Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1332

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cx INDEX. Kama: River, _ _ P°K°- Kickapoo Reservation, Kam., P¤8¤· investigation of flood periods of, and tnbu- apgropuauon for Indian schoo1._ 133, 977 taries . 410 Kde cicncy apprognatnon for Indian school . 31 K 1 d Merrilat, . ic/capoo Indians, Isla., ` fixilgegrtigztion, etc., of claim as attorneys for 4 K:} pro,prga.t§`c;11 for support, etc., of ... 145, 982 rtain Indians 1 7 i Eng , . ., Kappler,cg'harle.s J, may bridge Saint Francis River, Parkin, appropriation for services compiling Indian Ark .. 947 Laws and Treaties ... 129 Kincznki, Kane., Kauai County, Hawaii, condemned cannon granted to ... 835 grant of franchise for electric plant in, ap- Bugs Creek, Ga., proved , ... 246 preliminary examination, etc., of, be be Kay and Noble Counties, Okla; ; made . . .-.-... 407 contribution by, required, in construction lGngwood, W Va., of blxéildgc across Salt Fork of Arka.n— 3 Kcondoumog cannonoirlznbed to. ._ . 841 sas `ver . 2 7 iowa, etc., ndians, ., Kellelt Bluf, Wash appropriation for agency expenses from appropriation for Establishing light and fog- tribal funds . . .. 145, 982 signal station at .. . 317 for support, etc., from tribal funds 145, 982 Kellogg, aptain Frank W, U. S. Navy, re- sale of certain townsite lands ceded by 445 tired, proceeds to Kiowa Agency Hospital fund, to be captain on active list; place. . . z 602 interest ... . ... 445 exammations r uired; to o additional KTrk.wille, M0., number; neoqback pay, etc . 603 appropriation for public building, rent 266 Kelly, From}, _ deficiency appropriation for public buildmay p§rfect hoéncitead entry in Glacier 342 ing .,.. - . 18 ational ar . ... Kisaimwwe River, Fla., Kelso Bayou, La., f be appropriation for improvement of . . . . 396 pre11mma.ry` examination, etc., 0 , to Kissinger, John R., K .. 408 Kapproprismion hg- monthly payments to 629 `. ». -» la Agency. Tea-. Kapprnpxifafmn furdpublic building. . . . 266 appmpiiatiou for support, em., of Indiauiig 986 enesaw cmonal ssocsazzcn o _,_,_... . , gift of (§exwsaw lggtlo ’riclcl,' Cobb County, 901 deiciepegrl appropriation for support, cbc., 829 a., accep . n 'ans at Kenesaw Mountain Baulejkld,_Ga., Klamath Indian Reservatakm, Oreg., accegnectauce of gift of, authorized .. 901 appropriation for Modoc Point irrigation · Kean;. · River, ew I gygmm ___,, _ ,,,______ , ,_,,,,,__ 150, 986 prehmmary oxamma.tion, abc., to be made for bridge across Williamson River, on. . . 150 of channel west of Swan Island 406 Klamath Indian.: Orcg., Parker Head Harbor and Channel. . 406 appropriation lor ex uses of two delegates Kennett, M0. from, to Wa$.ngton, D. C., m condgmugqi cq,n_u0¤F·3¤1;9d to , . . 837 tribal funds ,,,_, , _,,,_,,,.,_, , , _ _ 150 Kenyan Smeg, NWC, . Q., _ Klamath Irrigation Project, oreg.·CaZ., condsmnatum prcceedmz fur extending, appro riauon for maintenance, etc., HE of govextttoanth to cunt Pleasant Pbalance . . 305 trqe : . . ... - ··--· 688 Klamath Natwbnal Forest, Cal. appmprmmu for .. . .. 688 appro riation for maiutemuico, etc., of. 458,1147 KW , [QW}, _ _ _ K la·n·u1t;River Indian Resmration, Cal., appropriation for public building 266 proceeds from sale of lands may be used for Kternm 1;; CQV·I1I't at . . .. 13, 55 roads, trails, atc . . 976 cram, . a.,_ _ K lickitat County, Wash., budge authonqod across Tug Fork of Big granted lands on Yakima Reservation for D Sm}dXlR1v9r tg \Vuriie d, Ky_, from, 7 school uses .,,. , ,____,,,,..,_,____ 155 Kerr, mms ., K1wa:·m'lle, T ., doticioncgrappmpxiation for extra services. 822 appmp;-jggggl for ubljc building _____,,,_ 266 Kezpcenaw aterqzay Harbor of Refuge, Mich., Kootenai National Iporest, Mont., Kaldg pc ¤3V18;*·l2`¤¤y 9¤¤'3¤¢8 T0, 8¤¥¤h01'iZ€d- 537 Kapgropriatiou fozinaintenance, abc., of . 458, 1147 ey wcayne ., t w·` , ., KpatFe‘;;i;tg§c;l1;1i;wamp hmdg issued to Florida. . 995 K&?1; byllgigg gg} Lglgglkggg __,_,,,___ _ , _ _ 925 all _ _·, _ _ _ ua awa agazine erwaii, appropnqtmn for_ completing marine b10~ ap mpriatjon for magézine for explosives. . 569 _ logical Station. t .. 324 For public works . . ..., 570 ‘ pmhmiing cxammauon, atc., to be made Kyle and Young Canal, Fla., of _0I’l2llW|3S1$ Channel, to Gulf of acceptance of, on Oklawaha. River; BXt€¤- MBXJCO · - - t .. 407 sion, etc .,., . . 396 uarbor, to romovo middle ground .. 408 , K`eyp01‘t Harbjor, N. _J, L_ appropriatmxi for improvement of - . . . 373 [,6 Crosse, W,;8__ Keypad, Waqh., _ deficiency appropriation for public bui1d— spp;-gpmatimn for mr?`g3zme for wg; hggdg, ing_, ,,,.. . ..,.,,_,,.,.,..,,._. S24 Pagitic Coast orpado Smtionat 569 La Junta, N. H., for Pacific Coast Torpedo Station, public deficiency appropriation for public buildworks . . .. 1179 mg _,_,,,,_,,,,,,,,_ _ ___,,,,,__,,,, 18