Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/553

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1770 ARBITRATION AGREEMENT-ITALY. Mar 28, 1913. ‘ Anrrcnn I. Anrrcow I. °°¤'°¤“*;'g °‘ ***8 The Convention of Arbitra· La Convenzione d’ ummm mm tion of March 28, 1908, between del 28 Marzo 1908,_fra il Gothe Government of the United verno degli Stat1Umt1 d’Amer1ca States of America and the Gov- ed il Govemo di Sua Maesta 11 ernment of His the Re d’Italia, la durata della Dgfiale Kingh of Italy, the duration of a termini dell' Articolo d1 v¤a.:s¤ whic by Article HI thereof was essa, era stata fissata ad un pefixed at a period of five years riodo di cinque anm dalla data from the date of the exchange of delle scambio delle ratniiche della. ratiiications of said Convention, detta Convenzione 11 quale pewhich period will terminate on riodo terminera 22 Gennaio January 22, 1914, is hereby ex- 1914, viene col presente atto ter}ded and contiéiued force for rinnovata e mantenutgd a urther perio o ve years vigore per un nuovo peri o from January 22, 1914. cinque anm,° a datare dal 22 Gennaio 1914. Airrwm H. Aar1c0Lo H. ¤=¢¤¤¢•¤* ¤*¤· The resent t shall Ilhpresente aecordo sara rati- °“°°°` beratiigdby the `dentof the iieato. dal Presidente degli Stati United States of America, by and Uniti d’A.merica., in base al parere withtheadvice andconsentof ecoloonsensodelSenatodegli the Senate thereof, and by the Stati Uniti, e dal Governo di Sua Government of His Majesty the Maestail Re d’ItaIiain conform- Kiwf Italy, in accordance with ita della sua Costituzione e delle its nstitution and laws, and it sue 1 ,6d.1V6I11i61‘A eifettivo alla shall become eifective upon the data oscambio delle ratiiiche, date of the exchange of ratiiica.- il quale avra. luogo a Washington, tions, which hall take place at al piu presto possible. Washington as soon as pomble. sxpaemu. Done in mam, in the Eng- Fatto in doppio, nelle lingue $$11 and I languages, at ilngleseeditaliana, aVV§mhington, ashmgq twen -e1gh’ ventotto Maggie, enoveday of y one thousyid nine centotredici. hundred and thirteen. [san.] Wruuu Jmmmes Burnt [san.] Cusam “““‘*°•“°“' °" And whereas the said Agreement has been dnl ratiied on both ch . v and parts, the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the thirteenth day of April, one thousand mne hundred ourteen· P¤·>¤¤·¤¤·¤¤¤» Now, therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the UD1l30d_ States of America, have caused the said Agreement to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereo may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this fifteenth day of A ril in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and) fourteen, [sam,.] and of the ndence of the United States of America the one hun and thirty-eighth. _ Woonnow WxLsoN By the President: W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State.