Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/542

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EXTRADITION TREATY—PAR.AGUAY. Maxon 26, 1913. 1759 on bag or in custody, gu a criimie libertad provisgriafehbajo iianzfin, 0 0 c mmitte in e por un cmnen 'to cometi 0 cdnmtrgncwherg he has sought en el pais en que sehallarefugiado asylum, or shall have been con- 6 condenado 6 causa de crimen ti victed thereof, his extradition del1to, Eodré. ser difenda su may be deferred until such pro- entrega asta la termmac16n del ceedipgs be determined, and y hasta que sea questo en hesh have been set at hbertym bertad con arreglo 6. la ey. due course of law. anrwnn VII. anricuno VII If a fugitive criminal claimed Si un reo Frdfugo reclamado ,,,§ °" "’ by one of the parties hereto, shall par una de las _ artes Contratautes be also claimed by one or more 0 iiilllblép. por uno mas powers pursuant to treaty pro- gobiemos, en yutud de est1pula— visions, on account of crimes com- cnones contemdag en Tratados, mitted within their jnmsdiction, gn dehtos eometidos en su ]unssuch criminal shall be delivered to OCI6]1, dxcho reo sera cutregado that State whose demand is first al Estado cuya; demanda de exreceived. tradicién se reciba primero. anrronn VIH. aarfcum VIII Under the stipulations of this En virtud de las gstipulaciones ,,,,1j§,§“{§‘d,u°$,“}"§’; Convention, neither of the Con- de este Tratado, nmgima de las ¤w¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤- tracting Parties shall be bound Partes Oontratantesestaobhgada _ todeliverupiteovvncitixens. 6. entregar 6; sus propms crudedance. axrncm IX. mricum IX The expense of arrest, deten— Los gastos ocasionados por el E"’°"‘°" tion, examination and transports.- arresto, detencion, examen y trastion of the accused shall be paid lacién de l0s_ acusados, seran 6 by the Government which has cargo del Gobnemo que sohcita la 5-lreferred the demand for extra- 6Xhl‘8dl016I1. 'ti . ‘ on Anrrcnn X Anrrouno X E hjn f d in the Todos los objetos encontrados £¤>¤¤** °' °*"·f°*°• sgssihrhi t1;§ ve crim an poder detl)re)1tl:1<;1iiof this Contrticltllilig Partiesé al tgnpose la gntrega, giglfusre e v u ' ersona sie. memargose e- the tim? of Isuv?·ender.P Never- bidamente respetados los derechos theless, the rights of a third party de_ terceros respecto de estos with regard to the articles afore- objetos. said, shall be duly respected. _ aarxcm XI aarrcrmo XI The stipulations of this Con- Las estipulapiones de este "°”*“"°“°°‘°“· ° vention shall be applicable to all tad_0 seran aphcables a todo temterritory wherever situated, be- tono situado en cualquier parte longing to either of the Contract- que fuese, que pertenezca 6. ima