Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1131

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2434 INDEX. {enum, Page- ’ Wsaels—Continued. P¤5¢· on f;-gg [ist _______ _ __________,,,,,,___,,, , 160 less than ope hundred tons exempt ZETOIH TQnab[g, Andrew F,, Q requirements for watch duty ... 1164 pension ____ _ ___,__,,_____,,_,., - .,.. 1573 j crew space, etc ... _  : 1165 Vgm;1wg7 John Af, F materials for construction of; machinery pgnsiou increased _____________,____,,,, 1359 for, etc., admitied free under bond. 196 Veneers of Wood, pr0clamstion rgescribing rules for measurduty On ______ _ ______ _ _______________ , , , _ 130 ing, for anama. Canal . 1968 Venetzan Car ets, regulations to be made for, excluded from duty on sllvchnin ,,...,,,_,,.,... 143 crew requirements. ... 1170 Venetian Red, Vessels (Contamers), duty on. - ... 118 duty on, cast-iron 126 Venezuela, cylindrical or tubular, for gas, liquids, appropriation for minister to . . · 442, 1116 etc ... I .. . ... _ .. 126 or secretary of legation . 443 on free list, plstmum, for chem1cal uses. . 161 Venice Turpentine, Vessels, Foreign, on {ree list, ___,,.,..,_ , , 163 spproprie.tion for entertaining, attending Venison, Panama. Canal celebration. : ._ ... 393 duty on, and other game ,... . . . . 135 attending Panama-Psmfic Exposition ex- Vevmmg, Elizabeth (widow), empt from Canal tolls . . 394 pension increased. .. 1553 applica le to olncml representatives Ventura, Cal., only .. 394 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor, provisional certificates of registry to be to be made 1061 issued abroad by consuls, etc., to, Vera Or-uz, Mexico, Naval Vpbtims, _ bought by Americans . 1193 Congressional representation at commemo- limitations - , . 1194 ration exercises, Brooklyn, N. Y., subject to regular inspection, etc., on Navy Yard, authorized ... · 1616 arrival at American port ... 1194 Verdigi conditions of issue, etc., to be prescribed; 1 on ist . - 155 orm ... . . 194 Verdun, Romain, copies to be sent Commissioner of Navipayment of Court of Claims findings to gation .. - .,... 1194 administrator of 973 repeal of restriction on repurchase of ves- Verhalen, Elizabeth (widow), sels. . ... . ,.,. 1194 pension increased. .. 1256 in effect in 60 days ..,,., ·, . . 1194 Vermicclli, etc., registry to shipwrecked, bought and reduty on . 132 paired by citizens; repairs required. 812 Vermilion Reds, » forfeuure for false oaths .,,,,,,__ , _ , 812 duty on, containing quicksilver ... 119 repeal of penalties on, owned by Americontnini lead ... . 119 cans . 1193 Vermilion, Sil§)ak., refund of duties, etc.; condition . . . 1193 deficiency appropriation for public build- Vessels, Naval, ing ... 564 articles for repair of, may be withdrawn condemned cannon grunted to 1200 from warehouse free of duty 196 Vermuth, _ Vessels, O<·e¢m—G0ing (see Steamboat Inspecdutg on .. . . . 136 tion). Verna ,_ Utah, _ _ Vessels of War, deiciency appropriation for public build· proclamation declari rules governing use mg . .. 564 of Psmms Can-gl by ... 2039 Vernon, Tex., _ _ _ agreement with Panama annexed ... 2042 appropriation for public building site .. 614 Vesae a, United States (see also Steamboat In- Vcrret, Adolph, _ _ spection), p¤ymen§ of Court of Claims findings to sd- licenses for officers; renewals ,_,_,.._,_____ 765 mmxstrator of .. 973 applications for renewal while abroad. . . 765 Vwovk (M also Shipping). examination for color blindness, before spproprgstion for securing uniformity in renewal. ,,__________ _ _____________ 765 a measuring ... 501, 1042 roceedin for suspension or revocati . 765 abandoned merchandise from sunken, in i>)fHcers nogisliable to draft in time of vgdlr, American waters may be brought in except for duties under ___,_,______ 765 free of duty after two years- .,,,,__ 197 wages while so employed ,,,,_ _ , , , 766 clearance refused to, believed to be carry- pensions, etc., allowed ,,.. 766 lllg supplies to bclligerents in viola- requirement for survey, inspection, etc., of tion o neutrality .  : ... 1226 foreign-built, admitted to registry, crude ggtroleum carried on fuel slups, may suspended; conditions ,,,,,. , ,,__,_, 699 ve excess ghschsrged at terminal rules to be made for lights, etc., on steam, ports; co¤d1tions: ,.,,,,..., 511 in inland waters ...,,.,,,,,..,,__,,, 381 drawbacks sllowed on imported materials dred s, wrecking vessels, etc., inc1uded. 381* used in building, for foreign account- 201 walq-igieinsumuqe Of, gtcw of ____________ yu exemption of, in coastwise tmde from Pan- Vests, _ ams. Canal tolls, repealed .. 385 duty ou, cotton, etc __________________ _ ____ 139 foreign war, msgopurchsse supplies free of Veterinarians, Army, _ tax from nded warehouses, etc. . . 197 appropristion for psy; longevity ,__ 353 1069 gasoline, etc., for mdependent lightirgg sud flin commutation of quarters. ..,_ 358, 1069 wireless systems, msv be carri on. 766 for mj] ____________ _ _________ ’ . , _ _ 9389 _ _ . . . 358, 1069 Y€§¤l¤¤0¤S, to be pff-‘SC¤i>€d ..· »66 deficiency spprop;-muon for mileage ______ 385