Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1232

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X IN DEX. Amy-continued. Pm- A¤·my—43<>mi¤¤¤d- _ P°¤°· appropriation for Quartermaster Corps; appropriation for Engineer school, Wash- Capt. Sam Van Leer, dimllowance m mgjton, D. C.: resmcnon ... 641 accounts removed . . for eqb1;1pm<=i11t of érloopsgd .. gg ststi tc- ... · .. m o rcyc es au or1z . . pringilxgyixge of ice machines, lsun- 631 ior sgrvices of civilgms. Z . dri etc .. . .. or ngmeer opera 1ons m _ o e tent eziiipments, etc., additional 632 for contingencies in the Philippines 641 for incidental expenses ... . . 632 transfer of Puuloa. Reservation to Nuyy 642 extuvduty pay; rates, etc . . . 632 subsistence For diem outside of D1s- allowance to disciplinary barracks trict of Co umbia ... 642 guard . . ... (S35 for Ordnmce Department, current ex- 642 h ditures . . 63 pauses ..-. for prt?;ion . 63; for ammuigition for small arms, otc .. land grant roms ., - .. 63 amount or purchases

y tp excepted roads , . .   appliancesii etc., for manufacturing 642

d anim;] wagons etc ,,.. ammum OD . - vessels, tmngport sgrwjice, etc .. . - 634 noncompetitive purchases: ... 643 extra. psy, in lieu of subsistence, em- for stnzgll arms target practice; =unmu· _ mfloycies on harbor  ; . ci 634 nguon, ma.rksmen’s medals, prizes, 643 transports ‘ e ’ an e c ... ‘?C0gk" authorized ,.,,,,.. 634 issue to institutions, etc . 643 for water and sewers at military posts. . . 634 amount for purchases 643 preiximtion of camp sites, etc . t. . . 634 for manufacture, etc., of arms .. 643 for c gtping md camp and garrison 634 tools fo1' l1f3£fI.11’(-Béétil mpggg, ____ _ ,_,,,,,_,,..,,. . . . . noncom 1VB urc ases ingqemnity for destroyed clothing. . . 634 targets, etc., to Edo clubs, etc 643 accounting for quartermaster supplies, 6 5 for ;ig8.11'11lg and preserving ordnance 643 etc .,,.,..,.,,,... 3 res .. li sgrvi , and transportation for ordnance stores, etc . 643 mlgcmdmwcgg fund, ,.,., . .. 635 for Infantry, etc., equipments . 643 for horses; limit ,___,,,,,,,.. . 6g $ouutéorbpurchases forbarmcksand usrters ... 6 GSM u 3 ..·.. N ation;} Gugregin service ,,,. . .. 636 for annual riiie contests, trophy, medals, Fort Sam Houston, Tex . 636 etc . _ ... : . . 643 temporary shelter, Canal Zone 636 for purchase, etc., of automatic machine commutation restricted; civ·i.lis.n em- rifles .. 644 ployses ,_,,,, , ,,,,,.,,,,,.,,. 636 National Guard .. 644 removin buildings from Schofield for armored motor cars . . 644 f Bsrmcis, Hawaii . . . 636 for Igel;irdArt1llery material for National 644 orro mug' dsmngestoforts etc., m u . . .. (girl! hurricane . .. 636 amount for purchases 644 for post exchanges . 636 for reserve ammunition for Field Artilfor roads, walks, whsrves, and drainage lery Nfatiousl guard ... 644 at posts, etc . . 637 amount or urc sees . . . . 644 Pregngio 0fSa.n Francisco, Cal.; Palace 6 tools. etc., t§>r6m;:inuisct}xre by private 0 ine rts on, suc 3* parties o e ery ammunifor roads, brid es, and mails in Alaska. . 636 tion .. . 644 for shelter in gis Philippines ... 638 noncompetitive purchases 644 for post hospitals, construction, repairs, 6 8 per diana subsiséenco to 644 etc ... 3 pay c er may e commission for <%1a.rters for hospital stewards . . . 638 lieutenant. ... 644 for s ooting galleries and ranges . . . . 638 for replacing bridge, Republican River, for Vancouver Bks., Wash., target range. 638 Fort R' ey, Kaus .. 644 gm- gmt Bxliss, gefi., target range. ... 239 exclusive fcontigl of transportatioi; or rmy 'ar Jo ege .. 39 systems or m' itary uses in time 0 for rent of building; District of Columbia. 639 war- . . ... 645 for payment of mage claims, target for N atzional Guard expenses; arming, practice, etcgsettlement by Auditor equipping training, etc .. . . 645 01* War Department ... 639 for Purchase oi horses .,,... 645 for Meehqal Department; supplies, etc- .. 639 for orage, etc <.,.., 645 mosqmto destruction, Canal Zone. . . . 639 for enlisted men for care of horses, etc. - 645 mottor atrgnbuknces . . for participating in Army encampments, 645 can mc _ . . ... Z _ . ‘ etc.; ay, etc . pregznting sigead of epidemics .. m for attenging instruction camps; pay, 645 em y€%1€ ··-· -·-·-- ····· -·-- ··· €t»C... .. .. . ... transportation, etc., supplies .. 640 for transporting Regulars to National temporary hospitals . . ... 640 G 6 · stru do . .. 645 limit of age, first sp intments ... 640 redngaerd gies iiinynlfgglgrseu by comforh3}t$1C‘$Z'€,CBD3i)T)ZOHB .., 640 mgngayriglg _____ __________________ f¤rM ml Biuseum; lrbrpry . . 640 for officers and enlisted men attending fw <§;§g0§!(;?;;6 F¤l1Pm<> wd PWM 640 flrvme schools, posts, etc.; psy, 646 _ ·-··--------···— · -···- owances, ete ..,. fo1·Eng·meerDepnrtment;erxpenaes, etc., for officers assigned to Militia. Bureau; ¤f ¢¤p<>¤¤- .-.·-·.. · --. 641 pay ms ummm. ,. . . . 646