Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/571

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1788 COPYRIGHT CONVENTION-—PAN AMERICAN. Auousr 11, 1910. 6 pseud611.imo conocido esté_indi— considered the person whose cado en ella; en consecuencia, se name or well known nom-deadmitua por_los Tribunales de los plume IS indicated therein; condiversos paises signatarios, la sequently suit brought by such acc16n entablada por el autor 6 su author er his representative gepmsgnpgfnmtcgontra los falsiiica- againstimploulntmfgimmegr violaores rac res. tors, s e a mitt by the Courts of the Signatory States. T'"‘°'°°*""$"" Art. 6.°—·Los autores 6 sus 6th.—The authors or their causahabientes, nacionales, 6 ex- assigns, citizens or domiciled fortraugeros doinicihados, gozaran eigners, shall enjoy in the signaen los paises szmiatarios los dere- tory conmtries the rights that the chos dque las eyes reslpectgas rtgspectivehlaws accorglfl witgiout acuer en, sm que esos ere os t being' 1; puedan exceder el término de exiizgad ngiesterm of gdvtgctioii . P proteccién acordado en el pais de granted in the country of origin. ,,,]L',,‘f{,§,§ *“"°" *“ las obras cempuestas de For works comprising several varies volfxmenes que no se pub- volumes that are not published hquen juntameute, del nnsmo simultaneously, aswell asfor bulmedo que para ·10S;b0l:6l31I1&_ 6 letms, or parts, or perimiical

 6 puhilicaciongih  publiqatipngiu the term of the

, piezo e ropi co- co Krigh cemm to menzara contarsg, resépecto de wip respect to each gdhime lbuullzcada volumen, bqletin — entrega letin,fpart, or periodical publica- 6 pubhicacitgn lpprigdica, desgllp a tion, bplm the respective date of respec va ec e su pu ca- 1t·S pu 'cation. Determination of 0161]* - nm umm. Art. 7.°—S6 00IIS1d61‘8·l‘£ 7th.-—Th f rigin f _ Pu pais do origen de 1ma,obra,(e(l%(d a work will(l>g0cl1e1iimyed)tli)at of its su primers. publwacgmz en Amé- first publication in America, and ricaysi ellaseha verrficado simul- if 1t shall have appeared simultaneamenteen varies de los piaises taneously in sever of the s` a- s1?ta;·1$gSaqu1et10c1‘§ya leyoc jes el ttgry lpoitntries, thiat which lges rmm co epro cin. or theri f t t' . °,$‘}{;*;,“°:§,§{*““ mA:·t.°:.°—-La_ obraique noapbé wldrkowgiéghrglvag iidlt _ _ su ongen a pro 1 a origma copyr1gh' s all not hterana no sera susceptible de b titled to ht ` géiquirirla en sus reediciones pow sgqiilint editonsimpyng m Subnores. ug`¢:`fi°1°"°°° P"` _ Art. 9.°——Las traducciones li- 9th.—Authorised translations 2:)%:; (son pipstegidas como las shall g.ea8p1;>tect<3 in gm same _ ugma · Hvmu Tlglh wor . Llmlttdon d Lostnducwms 516 Obrgg mgm; • 'himslaters of works o0¤cemalas cuales no existeo sehubiere mg which no right of guaranteed ·;¤§dix;§¤ugo el_ derschloo de pgp- g:·opertK;axii_ts,o1ritll1eguaran1;;eed arantizad 0 tenor, respecto de, sus traduc- been extinguisliedc mldlyéyobthixli Am, p· lm piiones, los derechos de propiedad for their translations the hts of eclarados en_el art. 3.f, mas no property set forth in Arggle 3rd —podran la publ1cac16n de ut they shall not prevent the gag? traducciones de la misma pplzgication of oliiher translations N rm m · o esamewor. or °lisl°°p°¤ $2..,, Art. 10.°—Pued blic 10t,]1_—A asses · msgs °”°·P°‘i)°$°°·ddr en la (prensa periédizlai, necaelgj delivered oriigad beihlidhxieiliiberadad e autorizacion alguna, los five assemblies, Courts of Justice, discursos pronunciados 6 leidos or at public meeting, may be en asambleas dehberantes, ante printed in the daily press without los trxbnmales do justicia 6 en_las the necessity of an authorisation, reuniones publicas, sm perjuicio with due regard iiowever, to the