Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1323

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INDEX. gi Injurkr toGo·vcrmnmte1nployec•—(}ontinued, Pan. Ingmj ‘ mmg,g,5,,,,,‘ · ,,,,m , ( . pus, allowance for total disability; no ap n§x· expe¤sée*get.,. da .. . z.:} 69,1018 Government pay while receiving; Imam Zum, D. 0.. eee Saint Elisabeth: » pensions excepted . . ,,, 743 ‘ , 1)_ (3, _ . . . _ leavgepgrgbsence pay to be exhausted 743 Insane, D2 :, . f _ · _ , bflgms . . a pg-mus pemes . mediml attpndance, etc. , to be furnished. - 743 ppm nacy vgdtgl :5: .. 17104 1032 allowance death resulm; rates to beueli- 743 gg support of indigent -. 710; 1088. clan .. . ..,.,, d pqtjng 1*Mm* · __ felationslnip C0¤¤U’\16d .. 745 deficigsg O  ; ir guppgt T Img To persons on allowance to 745 I Pj,n&q¤t ...,, , .,,.,, ·., 303 modjiication of apportioninents I I l I I 745 appngriation for care o£..; . . . . . .. . .4 . 306 monthly pay construed Z 745 Imqm sae., _ _ £)¥;¤fL¤l11?:1¤;;<;’€ Ysgslvlilg, after msmage. I oben, exclu_ eglsdgmbon. . 4 . 875 cempuesuenpr montlrly psy oi e}n§>l6` Z 746 appropnh tion for éonéeriéusg .. 001, 1020 wag: capacntyafterpar¤ald1s— 746 Insect ¢|QI, 6D\¥¢Y1¢3¥tfN‘·.Pl071I mmm¤¢ieue¤3f1;};s;3££i§}.§yme¤¢s `'``` iiriéinieix 746 eppmpeseqe so gllrqulauomsll ‘ · gev. 0 Com U _ ·--·--- · -···-----·-·-· 81*01118. .-`-.. .. 4,.--;.. {74 N64 notice of, tolbe giuen by employee, etc.; 746 3;; addition otpeohibited an- ’ no p°p°tyEn°;mutL¤m&€`;; '‘'‘‘ , ZE"‘I‘§1;é;‘éi; 746 I; , _ .4;; ·····- -r--:···s··· . 1165 ce __,_,,,____________,,,,____ chéulpl tcfoge madetoCommhion; form, etc. I; of. ...·. Q . . . 474,, 1164 e rmahng ... · . or expenses,- .. --. 474 1 medical examination required; effect of Inaectioegeoua Birds, Egnrcey, 7 ° 164 refusal .. _. ._ _ .. 2 .. 7 47 appropriatim it enfarchng law protectby other physician m ease of disagree ing . . . 467, 1156 ment .-.·.-... 747 Insecta (see aL•o»Eut¤n1ology Bureau, DeI3rtfees allowed. .: .. 747 7 mentof Agrnculture), 1 report of, by Bl1@l;l0l‘0mCl3l ... 747 appropriatimrirstudy of, aiecting health ?§hnmentof<imbl vgd .. 747 o5vman,etcé(;;&3..-.-...,...-.·.. 466,1154 0 er party e r, or amaies vent to be essig-ned,_or action brought y receivers may dsiposit assets in adjacent employees .---».. . . 747 banks; no ; mtsrest .. 7. . . 122 no compensanon on refusal. . ... 747 Inspector (fnieral a Deperzmem, Army, _ appheatron of groceeds if assigned .. 747 appropriation for pay of omcers; longevrty. 626 if received y employee xrect- . 747 or expert accountant; mileage . . . . . 028 Emp1oyees’ Compensation Commission cre- deficiency appropriation for mileage, exated .. .- Q umpertagicounjanltf ... B'; Aa .. 45 `tion, a in en , erm, e co 'tution un er at.1enal` en t. 169

r?;8]oi·Hee. . . - .: .. ,  :. 748 Incpcccor Gergeralu Olga, War Depwtvnlgwrt,

employees, etc., adjusting claims in apegropriatron forc _ ks, etc . 90, 1096 Department of Labor transferred to. 748 ciency appropriation for clerks, etc., general authonty; ofljce force, etc ... 748 1917.. . . 809 espmams toupgomggmixtwd ..·... gg Imgtotors, Intenérr Department, 98, 1102 , tc., e .. . . 8 pnauon or .. . launneajreport to Congrem . .. . . . 749 EJ? per diem, etc . .. 99, 1103 appropriation authorized for ex uses . 749 Inmectora, Inurnalkevmus, or employe? compensat1$>:1E.§1£ .. 749 Impgwed ter 30 days 793 perman n a pay- o _ o•`kn,_ ` mgntzf .. _ ... 749 appropriation for; anstant inspectors at determination a award of claims by spec16ed_1ports ... 112, 1113 (jcmmiggon, .,,,...,., 749 authorized Agape, ... 942 review, etc., of awards . . .. 749 Inspectors of ]n1gf¤on, Indum Department, cancellation of mistakes -.- , I . . . 749 oppropnauop psy, etc . _ .--·» 124, 969 punishment for false statements un claims, 749 fo gtanllgeéi rrnlggon engineers gz, gg;

. ... · -------·· V -------·-----·-.-

const;-ggion of terms used ... 73) Imtnmion CampaZ`¢gP1?Natib1m1 Guard, ingasnstergztlcg ... authorized to conducted by Army 207 me ..•.-·•-•·.•· ••••••—-··•»••••·--·-··-. if Psmma liable employee to pay, etc., at rates for Army encampments, release, or amrgn rrgnt of action to plc .····-··-·- z ... 207 Unjfgi gums ___,_,, , ,... - 750 Intbuctwrt Clamps, Manu Corps, adminisumution of Act, by Panama Caml, 750 Inzpproprxatgsn forD . ... 014, 1190 an - -·----·· _ Gy 11 IG Injuries to Railroad Employees, _ _ Ssrvgoz, , Hngljty of judgments, eee., of circuit courts appropnauon for .. 253, 1048 of appeals m causes relating to . 727 Imtruczame bjdnools or Gum , Navy, ceruomnallowed from SupremoC0¤1‘¤for 727 gtpgiroptrgatrou Fog; . . . 589 ‘ , tc . . ... . . en · cemfi_ rank or ra on 1,.1.,,..; u$$’..`Z,$ (M wsesmys, r¤1¤¤1>. miepxeeeg course . sae