Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1044

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INDEX. 2347 Postal rS‘er·vice-—Conti¤ued. Page. Postal semb,..c0¤t5nued_ Page. defic1ency appropriation for expenses of Official Register, Volume II, relating to examinations, fourth class post- discqmjmod _____________________ f 224 _m8st¢¤'§ --···--· , ----.. _ .. 208 plant packages, etc., subject to State in~ for mdemmty, lost msured mail .. 222, 573 ggfjgn before dehvuy ___________ 1113 for Pucel Wat °’?°¤B°¤ -··- · ·--··- · - · · 222 pentillliy for mailing if not marked etc. . 1113 f°Y l*?mP°¤*}'Y Ul °·\¤lll¤·\’Y clerks -·-- · - 236 postal savings matter to be transmitted free for c1ty dehyery 236 333, 1159 under frank ____________ . ____ 716 f¢>1’ ¢li)f;c;1¥¢. llmt Sud second class 324 postrnastezl ow 1110 additional pay for , --···--·--· · ··--·~-·--··-· pos savings uslness . 716 for horse hire, etc .,. , , , . 324 seed tjngs _ · 1,,,.00 for car fare and bicycle allowance . . 324 E7 .. { $l04, 346 for subsutute, etc., carriers, city deliv- 324 parcel post delivery may be fixed by Postr WY -··- · ·------·-·-·-·--·-·-·· · · · - eral ...,..., f<>¥ ¢s¤’i¢r¤. ew-. Mw offices ·.--··.. 324 Postmorkr-ilrgllierzglgrampr, Postal se.-me 346 ¥"9.*..·***i:L**1*·t.r·..3&*r.3?·r$;3.iz3· ll?.} “*""°‘°"“"°" ‘°‘ ····················· I · ·· ***3 or rou . , , 1 ser rosemary, lost registered me.i1..Z ’9z4, P ‘ff‘1§'”§“,Q0"§1'0‘1§'}'1f; 0,0,,10 0,0 ,100 1005 333·335•573·578»115°·1158 Err ghairman lioard of" nlionuu 1035 for rewards, etc ... 324, ass, 1150,1159 101, 01110,1-1,,0 *0 ,,01 0,0 _ _ _ ····· 10,0 1000 {W mm1p°°lm ‘'‘’’‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°’‘·‘· 324* 32,2 for purchasing agent, clerks, etc. I 494, 1036 fg; s00010g:gr:;1° '’’‘'‘°‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘° 004 forattomeys,etc.,division of Solicitor. 494, 1036 for ¤w··¤*>·>·¤·>··s==· ---··------------ 333.1159 ‘°' ?,EE§‘f%...i."g'°.;,..°‘.>’?°73Y_f‘?f_¥"?Z$. ...3.. ¥3§'.’.?.i.“°e2§§‘f..2°..€.""?r‘.i;; ;.i‘.;;.1..¥“3t.*E.Z°*115° *<¤P···¤* mw nds? -··——--—-·--·--- ’ 295 · ° r t fb ‘1.r 1 · ,0, 0091;;-1-1--.-1-0 ---- ------------- 3%.,3;,9 °"i.'i...‘; 2... . ¤33»¤¤>.¤5¤.¤¤i £3£!;f’.‘.I§£$."‘.f.i*fi:;;:::;:::;:::;::1; § 2: mw] I1';2°°l‘°"‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 0:0033 for travel and, expenses. . . 296 P Pp i*iZii581·¤6i ""“"’.2°..’i‘i€‘3';..‘.i‘.§‘.;’r§*""°"“°‘“’ °“‘°l°°‘ 1119 for freight on em ty · ‘’’’‘‘’ · ‘‘' r:£, etc. Q, ass, 579; 9765150, 1158, 1161 *l‘“° °f1;‘;“m""0‘f1§;‘;'0'*{,°““ mm P“°k0011 000 for delivery .. 333, 335, 578, 1158, 1161 00 0,1-000 1;,000010. 0101*1110 101100000 11 for postmasters . 