Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/661

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642 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 223. 1914. eral treasurer and ins for general and chief s1u·geon, $15,000; Elcdi-ical services for managpgfxs, $2,700; for traveling expenses of the board of managers, their officers, and employees, mcluding officers of branch homes when detailed on inspection work, $12,000; for- outside relief, $500; for rent, legal services, medical examinations, stationery, telegrams, and other incidental expenses, $7,000* m all, $56,200. In all, National Home for Disab ed Volunteer Soldiers, $3,821 600. I*;',,,",§g“_ Pmmkled, That no part of the foregoing apprlorpriatrons shall be expended for any purpose at any branch of the ational Home for Disabled Volunteer So diers that maintams or permits to be mamtained on its premises a bar, canteen, or other place where beer, stm Tmmd wine, or other intoxicating liquors are sold. _ mm. °r State_ or Territorial homes_for_ disabled soldiers and sailors: For WL 25 P M continuing aid to State or Territorial homes for the support of disabled ’ ' volrmteer soldiers, rn conformity with the Act approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eighzy-pgght, including all ,,,,,,,_,,_ classes of soldiers admissible to the Nation ome for Disabled 1¤¤>¤i¢¤¤¤- Volunteer Soldiers, $1,100,000: Promkled, That no part of this appropriation shall be apportioned to any State or Territorial home that museum from nr- maintains a bar or canteen where intoxicating liquors are sold: '”"°'· Provided further That for any sum or sums collected in any marmer from inmates of such State or Territorial homes to be used for the support of said homes a like amount shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for, but this shall not apply to any State or Territorial home into which t wives or widows of soldiers are admitted and maintained. Nxt? k pay and ucx rar ami nourrrr. P°ym°°°°!' For payment of amounts for arrears of pay of two and three vol M, mm volunteers, for bounty to volunteers an their widows and legal ' heirs, for bounty under the Act of July twenty-eighth, e' hteen hun- ,,$§'f“‘"“°“""“ °' "’ dred and sixty-six, and for amounts or commutation Li rations to prisoners of war m States of the so-called Confederacy, and to soldiers on furlough, that may be certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year nineteen hundred an fifteen, Warwith Spain etc. $50 000° ’ Flor payment of amounts for arrears of pay and allowances on account of service of officens and men of the Army during the War with Spam and rn the Philippine Islands that may be certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year nineteen hundred an Efteen and that are ehaigieab e to the appropriations that have been carried to the surplus nd, $10,000. mm"' °°"°"""‘"° UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. P‘“’"° b“"‘""“" rrmrrc numnmos. m§§°Eli5aZgsE. ""H Repairs of buildings, Interior Department: For repairs of Interior Department and Pension Buildiqi, and of the old Post Office Department_ Building, occupied by e Interior Department, including preservation and repair of steam-heating and electric-lighting plants and elevators, $30,000, of which sum not exceeding $7,500 may be P te t O e nded for da§labor·, except for work done by contract. s;ec?s1mfg,?}S_ rgiitent Omce Uildingt For labor and material for special repairs Pmm Om and improvements to the Patent Office Building, $43,090. c¤¤¤mi¤,`j°;.i th For labor material, including electric cables, insulating hanger °”""*¥"’*¤‘· blocks, and switchboard mstruments, necessary to the renewal of cables and other material required in connecting the Pension Office Building with the central heating, lighting, and power plant in the