Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1314

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Xcii INDEX. I at' A t 1917-C t' ued. P¤8¤· Immigration Commissioners, _ P°8°·

 (&;].iBt1'iCt cgnlirtlg procedure. . . 893 dutxqs to be prescnbed by rsgulamons  893

mmgses mm·gct€d_ _______________ , 394 appomtrnent and status of, unchanged. . . 893 gmcmomygrap n ti il disposal f I m` timz International Cem crenceon ' 1: sta rn es· 0 m a , , receipts..?g ... 894 augzxripy of President to cali etc 894 sale of intoxicants at, forb1ddeu 894 Immzgrqmqn Magrom, _ _ _ jurisdiction of local courts to preserve 894 ncgouatqons gghegmddfoégemdmg, on 1m- 882 peac,etc,. , _ . rnngran gps; u s .. . ..._ punishmeng for aiding, etc., admimwn of 894 Immzgratzgntiof i·1lwan§ pauses, t_ 325 IIISCS. , tc . ... approprm 0u_ or ex egula advoezgatg of destruction of property 894 for prcvenung qulawful entry of U311- international conference for regulating Bd- I1986; $1€P0m¤g, 6W --·-··-----·-~--- - - _ 325 mission of aliens may be called by for refunding head tax . 325 the President _____ _ ______,_,,___, , 894 purcggsia, etc., of motor and horse 325 ofagreem nt proposed ... ._ 894 _ ve lC cz _ . .: ... _ infscfgggtiou divisfou, Bureau of Imm1gra- dc6c1cncy appmpnatmn for expenses rogutiou to bs maintained; dunes, etc. . . 895 ymng . . . .. 26, 32, 33, 827 aggnb of States and Territories allowed at pyror purchases qllowed .---·-----·--- 26 immigaut stations; purposes, etc. . . 895 f9l' lmmlgfallt 8t·¤·§1QDS· · -·--- · · · -_ --·-·-· 821 subject to immigration rules, etc ... 895 maintenance of prunleges at stapons by alien seamen; grovisionsrelatgng go .. 895 the Government to be abohshed. . . 325 penalty for ringing m, with intent to Imrrgcral Puqposes, _ _ `t illegal landing .._.,. 895 ghens goming for, exclucjed admmsum ..,. 876

represeuting, a. member of the 895 mporigxng ahiezgs forica felony   

crew ,,, - ..,., pumshmen or, e ... . ,.,_. mstricti I1 0 landing, if inadmissible. . . 895 Immunity, _ _ penalgy fol; violation; deportation, etc. 895 to witnemcs before Shxpping Board, eta. . - 737

 inulmimible, in port, uu- 8% Impggj1%ne;?§)i§>¢;tez;it..b&h . 737

awful .. . . · , - reshipmeut a.l10v¥ed .. 832 gbligned; bormdarieés. .’. . . - . - 226 srmstandretnmo1\1egaH' yhm 8 0 ce; oro I8C01‘S,B ., om an I0 cnt cm pasauger vessels of Los Angeles. . , 227 p?‘}.ly€;-:118 with designated diseases, un- 896 register and receiver to be appointed 227 ·-·--··-.·-···...-·-··.--~-. I P9D8·lty' fo!` Vi0l3ti0l'|B, QU?- · - .··.. 896 ";;r()hj_bitjgn guthqyizgd of article; f]·0m f€!¤iS¤10{1 9f fine -··-·- _ ··-·---·——-·~- 896 country refusix admimion of simivesels amving from foreign forts to de- 1,,]-, from Uni gum ____________ 799 liver Mme <>f ¤1i¢¤ cmp ·>y•=¤¤ ·-··- 896 restriction, ew., On, from country whose I!a·m€9» 9*% of illegally l¤¤d6d ····-·· _ 896 laws exclude articles from United . hst of de UYBB 1’9q\Q1f9d ...·.·-. . . . . 897 Smfgg cou fg hw of ¤gfj0Dg_ _ _ 799 trary _ Penalty °¤‘ ¤°¤¢°mPl¤¤¢¤, W! -··· · · · 897 selling, below market price unlawful, 1f construction of "Fcr¤o¤ ’ .. - . 897 dom tp mmm my therefor, in principals liable or acts of officers, agents, 897 United gum _____________________ 793 etc ... · · in ¤5<>¤*M%lL1»1917 , s vv "‘Z{,"?0';,2Z’t§O‘;{ {Qi §,T‘“""‘*;,,{,?fl'Q,,,,,,,,,,,_ 874 “’p°*¥l P"°'m°“’i °x°°p*‘!°“*’·: ···· _ ···· : · 897 Eu pub;:' order, etc., Dis-