9:-19 995, 519, 1159 1 P". Y for assistant postmasters and clerh3r0§.ii00 $(:01 p(m°?’···01;;1H0·,1 ···· 2,;%; 1:51; 279 for rem, ugm, me met sas; 1159; 1161 °°°·· ‘d"°" ········ : ··············· 279 1or electric ees cable err service. s:15,§;§,11gg °‘°°°d“‘g *1°·°°° ‘° 2,0 r on service ... , · “Z'? ’'°'’‘'°‘‘’`'° fgryullfmad mum1___•-11. 1 _ 1 _ 670, 1158 to appolilnlgdcggllmlrmron on bequest of C. F. 222 for indemnity, lost insured and collect, Pmmuw Hmm 0}.·j10"0;é,;0;,}0é; ········ on-delivery mail . . . 573 J ti 1 0 ’ ld for canceling machines . 579 "P¥"°P‘1”‘k°“ °'· “0é ”*°“°V ° $01 1000 f»·¤—T-em ···d¤<··=·¤»¤·v ·-···-- ·- gg r...r.‘E..‘§‘.—..’..‘.‘§.‘i°°$.Z.?’° ··········· ·. for stationery. ‘ ‘'`'°’ ’'‘'’ for city delivery supplies . .. 796 P*;°"”y_f“;10,{1;';“{g; 457 000 for twme, etc . .. 796, 1150 PP P '’°‘’'°‘‘` ° ’'`‘'‘'’°' ’ for facing eupe, ere 797, 1150, 1159 Pwmufqs. _ _ for disabmlity allowances to employees. . 1150 appropriation for compensatxon 0. . 296 for indemmties, international registered unusual sales of stamps, etc., not m- mail .. . .. 1158, 1161 cluded in gross receipts 296 for shipment of sugplies, , , 1158, 1161 for agrstant, iirstand second clam oben. 296 for separating mai , third class 0mC€8... 1159 for ass1stg.nt,_thu·d clue offices . 299 for clerk hire, third class offices . 1159 fonexammatron of fourth class..1.. .1. . . 466 for ingpgctprm _ ________ _ _ _ _ , , , , , , _ _ _ _ , 1159 dgficggncz gp m ngtgon for gxgmgnguopg for refund of amount for lost mil equip- of ourtln ·-..-·..-··--· 208 _ meirrt, subsequengly {0uIld..0.i.. 00. 1159 ;0l' corpp0:;1¤:st:10:11.0111100 . 333, ws, gg, Ogg; Of , ·-·· · - ···- - · » c sgxmps, etc., to bgrinvestiggtedlxl .: 279 claims for losses from casualties to be in- ’ postal savings, deposit funds, etc., vestrgated and paid by the Poste “""°"..a1"‘.;..1 ‘‘‘‘···‘···‘‘‘‘‘··‘·‘‘ % .."i’§§°‘..?°“°$;·- ···· 1.;.;.;.;.;.1.; “’° Hyméht OW .. .. . ...-- » . . . GX I1 1 POB VIDQB loss of remittances of funds in transit 279 posits for keys, etc ’ 279 postal savings funds added ... 279 oyer $10,000 to be reported to Congress. . 279 vodit in sccourgts allowed ..·--.. 279 _ time lumt . 279 for losses exceeding $10,000 to be re· mternal revenue stamps_to be issued to, ported tic Congress 279 ml for sale; bgrlisgtinlggxriroedsé 755 limited to ossee ' to savmgs tnusac four years wl . . . 279 pos without additional pay to . 716 to be {presented within six months here- Posts. _ atletri . . . 279 dutyon,1ronorst4ael,parts,etc .. 1030 m0I1¢y O GTS IDRY IBB p2.yS 6 8 PZVLH _ . e -·-··- ··· -··-·-·-·-··-- · -- · any money order office . 280 on free Est, wood, rough hewn, etc ... 164