Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/491

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472 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 141. 1914. four (one transferred to Treasurer’s office), two of class three, two of class two, three of class one (two transferred to Treasurer’s office), three at $1 000 each (one transferred to Treasurer’s office), five at $900 each (ten transferred to Treasurer’s office and three to Loans and Currenc Division); messenger one laborer (one transferred to Loans and Chrrency Division); in all, $30,700. °;%?Q°?§lm°$'?§*”°" Ormcm or Courmonnnn or mn Cunnnscrz Comptroller, $5,000; ·*”“»P·’°°°· deputy comptrollers——one $3,500, one $3,000; chief clerk $2,500; chiefs of divisions—one $2,500, two at $2,200 each; bookkeeper, $2,000; assistant bookkeeper, $2,000; clerks——e¤ght of four, additional to bond clerk $200, thirteen of class three, thirteen of class two, twenty-six of class one, thirteen at $1,000 each, seven at $900 each; stenographer, $1,600; six counters, at $840 each; messenger; five assistant messengers; three laborers; two memenger boys, at $360 each; in all, $142,780. _ N¤***¤·¤ °¤¤¤¤°¥ For enses of the national currency (to be reimbursed by the umm" nationalexganks): Superintendent $2,500; teller, $2,000; clerks-—one - of class four, one of class three, four of class two, five of class one, four at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; engineer, $1,000; twelve expert counters, at $840 each; three counters, at $700 each; assistant messenger; fireman; messenger boy, $360; two charwomen; rn all, $43 460. ¤.'LY‘Zl£. °‘“”‘”"" Flor eripenses of special examinations of national banks_and bank plates,_0 keeping macerator m Building in reparr, and for other incidental expenses attending the working of the macerator, and for procuring mformatron relative to banks other than national, $6,500. . ,,,,‘2,‘§'}°° Q? ‘}§’,2“¥,.,§{ Omen or Connnssrorgmn or IN·rnn1~u.L Rnvmrun: Commissioner, B•'°¤¤°· $6,500; deputy commissioners-one $4,000, one $3,600; chemistschief $3,000, one $2,500; assistant——two at $1,800 each, one $1,600, one $1,400; heads of divisions——four at $2,500 each, five at $2,250 each; superintendent of stamp vault, $2,000; private secretary, $1,800; c1erks—-three at $2,000 each, thirty-one of class four, twenty-seven of class three, forty-one of class two, forty of clam one, thirty-two at $1,000 each, forty-two at $900 each; four messengers; twenty assistant messengers (one transferred to surety-bond section); sixteen laborers; m all, $359,770. B'°°”’P °¤°¤”· For stamp agents-—one $1.600, one $900; counter, $900; in all, mma sam $3,400, the same to he reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers. one. `”“" °° Omron on Lrrm-Savme Smzvrcn: General Superintendent, $4,000, and $500 additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; assistant general superintendent, $2,500; rincipal clerk, $2,000; title and contract clerk, $2,000; topograplher and h dro apher, $1,800; civil engineer, $2,250; draftsman, $1,500; cIer·ks—§lree of class four, five 0 class three, four of class two, five of class one, three at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; messenger; assistant messenger; En raving and laborer; in all, $48,570. Prmnés Bama. _ BUREAU or Exeasvme Arm Parrrrme: Director, $6,000; assistant. director, $3,500; chief of division of assignments and reviews, $3,000; chief clerk, $2,500* medical and sanitary officer, $2 000; stenog— rapher, $1,800; clerks—one of class four, six of class three, nine of class two, nine of class one, eight at $1,000 each, ten at $900 each, six at $840 each, fifteen at $780 each; disbursing agent, $2,400; storekeepér, $1,600; assistant storekeeper, $1,000; clerk in char e of purchases and supplies, $2.000; nine attendants, at $600 each; he.lpers—two at $900 each, two at $720 each, two at $600 each; three messengers; seven assistant messengers; ca tain of the watch, $1,400; two heutenants of the watch, at $900 eaclll; sixty watchman; two forewomen of charwomen, at $540 each; twenty-6ve day charwomen, at $400 each; seventy-seven morning andT evening char-