtic subjects for "brary and for use of school, $2,500. g_s_,,.;a3m,,,_n& Promded, That section thirtgsix hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to su criptions for foreign and professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation.