Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1307

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INDEX. lxxxv

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on or expenses, o r s. mn ono: etc; 0- _ Soldiers’ Home 295 Pp Piield Barracks ... I .. 285 deicwuc? _ appropriation for Volunteer for accommodations for soaccut artillery So d1gr5’ Home .,,_,.,. 812 in ,,_,,,,,,,___.,...,,.,, , , 286 Hangm, Idaho, _ _ for e of district judges, outside of budge authenqgd gem; Smke River, near 59 get;] r5idq—mce ,.,..._...,...,..., 314 Harbor Beach, Mwh., for fortihcaticns, etc . 348, 912 appropriation for 1{nprovemem of harbor of for sgagrant bawayiaa __________________ gm refuge; repairs in breakwuwr, etc". 400 for preservation, repair, etc., torpedo Hafbdf Ccmmissitwzcfs, Hawaii, ________ _ ____________ 34g,y]2 legislative awt amending Revised Laws of for land dafemg, atc __________________ 348 Hawaii, relating w, confirmed .. 89 . for locating strategic roads, land de- Harbot Igland, Tex., {emu . 912 prehmmary examination, etc., of channel ~ for electric plants, etc., seacoast forti£· to Rockport to be made ,,,,,.. 408 cgtking .,,.,_., . ...,.,...,,.. 348, 912 Q Harbor Pqtrql, D. C., . for seuwails and embankment . 912 appropriation forpxpemes 701, 1028 for automobile, fortifications. . ... 348, 912 Harbors (ue also Rwer and Harbor Improve- foraimhipa, etc., seaccast defenses., 912 ugengz), _ for mail equi enin for .. 422, 1068 approprumon for searchhghts, etc., for for Weather expense in 448, 1136 defense of ... 345, 910 for agricultural experiment swdam ‘ for improvement of 391 in `. . 471, 1.160 Harbors, Canals, and Channels; for agricultural extension work .. 471, 1160 plans to be submitted for ampmvizng, for fol"hl?l·POW8f radio staticnin . . 607 Beet defemge of coasts ,-. 618 ant of agmlatum amending hmchiea of ` extension oi exmtuig pijoiects . . 618 Island Electric Oompauy (Limited), cost of, for completion m Evo YGLIU . 618 ratified ,... . .,.. . . 67 Harlan, Iowa, — ‘ · bills of lading; restriction againstimuing, in condemned cannon granted to Grand · neu; not applicable to shipnnentsto. 839 Army East 832 nor requirement for marking "dupli- Harlem River, . YZ, pate" thereon . . 539 appropriation for improvement of 392 franchise of Hawaiian Electric Company Harney Natakmal Forest, S. Dub., · modiied, etc .. 229 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 458, 1147 Kauai County, for electric light md. Harris, Q'. D., Paymaster, U. S. Navy, power 246 credit m accounts 582 to H¢m0lu1uGas•§ompany, 231 Ha-rnlsburg, Pa., _ _ _ for mauufactunrii gu, South o, appropriation for public bmldmg, mnt 265 g¤mtqd John . aku . ... 524 Han-iwnvillel Mo., _ _ Hawaii National Park established on isa propriatxou for public bmlding ..., 265 lands of Hawaii and Maui .. . . - . 432 "Hpany A. Benaind, ’ Smmcr, legislative act amending Revised Lawn of, name oi, changed to "Harvey H. Brown". 1199 resisting to powers of harbor com- "Ha1-ry W. Cmft," Smrmzr, mngamuem, etc., confirmed . 39 mma of “Fred G. Hartwell " changed tn. . 1199 ccnfemqg power of public utilities com- Hargford, Conn., _ _ mimwu to reguntc franchises, etc., appro riatiou for public budding -·-· 266 _ c0qE;r{¤ed ... _ _. . 38 Ham, Lal. William W, public utilities companies, to pay fnnchmq credit in accounts 809 tugq to cmmties. . : ... 232 "Ha1~vey H. B1-m4m," Sumner, Puuloa Mxlmry Reservation, Onhu, mumname of "Harry A. Bcrwxnd " changed to- . 1199 feyred to the Navy. .. : ... _. 642 Haskell Institute, Lawrqzce, Kam., street railway frmchuc, South Hilo, modiappropriation for Indum school ...- . 133. 977 __ fied ... 438 Hastings, Mabh., Hcw¢m,_I:land of, __ _ appropriation for public building 265 establishment of Hnwau National Park ou- 432 Havre dc Grace, Md.,_ _ Hawaii National Park, preliminary ¤x¤mm¤¤¤¤, vw-. vi h=¤b<>*» established on islands of Hawaii ma Maui. 432 tobemadeu .. - .-·-·--·-- 407 degcri;§i;•n..._ 432 Havre, Mm., _ _ existing d chums, em., not mama as lands sold for reservoir ]{¤1'Q09€§ $0, 1¤_=§b8¤· administration; leases, etc . .. 434 doued you Asmumbome Mihwy limit im expenses 434 B§¤61'V8¤0¤ ·--· · ··-·······- · ····· E Hawaiian Electric Company (Limited), 1’€_Y6H'¤10¤ fo1' !10¤¤B9¥'· -···-··-— · ········ franchise of, extended _..,.,..,...,... 229 Hawaii. _ _ , subject topublic utilities cammimiou, as to appropnstxou for salanw, ¢’¢¢·. 8°V¢!’¤m€;¤& 1108 mm, gxt€ug[¤pg' etc _______________ 230 ,m ···-·· :···: ··‘·‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '‘‘’` “Hayden NationulPark,Wo.andColo. 2;; L‘:g¥?°· °“::;°  ; fj: II: appropriation for maintgnance, etc., inf. 458, 1147 {0, l€§,mgm“v°e €,,§,,,IE,,,.,, _,,,,,,,.. - iis 1}% H¤yw¤rd;egf;>;:·1m¢r¤d¢r Gwrw M, Ui 8- N•¤·v· for 'udges, etc., istrict court ... : , . · . . _ for {guar, ew., of ampwmked mmm w be csptaqn on wuyelvgr, plane-.-, -.·-· 606 B€3m€niu__ ________ _ __________ 262,1058 ex.smmst1o¤?m¢hx::cd,wbeuId1¤¤n3l 603 for xuammine syuwm expenw; IGPNFY ““¤Eb°'· °° k P°y’ °t“° ‘‘’‘’'‘‘'` M m‘i.?‘;§0°;.};;.;;,.,.,(,..r<>». ···‘‘‘‘ 1;.;a;.;,;g;a+; M ”‘i"“‘$'..",,,’ -”"’·* fw ha. ..:1..,.,; ia wl of _________ _ _______ _ ______,_,__,,,, 279 dggciemzy appmpristion for Indian school. 31