Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1115

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2418 INDEX. Ta·rij'of1913—Contin1ied. _4 Pace- Taxes, D. _C.T-Continued. _ _ _ Pageregulations as to amcles made rn bonded appropr1a.tion for advertising nohces of ar-9 manufacturing warehouses for ex- _ roars of .. _ s- , .. _. , 5-3, 900 rtation .,,,,,__,_,,,,,,,...,,,.,, 197 deficmncy appropnnnon for advertmmg bongd smelting warehouses __,,_,_,_,, 198 rmuceg of arrears of ,,,,,,,,, , __,_ 213, 1141 manufacturing alcohol by farmers, etc., Taxes, Federal, State, etc., for denatural1zationf1§>11;(§y, igeeligbtéax. 199 Federal reiehrxrge banks, and stock of, ex- 258 dm b k “ ; c ms emp m .. . .. W . E . 200 Taxes, Internal Revenue (see also Internal application to domestic alcohol in rraeldic- 200 Riexgznup), u t_ 47* 1017 ' al tc. parati x a rona on orexpenses,coec1ng.. o, mdllergs fdrpwigmls 1:111.11: fd? foreign 201 Pfdr gxgenges col%;gtinf§12;l§uItc.,t§1;1ergency. g _____ _ __.,,_,__,,... . .. o1- co ec ng co 11 es reimpoarlagdudomestic articles to pay duty for expenses enforcing opium, etc., speequal to internal revenue tax. . ., . . 201 c1al 1017 manufactured m bonded mannfacturing fonrefunding rllegally collected. . , 20, 621, 834 yvarehouses subject to onimal duty. 201 defimency apprpf>r1ation for refunding 1l- goods imported but not entere or permit legally co ected ... 330, for delgiasryissued, subject to duty 201 dau I 1 _0d 333,577,577,579,1155, d t ,,,.,.,, a 1 ona , 8Vl . .. weigl11:1a1:t1limeof<i:nt?·to determine rate, 201 excise stamp, on contracts for sales of cotimports, exports, and omestic productron ton for future dehvery, at exchanges, and consumption of articles (mum- etc ... 693 emted to be ascertained yearly . 201 Taxes, Special (see also Internal _Revenue), report to Congress if imports less than five imposed on specified occupations, etc . 750 per cent of consumgtzion ... 201 on producers, etc., of op1um, etc ... 785 repeal of sectional to 42 of ariff Act of 1909 201 Taxes nited States, rucqnsigtenggws .. TFel;iTer;l reseirve notes receivable for .. 265 i an oa restricted . - .. ay my . eiigeptions; court of customs appeals 201 payment of Cimrt of Endings to. . . 973 Board of General Appraasers ... -.. . Taylor, Arthrgé and Lau; _Tayl:‘r, _ mb tax ,,... . payment o ourt o aims dmgs to surgnifsg céuty. H ._ x viving partner of .. 973 81¤¤¤¤ ¤ 11*00 ·--··- - -·--· T lor, Charles R., 156111118 <§°l‘mlc°·P°$ °f i¤d€bl°dl?°*· - - 202 agension increased 1252 corporation excuse taxes accruing De- Tny;0,, pa,,,n, ¢°¤¤b°¥ 31, 1912 ·---~····-·-····· 202 pension increased ... . 1301 continued to February 28, 1913 . 202 nl-mr corrected ________________________ 1466 <>¤¤r <>¤¤ return required -·--··----— 202 rnyznr, Duval N., present ri.%hts and l1ab1l1t1es not affected. 202 pension increased _______ _ ________________ 1397 invalidity o any clause, etc., not to affect Tnygn,3 Gwyn MW wmlnder of Act - ··--··-···-·-·-·- 202 pension increased 1515 in efect the dag folloyvting its passage 202 Tnylnn George W_ print-i¤z ord . ¤id¤¤¤¤¤1 cggie 9* re pension inssnnsés 1403 port of Ways and Means mrmttse. 1611 Tnygm., Gewgia Am, (,,,,2;,,,,,) bill as repo to the Senate .. . . . . 1611 pension increased _________ ’ _______________ 1526 indexed pamphlet of the Act ... . . . . 1612 Tnyrm., Hmuon p_ i¤¤<>¤¤¢ wr ¤¤¤¢i¤¤ ··----·--·---·· s- - Z · · 1612 pension increased, 1261 Tarifs, Intémadmml Bureau _/or Publwatwn Taylorg Hmm C., °[ }°t°m°* · · pension increased . . ,. 1406 Tappropmuonformnualcontnbut.1on... 446,1120 Taylor ham J mar, *· - ‘* I duty on cream of . 114 T,§;:;1°_1;mml; D °'‘‘°'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘ 1323 l 'I T‘g3:" md Wm I‘°°°’ pension increased . ... 1325 y on, crude or partly refined .. 114 T lar J T Tartarrh Aa}! rv a al"' ·· duty pn, ,I ...,. 114 TP°,gf'°}‘0},':l°}J°°’°d ··--···-·-···-····-·---- 1318 TWO? rr Pggsgé 114 agension increased 139 1 Tw'; · “’“· ·················· rnyznr, John 12., nm: cnnrgss F. rqyznr, duty’on, or imitation nnrsnnsn 144 P“>'m°¤* °’ C°°” °* Umms “¤d¤*€¤ *0 --·· 989 ¤¤*¤·¤·r°= -·~-···-·-·- - ·-·-—-·········- {:,2 T“£‘?.2ss£°*1‘A‘nnnn’·* 1426 silk ... . .. · ·--···-·-··--·- - ···-··- 1 ... . 142 T¤v’¤r1 John W. Tmigiixgg E_ (wwgw), pension increased ... . 1554 pension 1248 Taylor. !~¢z>l·rM» Tatum! gamma, B_’ apprrusement of damages tp property_ of, pnnmn _______________ ______ I __________ 1 mz grange of grade, Lmon Station, Taum Lzgbthmue Reservatwn, Mich, ·  ; ·--··-·-··-·--·-~-··----·-— 685 portion of, transferred for life saving pur- ¤PP1'°P¤¤¤°}¤ f°T award, ¢t¢ -------···-- 686 lposm ... . . 927 Taylor, Julia (andow), Tm: on_ ywormee (see also Income Tax), pension increased ,,., 1420 Tprovrgorés levying . .. 166 Mary L. (widow), 1587 axes, . ., on . ... appropriation for collecting overdue per- Taylor, Reuben B., sons] .. . . 523, 900 pension increased .. , .,,.. 1290