Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/626

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TREATY—-NORWAY—PEACE. JUNE. 24, 1914. 1843 Treaty between the United States and Norway for the advancement of Im it 191,4- general ggeace. Signed at Washington, June 24, 1914; ratiyication advised y the Senate, A t 13, 1914; ratified by the President, October 14, 1914; rati1‘ied1Z;L$Norwa , September 18, 1914; rat·zyieations exchanged at Washington, October 2 , 1914; proclaimed, October 22, 1914. BY Tun Pnnsminnwr or Tun Umrmn Smvms or Amnmoa. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, a Treaty between the United States of America and mf*¤¤·¤¤ 1»•¤•» NM- Norway looking to the advancement of the cause of general peace was rihambne. concluded and signed by their respective Pleni tentiaries at Washington on the twenty-fourth dag; 0 June, one tliignnsand nine hundred and fourteen, the original of w `ch Treaty, being in the English and Norwegian languages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United P1‘$ld6Db6BfoTAm61'llI8S Fore- °°¤*¤¤**¤¤P¤*¤¤· Stateshof Ameri<;aNand HisbMaj— riede Stater Nog Helps Majestmt esty the' 0 orway, eing ongen av orge a.r `aelet desirous to strengthen the bonds av onsket om at styrke of amity that bind them together stator bestsaendo venand also to advance the cause of s baand og samti at general peace, have resolved to fremme freden i almind het, enter into a treaty for that pur- besluttet i dette oiemed at avpose, and to that end have ap- slutte en traktat o har i den pointed as their plenipotentm- utnsevnt tésine befuldnes: maegtng e: The President of the United iPl`@idBI1l$GD.foTAm61’lk8SFOI9• P'¤¤¤l>¤¢¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤- States, William Jennings Bryan nede Stater, William Jennings Secretary of State of the United Bryan, de Forenede Staters stats- States; and sekzretser; pig} · His Ma'est the King of Nor- Hans jestset Kongen av wa , H. li? , Envoy Extra- Norge, H. H. Bryn, N orges overordsinary and rhllinister Plenipo- ordenthee Utsending og? befuldtentiary of Norway to the United mzegtngede Ministeri de orenede States; _ Staten Who, after having commum- Hvillge efter athameddelt hincated to each other their respep- anden snne respektive fuldmagter, tive full powers, found to be m som fandtes at were i behorig pro r form, have aigreed upon form, er lgommet overens om to - apdpdoncluded the fo owing artn- gende artnklerz c es: Ansrncnn I. Anrrxm. I. The Hng' h Contract' Parties De hiije kontraherende parter ’§§“‘fg we; 2},* agree that all disputybetween er enige om, at alle st1idigheter§i¢:¤¤¤¤¤a1i0¤¤inumi; t em of every nature whatsoever mellem dem,liki§{yldig av hvnlken ° ' shall, when di lomatic methods art, som det e er lyklges at of ad'ustment have failed, be re- bibegge ad diplomatisk ven, skal ferreci for investigationand report fore mgges en permanent nnterto a Permanent International nationa kommnssnon td under-