egxcluuon not xmpmred, Ph1l1p· 897 uid 9f C0 umbia ______   _____ v _______ 8 gg

v¤¤¤·=¤g¤·i?=¢ ia<>¤·&·¤¤·¤d ·--- . -·--·---- - 897 "‘$3,".§§323t‘f.??.““ ?5..‘}T’T‘?f’{’.?T’C 899 vmedms p'°°°°u°°““· eww cmmnugd ···· 897 for public convenience stations, ctc 899 I'”'"‘g'“t'?”.B“""“· D‘7’“"¥""”t of Lab"? use of reservations streets etc. for stands appmprumou for Commxssioner General, decomtionsfetc mhhorfzed ______ gg] agistauh c1€TkS* etc '‘‘* * •*’•···· 117v 1118 supgrvigioxr rgxnovgfof gtmcturgg gt,c_ _ 902 for Dwision of information 117, 1118 Overhead permitted for ilhimina, for b&1il_<;_ings, etc., Ellis Island station, 2 mn ctc 902 · .•···-·-·-—--'-.··_··--I-·-_..-- I ":•"•"•··•·•••;··••••-•··

  • ¤* i·¤m%z¤¤¤¤ sxwm -·--- . - -·---—--- .· 325 ;0;'Z.€°E¥ §`ag’°§`f"L?{L'Tf“‘}3§’§°.;;0’,‘?.T‘t,`*“0¤B°d_ Q Q Q j Q jj gg

for °P°°I“‘l °”‘mm°"• °t°·# m ““t'm`“h` tents, etc., to care for sick, etc .. 903 lation cue, ''‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘•‘‘· 326 telegraph com `es in extend ¤dd1`t;g:?l s3l10yva.uces_ to clerks of 0vG,.h _ _____ · _ _ gm co orcencalssmstancsmnatu- E ````' nlization cases . ...,,,..,,__,__ 326 me 0 °° ° . . R°r°‘rY q mg ma d ,d*e¤¤~¤¤¢~4¤¤¤· 19*6 ----·-·-·-.-- 326 ,,w,,,,,,,d§,(,°,§,“;’¤.';';,,,,__,"“°‘°"’“'““*’ ············· Plgfyggzgzgg gg appro;;1gi:.ti0¤s foglkglaries not availabggo 1121 OHDS OD Vision ln, mmnhemnce, Pelmxn ···········•‘· ‘ ‘ ’ d ties tc ..._.,,,,,,_,___________ 395 Income Tax, _ Imm4ym¢{;n,_ Gemml gf, appropriation for expenses of asseming and appmpmnoufcr, assrstant, clerks, eu:. . 117,1118 collecting---, . Z -·-·- 86, 1090 general duty and gutho;-ity uf, ,,,________ 392 for deputy commxsswuer, clerks, etc., 0¤ to rules for entry of aliens on Ca- returns of ·.. . ...· 82, 1087 nsdmn and Mexican fgontier- Z - 892 Irwcrme Taz, 1916, W detail officexp to secugs {ufmjmstmn as two per cent mx levied on net incomes of to ahem m penal mstnguuoms, etc. - 892 citizens 0: resideutm- .. 756 br servme"-: ... 892 of nonresident aliens, derived in United ¤¢Bc¤r¤ of blnc ealth Semcs 892 suse; ...,,.,.,,,__,,,,, 766