Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1293

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mrmx. lxxi Flew Artillery, National Guard, 1’¤¤— — Pint¤· Gcnaal, has-I appropnatmn for manufacture al, for inns. 644 approprration for, clerk, superintmdamount for purchases 644 ents of d . : . , 106, 1109 for reserve ammumuon for . 644 for drvrsron of Post _ Borneo ..,. 105, 1109 amount for purchases. .. ; - . . Z 644 for drvrsion of sppomtmenh . 106, II09 for toolsjor manufacture of, by gnvate for dgvrsion of end let¤ers...; ... 106, 1109 pames I ... : ... 644 for chvrsxon o e ... 106, 1109 _ competition requirement modified 644 for postal servnce _ er . 413, 1060 Fuld Carman, ac., Army, forpostmastexs, amstantn, club, etc. 413, 10N appropriation for purchase, manufacture, for rent, Siht, and fuel; lease; limit. . 417, 1063 etc., of .. 346,910 for mzsc us, time and second clan . contracts authorized- ... 346, 910 ~ 9fHce¤.: ... - . 417, 1063 for arnmunitionhior. 346, - fo: c\ty .·- ... 417, 126% tracts aut riz .. ‘ 4 psy carriers. ... . F l§orc;;]r;¤m1;nitii>gr(:h%prs1.;';tice .., 846, 911 Fiuiortzavzlglndlgaisgebnwu expemee. 418, N64 rk , an °

 ’ weight limitations of fourth clam matter

Fzplpmprgztion gon instrnicgion expenses. 621 appliatboge to: ... . . . . 162 · · · 1 l Y W V xo usslbl; §o1i1p1i1on y water forbidden; 733 _ _ article•..3. .é . gi . 1 62 tmn . . .. .. . . . . ., · 2, ~ ,» ug], { ,.,,,, ; . 733 _ appropriation for repaving yéth qphslt; - "

   Forest, Utah, · Pennsylvania Ay¤¤ue:¤>*_B·&¤es¤.=.~ 1014

approprmtmnformamtamnce, etc.,_of._ 468, 1147 _ Defrees to I Su•est...;.`.t ... a 1014 Filtration Plant, D. C. (see Water Servxce, First Street QW., D. C., _ _ M Y F_ D, Pm Oju appropriation foIAvI’3£;L1Dt§ with asphalt, 685 appropriation ior superin ent, etc;. 106, 1109 Fish, _ _- _ Financial Agents, Gounment, _ apprergilgion fur mvemgenngthe hands Federal 1;::1 banks, {gc., may be rising- 365 mm; 1;., oi, and uulmng by·pro2g3 1152 na as· secun . . . lhhanubl Conference, See;-r:?}ar;hA·;n;%v:rn, _ s¤;xrccg of food 403; 1152. ' 'tsti to Central Sou erica! . , . . _ mw (glvernments to attend, awt Wash- appopnstion for master and ington, D. 0 ..--·---·-.. 1052 ‘ whsriiuger; sutbcnty, etc ----·- 679. 1007 appmpriauou for expenses ..· 1052 for repairs, etc ...--·--- 1013 Fine Arts, Qmrgmvlmbn vf, 1 _ for hghtmg- - .--·»·.- · ----···-···---·- 1013 approprmtion for --·-··- ~ E6 29 Fghg-ur Qureau, Departmvrgl of C'0mm¤\2, ‘“’“g“t§'f,;;,¥£v';$‘§,y "°’}- -?‘?‘}¥‘f . - .. ga °PP’°P;}“,;*;‘;“,{‘;’ °°““"‘“"‘°"°'· "°""’· 32., memorial to Jehu Eric¤¤>¤. ¤¤1>i¤¢¢ w ¤v- _ em- more l»w1¤e,`Pnbuot Islands .. 321 pI'OV8l of . . .. · . . 672 for °|ppl0yg$ gf, ]u·gg_ ____,, , , , , ____ , _ 32] plans, etc., of ueW_Aq\1edllCt BHGQS, D· G., for dmtpbuupn employeu . . 321 , . tg E6 Wbmitfg 163 for statxon employees . .. gg to I1 0 1 gg] ggrvr . . . m whe e¤i’§°V€d PY ··-··- ; -- ·; ···----- 1046 gontingentizpenses .. . 323 Fire Controffirwlallattww, Fof¢1ji¢¤1¢w’M, fg! propagation. . . . 1. .. 323 apfprnprxatiqn for c0¤stl’ll§U0¤, 0143 ---·-- gg, 303 rggmcwd States with INI! prvfnctor qpemtrpg, seaacoaat §f$¤S€B. · · · in , ing Bghqea, etc. - . T . ... _ 3 323 for operahnghseeecosst e GDBSB, 1111111 349 912 hg§“ of Bslnng mqtmed 323 for construction, ew., insular poses gc, mgnwnmm or vgggls ,..,.,.,,, 323 D sm. ,... 5. .é ... 349, 913 gm- or iing me . . ... g Fire partmenl, . . _ or sta _ mqrury ---···- _ -···-·-—-~-· apprfnpriatiun for chlef Gugmwr, deputy. for fisherlw ··----- ;·· 323 ,,.°,"1.,,°‘i$°· °*‘ ·················‘··‘ $3% }&°§? ‘°’ ’f{..:,“*""m..,..,.· “}:$:‘2.?'¥.$.°za "°“&“”‘ 323 f aneous , , vas G . - - Ogppmgtus for, may be coustrucwd, fg; payments to Great Britain and Japan, om, in repair shop .. . . 701, 1029 undorturssnl convention ... -.. 394 {0; contingent expensces -- for {mw distribution carts ... gg { pamtus, e .-·-----···---- {or obster resring plan ...---.·.-----· ig; $1;: grad allowances, ctc. , --·-- 1028 for marine biological sution, Key West, {mg trgpgportation on lt1'6€l$ IBJIWIYG to Fla - .. - . Z 324 mombers of, on duty ...·· · -·-·- 683 for two motor launches, Alaska $7108. . 324 pension allowancesfur dmlbléd, 00¢·, ¤1¢!¤· for repairs, etc., Pribxlof Islands 324 bm, . --·------- gg for supply, Duluth, 324 oing enc servxce '¤11’9d_ ..-·----- Z- - · mn., n . ... Fire·Resil:1%nq}(:ZM¢li€€¢¤ 0.?%uiPd'*”9 ”¤“""'L’¤ for brooding basin, Gloucester, 324 appmpriauon for mvssugaiing --·····-- 1141 11-15 for déagagesjo by Firearms, etc., 085811. € -3 s · tax g its by manufacturers etc . z. ...·--- , -·------ 232 acm gmmogylgoglf ,_.. - ... 781 deticienfygopnaticu for munteuance 25 p· Maz ueume, Smmqdiezrm of 0, V —·····-·~--·-···--·-·- - ·· tgP'°’*.i,L$°,§§,';if,Z¥ .‘i‘?f‘T¥’f¥‘T?f‘i‘?1 $*1 1 fi PY as fif. n.,““°°““°§ ¤..¤..i2‘."°“”“’..,.vic;,: 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; : 3 1 .”· $$3